The evolution of slime

Chapter 147 No Choice

Chapter 147 No Choice
In the Kingdom of Gears, it is always raining lightly, even for the 40.00% of the land where the monsters are stocked. However, in a cave on a cliff, there is a scene that has never happened in the Kingdom of Gears.

The two mechanical species sat side by side at the entrance of the cave, sitting in the middle of the cliff and watching the gradually setting sun, but compared with the setting sun outside, the sun in the country of gears seems to be too red, but it seems to be quite beautiful.

This is the last day of Fangte's rest period after being promoted to S rank. After today, Fangte will return to the team. As Fangte's adjutant, Hugh will likewise have to carry out more dangerous missions with Fangte.

"Fante, Shuby, why are you sitting here?" Shuby looked away from the distant sunset, turned her head and looked at Fangte cutely.

"Emmmm, I think the sunset in the country of gears is very beautiful, and I want you to see it too." Fang Te replied after thinking about it.

"Looks good? Hubby, I don't know." Hubby shook his calf.

"Don't like it?"

Hubby shook his head, and said slowly: "Fante likes it, Hubby likes it too."

Shubi looked seriously at Fangte's eyes, the azure blue pupils were full of sincerity, without any complicated colors, just as pure as the pupils of a baby.

More than 90 years ago, Cike did not know how to organize himself and Shuby into the same team, and every time he and Shuby were always assigned together, this is no longer a coincidence that can be explained.

Although Fangte guessed that Cike was operating in secret, he didn't ask any more questions. He just thought that Cike would arrange "acquaintances" by his side because he was afraid that he would lose himself.

But after gradually getting in touch, Fang Te always has a sense of familiarity with Shubi, which may be the reason for being together all the time. Fante often thinks Shubi is an ordinary human girl.

And a month ago, Cike actually asked him to take Shubi to play. At this time, Fang Te was sure that the purpose of Cike's arrangement of Shubi by his side was not so simple, and even Shubi was in his plan. It can be said that it has played a huge role!
Fangte didn't know what Zick was going to do, but!Fangte has a feeling that he must ask clearly today!
"Will Fangte leave?"

Suddenly, just when Fangte was distracted, Hubby asked.

Ever since Hubie played in the cave, Hubie's expression and tone seemed to have feelings, as if he had broken through some kind of limitation, and was more like a human girl, but Fangte felt that this might be his own illusion.

"Why would Hubie ask that?" Fang Te touched her little head, and Hubby also grabbed his big palm and rubbed it into his palm, like a docile kitten.

"Shuby, I don't know, it's just that Shuby thinks so, Fangte is very special."

"There is no banquet that lasts forever. Maybe one day I will be assigned to another formation." Fang Te gently stroked her hair, a little bit avoiding her question.

"If one day...Fang Te leaves...can you take go together..." Shubi blinked, and there were a few traces of pleading in the watery pupils.

Fang Te was taken aback. He never thought that Shuby would say such a thing, and he never even thought that Shuby would ask himself any questions.

But on this day, in this month, everything happened. Perhaps from this moment on, Fante could no longer treat Shubi as an ordinary mechanical girl.

"Of course, as long as Hubby wants to go with me, then we will go together."

"Okay, Fangte, you can't go back on your word."

"Well, I don't regret it."

In a small repair shop in the East [-]th District, there is a machine similar to a computer on Earth, with data and codes constantly flying across the screen.

There was only a middle-aged man and a young red-haired woman in the workshop. The woman stood beside him without saying a word, while the man was sitting in front of the computer, tapping his fingers on the keyboard.

The sound of mechanical keyboard tapping kept echoing in the room. Finally, half an hour later, the middle-aged man stopped typing on the keyboard.

"Hongji, when did Fangte say they will come back?" Cike didn't turn his head, but looked at a series of inexplicable data in the computer.

"Master, Fangte sent a message 3 minutes ago. They are already in the East 25 area, and they will be there in another hour and a half."

Hong Ji said softly that since she was created by this man, she has been by his side for thousands of years.

"One and a half hours? I have been in this country of gears for thousands of years, and that boy Fangte has been here for more than 90 years. In the end, has the countdown counted down for an hour and a half?"

Dr. Zick raised his head, lay on his back on the table and sighed.

"Fante once said that he came to the Kingdom of Gears for his own woman. How deep do you think his love for his wife is?"

"Hongji, I don't know."

"Of course you don't know, what do you mechanical species know about creatures like us?"

Cike smiled slightly, took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, took a deep breath, and exhaled a white smoke ring.

"Fante wants to know my purpose. I can understand that. In fact, it's very uncomfortable for me to keep it in my heart. After all, you can't talk to me. Why don't I want to tell him my plan."

Dr. Cike seemed to be talking to himself, without expecting any response from Hong Ji, and continued.

"But, every time I want to tell that boy who wants to fight against the entire Twilight Continent for a woman, I hold back, Hong Ji, do you know why?"

"Red Princess."

"Hahaha, you must say you don't know."

Soon, a cigarette that was not long was smoked by Cike. He pressed the end of the cigarette out, and threw it into the ashtray casually, his eyes were a little downcast.

"Because he is so kind! Although this kid is so powerful that I am afraid! But he is so kind! If he knows that the prerequisite for realizing our goals is to sacrifice Shubi, you think he will not Do you hesitate to agree?"

"No, even if he agreed for his wife, that kind-hearted person would only carry out the plan with self-blame and guilt! And it is very likely that he will lose everything because of his emotions. Afterwards, he will also I will regret it for the rest of my life!"

"Rather than this, it's better to let me choose for him, and let me bear his self-blame and regret!"

Hong Ji didn't speak, but just quietly looked at the middle-aged man in front of her, until an hour and a half later, the sound of wind chimes from the store door came into the workshop.
The man stood up slowly, and after an hour and a half of silence, he spoke again:
"Because we have no choice"

(End of this chapter)

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