The evolution of slime

Chapter 159 A Blood Rain

Chapter 159 A Rain of Blood

A huge roar pierced the sky, and the magic elements were also restless immediately. The masked man froze when he was less than 20 meters away from the pair of miserable people. A strong intuition rushed into the minds of all masked men, which is unique to the assassin profession Their intuition told them that the situation was extremely bad.

Just in case, the leading masked man and the rest of the masked assassins all reversed their weapons and mobilized their martial skills and rushed forward!To complete your task in the fastest and easiest way.

The long sword of the leader of the masked man pierced straight away, all he could see was a ray of sword light, he was not aiming at Hong Ji, but Tao.

Tao had no time to dodge, just when the masked leader's long sword was about to pierce Tao's heart, Hong Tiao turned all the remaining magic power in his body, turned around, and tightly guarded Tao's body.

In Tao's astonishment, the long sword pierced Hong Ji's weak protective barrier, pierced the skin of Hong Ji's back, broke through the gears and core box under the skin, and inserted straight into her chest. In the energy core!

Piercing through the core, the sword exuding metallic light pierced out from Hong Ji's chest, piercing Tao's skin, but he couldn't move any further.

In the next moment, all the assassins rushed forward, jumping up and stabbing into Tao's vitals from all directions.

Hong Ji smiled and looked at the astonished Tao, her eyes were extremely gentle.

In one breath, just when everyone thought the task was about to be completed, there was a roar, and a figure suddenly fell to the ground. With the figure as the center, a circular depression with a diameter of ten meters appeared in an instant.

The wind and waves created by the landing blew up Hong Ji's skirt, raised her long hair, and at the same time knocked all the assassins into the air.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the leader of the masked man used his martial arts and abandoned his sword to pull away a distance of 100 meters, looking sharply at the inexplicable blocker.

The blocker turned his head to look at Hong Ji who was lying in Tao's arms, without saying a word, and there was no emotion in his eyes.

"Dong dong dong dong!"

While the masked man was sizing up the opponent's strength, a total of 35 figures fell beside Hong Ji and Tao one after another. The subsidence of the ground was getting deeper and deeper, the breath was lingering, and the magic elements were almost restless.

"Mechanical species!" The leader of the masked man looked at the uninvited guest Ling Ran, turned his palms over, and a dagger in his sleeve landed on his hand.

As if he hadn't heard the masked man's words at all, the figure that appeared first turned around, looked directly at Hong Ji in Tao's arms, and the same engraved gear as Hong Ji appeared in his pupils. A string of data appeared and flashed like a barrage.

"The sender of the distress signal has been found. His identity is an S-class fighter type, code-named Heartless." The man explained in a mechanical tone, and then turned his gaze to Tao.

Without saying a word, the man withdrew his gaze, and looked at Hong Ji in Tao's arms again.

The masked assassin quietly launched his martial arts and wanted to step forward, but the other 34 mechanical species immediately took a step forward, raising their arms, as long as their captain gave an order, the energy cannons would shoot at them at any time!
"Mindless, the lifespan of 'Will' is still one year. From your memory analysis, your mission has been completed. Please link the will to the unintentional and actively replace it!"

The mechanical man didn't take the situation on the field to heart at all, and said lightly.

Hearing the mechanical man's words, Tao didn't understand what he was talking about, and he didn't take his words to heart at all, he hugged Hongji tightly in his arms!Blood oozes from biting lip.

Tears slowly fell from his trembling pupils. Although Tao's face was not crying, tears flowed unceasingly.

Hong Ji's eyes could be seen flickering, and the sound of the core operation was getting weaker and weaker. He really wanted to say something to her, wanted to tell her that she was fine, wanted to tell her that he would definitely be able to fix her, but whenever he wanted to speak, , his throat was full of choked sobs, even if he couldn't say a word, the only thing was silent tears.

"Master, it's fine, Hong Ji is fine."

Hong Ji's small face was pressed tightly against Tao's chest, and she gently touched Tao's cheek with her slender hands. Even though her breath was extremely weak and seemed to disappear at any moment, her eyes were full of tenderness.

"Lying. It's a very bad thing."

Tao tightly held Hong Ji's hand that was caressing his cheek, and tried his best to calm his tone, but every time he said a word, tears would not stop falling, and his tone was full of sobs.

Hong Ji just looked at him and smiled softly.

"Hongji belongs to an S-class combat machine, and its code name is Heartless. Hongji doesn't know the meaning of this code name, but knows that this code name is the only title that has been handed down continuously for mechanical species." Hong Ji took a deep breath. Her breath was rising and falling, and through the deep wound, Fangte could see that the function of her core was fading.

"Hong Ji, stop talking, believe me, I will definitely be able to fix you, I'm a genius!" Tao hugged Hong Ji even tighter, as if he was afraid that she would just leave in his arms.

Hongji shook her head.

"Hongji. Hongji knows that it can't be repaired anymore, but Hongji... wants the master to know everything about Hongji."

The engraved gears in Hong Ji's eyes are slowly cracking.

"At that time, the 'Will' gave Hong Ji a task, a task that she had to complete as an 'unintentional person', and that was to wander the outside world for 50 years. As for the purpose, Hong Ji didn't know, but after 50 years, Hong Ji Ji needs to return to the country of gears and replace it with 'will', because will also has a lifespan, so Hong Ji needs to be replaced."

"In the past 50 years, Hong Ji has been wandering non-stop. She has seen many things that the country of gears does not have. She has experienced many times and seen many scenery. However, the time spent with her master is red Ji's happiest and happiest day."

"Hong Ji doesn't know what this kind of emotion is, but Master is happy when she laughs at Hong Ji, and her core hurts when Master feels uncomfortable with Hong Ji, Master. What is this? Is it the love you mentioned?"

Tears rolled down Tao's cheeks and onto Hongji's, trembling with heartache.

"Hongji loves master, does master love Hongji?"

"Well, I like Hongji the most, more than anything else." Tao Qiang smiled, but it made people extremely sad.

"Mindless, please link your will and replace it with your will." The leader of the mechanical species said again coldly.

"Unintentionally, refuse!" Hong Ji turned her head and said tremblingly.

"Please explain the reason for the refusal if you don't care."

"A reason... I want to let the master live! Otherwise, refuse to replace it."

Tao's tears dripped down on Hong Ji's face, Hong Ji stretched out her small hand, and wiped his tears tremblingly...

"Master... don't cry... okay..."

Hong Ji looked at Tao tenderly, as if she wanted to engrave him in her heart forever.

And this is the last sentence that Hong Ji said...

In the seventh century of the world, in July 1983, thousands of miles away from the country of gears, a bloody rain fell.

(End of this chapter)

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