The evolution of slime

Chapter 161 Why?

Chapter 161 Why?

Why did Cike let himself become an S-class combat species, why Shubi would be by his side, and why Cike would let him accompany Shubi to play for a month!this moment!Fante understood everything.

"You let me become an S-class combatant. The most important thing is to let me stay with Shubi all the time, and it's the same for you to let me play with Shubi this month. What Shubi needs is experience and emotion. Impact, only in this way can Shubi replace Hongji!"

Zick smiled slightly, and did not deny it, because what Fang Te said was absolutely right.

Zick's purpose is to separate Hong Ji from the will, but this is not a simple replacement, it is not like a replacement after one of the thousands of individuals in the will is broken, but to replace Hong Ji before she is exhausted. Completely strip it from 'will'.

But this separation is also conditional, that is, the new individual must be extremely similar to the old individual, only in this way will the will not find out, and only in this way can Zick realize his purpose.

"I have tried countless methods to strip Hongji from her will, but they all failed. Finally, through countless books and experiments on mechanical species, I finally found a way to strip Hongji from her will!"

"'Will' is composed of thousands of mechanical CPUs, in other words, the will is the data collection of thousands of CPUs!
As long as it is data!Then it can be replaced!As long as I create a body with the same characteristics as Hong Ji!As long as this substitute has the same memory data as Hong Ji, then I can replace Hong Ji!Thus, the present Hongji was born. "

"But gradually, I realized that I was wrong! Hongji is unique! Because Hongji understands the most complicated emotion in the world! That is the unique love between organisms! 'Cultivating emotions, however, all failed, and in the end, I was lost again."

"Year after year, the Hongji I made by myself still don't know what love is, and I also understand the reasons for the failure, first of all because of technical reasons!

The manufacture of Heartless has its own unique technology!It's a technology I don't understand!The second is love!I can't pour my true love into Hongji, how can she know what love is? "

"At one point, I fell into despair, and until 1000 years ago, in that year, all the creative mechanical species in the Kingdom of Gears were notified by the 'Will', and the lifespan of a machine in the 'Will' was approaching, It can only last for 2000 years at most, so the order issued to the creative machine species requires the creation of a heartless person, at that moment! I am ecstatic! I understand that things have finally turned around!"

"When I transformed myself into a mechanical species, I became a creative mechanical species, so I participated in the production of Shubi, and I was the one who led the production. Only then did I understand, what is the so-called heartless person? What does it look like!"

"The Heartless have no setting at all! They are just a blank slate when they are created! They have no dislikes! No loves! No specific responsibilities! They are like a baby! A baby who doesn't understand anything! It can be said! They have nothing!"

"Because I only have Hong Ji in my heart, and I can't help but resist other people, even mechanical species that look like women, so I know that I can't cultivate the love in Shubi's heart! That is to say! If Shubi Can't understand what love is! Can't have the same understanding of things as Hong Ji! I can never separate Hong Ji!"

"I thought of ways to cultivate Shubi's love one by one! But I found it impossible, and finally! Until more than 90 years ago! I met you!"

"So I'm an introduction, you let Shubi stay with me all the time, whether it's life or fighting, we are all by your side, even if I don't like Shubi, then Shubi will also be dependent on me , and this kind of dependence is likely to gradually turn into attachment, and finally into a kind of love? Why are you so sure?"

"I'm not sure, even I was only apprehensive at first, because I was also afraid of failure! But, in the end, didn't you succeed? Don't look at me like this, I'm a person who has experienced it. Now Shubi looks at you very gently, this kind of The tenderness is like the way Hongji looked at me back then, so in the end, I will let you play with Shubi for another month, I believe that you will definitely make Shubi happy in this month, and this emotion will be more profound."

Zick looked directly into Fonte's eyes, and supported the energy cannon that Fufante's right hand transformed into, as if to say, "If you want to kill me, fire the cannon, I'm right here."

"Okay, I know what you want to ask, I just want Shubi to replace Hong Ji! Isn't your wife still in the hands of the Twilight Dragon? Now Hong Ji is in the workshop."

Zick rolled his eyes at the closed small door of the workshop, indicating that Fant Shuby was inside and under their control.

"As long as you nod your head now and ask Shubi to agree to let the mechanical species become enemies with the Twilight Continent, then Shubi will definitely not refuse your request, and the mechanical species does have enmity with the Twilight Continent. When she is one of the members, she will definitely influence the "will" to make this decision. At that time, with the help of the power of the mechanical species, your wife will soon return to you, and I can also remove Hongji from the will. Take it out and put it into my newly created body, our purpose can be achieved, how about it, I didn't lie to you, right?"

Cike opened his arms, and spoke so righteously, without any expression of guilt at sacrificing others on his face.

"For your own selfish desires, to deceive a girl's feelings, to kill a girl whom the world expects and yearns for, won't your heart ache?"

Fangte took a deep breath, as if these words were not only addressed to Zick, but also to himself.

"As long as we don't tell her the truth, how will she know it's a deception? She was originally a substitute for the 'will' body. This is her mission. Why should we feel guilty?"

"But she is not a mere machine anymore! She is a person!" Fang Te shouted loudly!He is not afraid of the sound coming into the workshop.

"Is Hongji just a machine? Is your wife a machine? Isn't it worth exchanging one for two?" Cike's emotions, which had always been calm, also burst out, suppressed for a thousand years!This is the first time he roared like this!

After the roar, the store fell into silence, but there was no movement in the workshop.

"Fante! Tell me your decision!"

Zick took a deep breath to calm down, and said indifferently.

"Think about the fact that you have come to the Kingdom of Gears to fight for nearly a hundred years! What is it for!"

(End of this chapter)

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