The evolution of slime

Chapter 181 Time Fight

Chapter 181 Time Fight
"Your Excellency Luoluo Yaya, I am willing to tear the Twilight Army apart!"

"The werewolf clan is with the Horde!"

"Bite their throats!"

After the clan leader of the new orc tribe expressed his determination, the whole courtyard was filled with a sense of passion, and it also spread to the other orc leaders. Flatten the Twilight Continent.

"We have to fight, but who said we are going to fight them hard?" Luo Luo said with a smile, she couldn't help but think of the original owner of this courtyard house, if that springy slime saw these orcs like this With an overly enthusiastic look, he is probably going to be so angry that he will teach them a lesson.

However, she did not stop them from expressing their determination, after all, it was the nature of the orcs.

And in the later world wars, when military scholars studied the war history of that world war, they were amazed at the nature of the orcs!Because this fighting nature of winning and dying has brought them endless victories!
"Uncle leaders, you are so noisy." Yuelu, who was standing with Tan Xiao, Ryan and other young generals, said dissatisfiedly, covering the soft cat with her small mouth.

The number of cat people in Ainia is very small, the total number of big and small cat people clans is only five, the total population is only 20, and the number of fighters who can fight is no more than [-]. Therefore, after the unification of Aia, the cat people For better development, the five cat-human clans decided to merge together after independent discussions, and jointly elected a leader, that is Yuelu.

This is the first time a female leader has appeared in the cat-human tribe, but after all, the leader of the orc tribe is also a woman, and the empress of the Eastern Xia Kingdom is even more famous. I heard that Princess Daphne of the Ella Empire will ascend the throne. Finally, the sea-dwelling species The leaders have been women for generations, and with all kinds of foreshadowing, it is not so strange for Yuelu to be elected as the leader.

Besides, in the cat-human race, besides Yuelu, is there anyone who can be as famous as Qin Xiao in the human race, and even let the world know it?

"Didn't you hear it, uncles? Elder sister Luoluo certainly didn't mean to head-to-head with Twilight's army." Yuelu took a deep breath, her chest heaving.

Hearing Yuelu's tender complaints, the courtyard also fell silent, but the atmosphere was a little awkward. After all, Yuelu was the youngest here, and she could be her father. Complaining in front of the leader is quite embarrassing.

But the problem is that they have nothing to do, because although Yuelu is young, she is indeed the co-lord of all the cat-human races in Ania, and most importantly, she is also famous. Apart from other young generals in the courtyard, who can More famous than her?And she is also her own boss - His Excellency Fangte's pro-disciple!
When these three identities were put together, they immediately lost their temper.

Almost all the leaders couldn't help looking at the young generals standing on the far left, headed by Tan Xiao, the oldest of them was only 25 years old!The youngest is Yuelu, who is 17 years old. They are already famous but have been gradually known by the world. This can't help but make them a little sad as heroes. The future is up to them.

At least, with them, the status and situation of the orc tribe in the world will not be as bad as before.

"Elders, I'm really sorry, Xiaolu's personality is like this, please don't mind." Ryan pulled Yuelu behind him, feeling ashamed in his heart, how could he say that others were arguing when they were arrogant.

"I think what Teacher Luoluo means is that he wants to fight while running?"

The wild boar Fei Tren rubbed his stomach and said that he had learned this habit inadvertently when he was with Fangte. Once Yaya teased and passed down the same line with Fangte, and some days Fangte saw Feitren and wanted to punish him for copying books to him. Wear small shoes, after all, "in the same vein"!Doesn't this mean that Fangte is a pig?

"Well, fighting is definitely inevitable, but how to fight is the problem. Now the total strength of Luoyang and nearby cities is only 15, and the rest of the troops are scattered in various places in Ainia. In addition, the Twilight army is a magic army. , The shaman trained by our tribe's shaman plan still needs at least one year of study time, we can't fight head-on in this war."

Network continued.

"So I plan! Let's abandon the city!"

The orc leaders of the clan frowned one after another. It is a very disdainful behavior to flee to the orc tribe without a fight. Poshamen has a lot of experience in this regard. After all, when humans and orcs fought, he spent a lot of effort It was only then that the troops stationed in the forest were evacuated.

"It's just temporarily abandoning the city." Yaya continued Luo Luo's words, "We mobilized all the troops and divided them into six branches to move to the south, west, and east. At the same time, we informed the whole city and asked them to bring some food. Leave Luoyang as soon as possible, and the Dark Cat Pavilion will hand over our retreat route to the troops from all over the country and let them provide assistance."

"Because the orc residents in Luoyang were disorganized and scattered when they left, and Nesario mainly came for us, and the nature of the fantasy species is not bloodthirsty, so Nesario will not care about the fleeing civilians , They will only chase us, and as long as we delay the assistance of the troops from all over the country, we will be able to eat up the troops that Neltharion scattered and pursued one by one."

"Mr. Yaya, Mr. Luoluo, just give me [-] troops, and I will definitely give the orc tribe four hours of preparation time." Tan Xiao said calmly.

This plan needs time to prepare. Not only does it need time to prepare for the army in Luoyang and nearby cities, but the residents of Luoyang and nearby cities also need time to prepare. Neltharion will not be offline and watch the orc tribe evacuate, so Someone must lead the army to buy time.

With Tan Xiao's military skills, it is indeed possible to use [-] troops to delay enough time, but relatively, Tan Xiao is very likely to die on this battlefield.Not even the bones remained.

"Twenty thousand orc warriors won four hours against 20 twilight troops. If it was someone else, I do have doubts, but I believe you can do it." Yaya said with a smile.

"Qin Xiaoling"


Tan Xiao knelt down on one knee and wanted to take orders, but Yaya stopped her.

"But you don't need to do this, not any of you! You just need to retreat according to the plan, as for the time."

Yaya looked at Luoluo, then at the clan leader, and said slowly.

"As for time, we will fight for it."

(End of this chapter)

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