The evolution of slime

Chapter 185 Opening the Flowing Net

Chapter 185 Opening the Flowing Net
"What? My wife???"

Not to mention them, even Fang Te was stunned. The news of his trip to the Twilight Continent was extremely hidden. Now Emilia is still under house arrest, and Li Lin is wandering around on the floating land. , I don’t even know my own news, so who else?
No way!
Fang Te thought for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up, as if thousands of muddy horses galloped past him, he had already guessed who it was.

"Your Excellency, pardon my ignorance, can mechanical species also marry?" Nocturne asked incredulously.

To the cognition of everyone in the world, the mechanical species is an emotionless race, but Fangte's rich expressions and human-like emotions keep refreshing their three views. Now if Fangte says that the mechanical species can Those who are married, I guess they all believe it!
"this one"

Fangte thought for a while, thinking of Hongji and Zike.

"Yes, mechanical species also have feelings."

At the end of the meeting, since the woman claimed to be Fang Te's wife, she was naturally treated politely, and now she was brought to Fang Te's room by the Raven Warriors.

Fang Te stood at the door of his room with an uneasy mood, feeling very uneasy, it was obviously his own room, but Fang Te dared not go in.
Taking a deep breath, Fang Te plucked up the courage to reach out and knock on the door of the room, but no one responded.
Knocked again, still no answer.
"Huh? What's going on? Why didn't anyone respond?"

Pushing open the door, Fang Te walked into his room.

As soon as he entered the room, Fang Te opened his mouth slightly, and stood at the door dully, looking at everything in the room in surprise!
This legendary empress was lying on her bed, wearing only a thin nightgown, the kind that could be taken off with just a tug!
Her delicate body is slightly bent, and the thin quilt half covered her body can't stop her graceful figure. Her slender hands are slightly grasping the pillow, her graceful figure is just a peaceful sleeping face. Can give people great charm.

This guest room was prepared for Fangte by the Lord of Raven City. In order to show Fangte's respect, the bed and quilt are brand new, but now, his bed is occupied
The empress slept very peacefully, and it seemed that the rapid traveling overnight consumed a lot of her magic power and stamina.

Walking to the bed, looking at the empress's cherry-like rosy mouth, her long and beautiful eyelashes, especially her defenseless appearance, Fang Te had an unhealthy thought of wanting to belittle her.

But in the end he shook his head vigorously, poured a glass of wine into his mouth and sat on the floor, leaning against the edge of the bed and tapping the back of his hand, planning the next development of the war in the Twilight Continent.

Regarding this plan in the Twilight Continent, everything is within Fangte’s control. There are not too few small clans in the Twilight Continent, but they are not too many, and generally when such gods fight, they will remain neutral , so the most important thing Fangte needs to pay attention to is the power of Twilight.

Now Twilight City has eight big clan tribes in his hands. If he can turn the blood clan against him, he will kill the giants who are the most threatening, and the other six clan tribes will give them sugar and sticks to pull them into It's not out of the question to have your own faction either.

And even if they don't join them, they won't stop the rebel coalition. After all, even if the Twilight Dragon is the ruler of the Twilight Continent, he is still an outsider, and the demons have a strong sense of self-preservation. Fante really didn't believe that they would fight him to the death for a dragon of twilight.

So the biggest problem is the Twilight Army of the Twilight Dragon. After hundreds of years of development, the Twilight Army has doubled, and now the Twilight Dragon—Jon Capet has a total of 60 in his hands. Excluding the 20 that Nesario didn't know where to take, there are still 40.

To be honest, if it weren't for the mechanical species as their backing and guarantee, these tribes and clans really wouldn't dare to tear themselves apart from the Twilight Continent.

Fang Te took a deep breath, raised his head and looked out the window, and was dazed, as if he was waiting for something.

Just as Fangte was looking out the window, Fangte suddenly felt two softnesses coming from his back. A pair of white arms wrapped around Fangte's neck, and his beautiful face was pressed against Fangte's side face. The breath carries the girl's unique fragrance.

"Awake?" Fang Te said lightly, he didn't move, because he couldn't move at all.

"Yeah woke up"

The empress's soft voice was boneless, she closed her eyes lightly and clinged to Fangte.

"I've been away for more than three months, do you miss me?"

The empress whispered in Fang Te's ear, and the gentle wind touched Fang Te's ears. If it was someone else, I am afraid that she would be out of her mind by this time, but Fang Te has gone through many tricks under the empress' charm, Now I have some immunity too.



"I thought about it, I thought about it."

Fang Te just wanted to say, "Of course I don't miss you", but the queen's "hmm" made Fang Te feel a little nervous, but Fang Te couldn't say "thought about it", and the difference between "thought about it" and "thought about it" is still the same. very big.

After all, the Empress can no longer flirt, and if she flirts again, she will be confused with the Empress for the rest of her life.

He wanted the empress to let go of herself, instead of just clinging to one person and forgetting herself.

But Fante did think about her.

It was an inadvertent thought of how she was doing now, whether she had any troubles, and even remembered some conversations with her.

But Fangte didn't think that this meant that he fell in love with her. After all, who would forget an extremely beautiful woman?This is just a simple yearning for "beauty", Fangte thinks he has no other thoughts.

But Fante would not tell her these things.

"It's true, my husband, my concubine came all night to help my husband save the side room, is this how my husband treats me like this?" The empress's soft body came down from Fangte's body, turned slightly, and a pair of small, white and tender feet touched the ground. , and sat beside Fangte.

Fangte was finally able to move, but when he turned his head, he saw the female emperor sitting next to him in a thin, loose nightgown that only covered her body. I have to say that this kind of half-covered clothes is very lethal to men. Especially for a virgin like Fangte, it is too big.

"Hurry up and change your clothes, this is not Dongxia." Fang Te turned his head, shrank his body, and pressed his gun frantically.

The Empress playfully stuck out her tongue at Fang Te, and after a while, the Empress changed into a clean and elegant white lotus dress.

At the same time, the turbulent net of the Kingdom of Gears was quietly opened without anyone knowing.

(End of this chapter)

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