The evolution of slime

Chapter 197 Meeting Gathering

Chapter 197 Meeting Gathering
"Husband, I'm sorry, Li'er was too anxious just now, I'm really sorry."

The empress touched Fangte's cheek tenderly, with an expression of self-reproach and guilt. Her beautiful face was only an inch away from Fangte, and the fragrance from her cherry lips lingered on the tip of Fangte's nose. a kitchen knife
At this time, Fang Te was sitting motionless on the chair. Just now, after the empress "caught the rape on the bed", she couldn't help but restrain Fang Te. Fang Te didn't know where she got the kitchen knife. Fante's scalp was numb.

It wasn't until Fang Te quickly explained that she slowly put down the kitchen knife.

"It's okay, as long as you can understand, let me untie me first, and then turn on Hubby. It's not good for others to turn off casually." If Fangte hadn't been a mechanical species now, his forehead would have appeared a long time ago. In a cold sweat.

The empress smiled lightly, and released the magical power that had blessed Fang Te's body, then spared Shubi's nape, and turned Shubi on.

After 30 seconds, Shubi jumped in front of Fangte immediately after turning on the phone, stretched her small arms to protect Fangte, and looked warily at the empress who had lowered her appearance a few levels but was still very beautiful.

"Xubi, protect, Fantawild!" Shubi said nonchalantly, the core in his body was speeding up, and he was ready to fight.

The empress looked at Shubi, who was full of emotions like a human-like girl, with a slightly raised corner of her mouth. She had already learned about Shubi from Fangte, and she couldn't help but sigh that the mechanical species really has infinite possibilities. At the same time, he was ashamed of how he was jealous just now.

After all, no matter how emotional the other party is, she's just a mechanical girl, and she's just a little loli!Why am I angry with a little mechanical loli.

Just when the empress wanted to establish a good relationship with this little loli who had taken care of Fangte for more than 90 years, a wide palm stretched out from behind the little loli and touched her little head. The gentle tone seemed to be able to melt the whole world:

"Shuby, it's okay, this big sister is Shuby's friend, and anyone may hurt me, but this big sister will definitely not hurt me."

Shubi rubbed against Fangte's palm, stretched out her small hand to hold Fangte's big palm, turned around, Shubi looked at Fangte seriously with big blue eyes, and said seriously: "Hubi , nor will it."

"Well, of course I know Shuby won't hurt me." Fang Te looked at Shuby and said affirmatively, Shuby's eyes were so happy that they were crescent-like.

"Hmph! You don't speak so gently to me."

On the other side, the empress standing in front of Fangte pursed her mouth and muttered softly, looking at Fangte's beautiful eyes with a little resentment.

"Okay, now that everyone is here and everything is ready, let's start to do things."

Fang Te stood up, stretched his waist, and walked out the door. Only Shubi, who was as tall as Fang Te's chest, followed him out by the hem of his clothes, but the empress seemed to be still sulking in the room.

Looking at the empress standing in the room with her mouth pouting, Fang Te felt a little helpless. She was obviously a beautiful and glamorous woman, but why was she like a little girl by her side.

Fang Te smiled and turned back and walked over. Seeing the little resentment of the empress who tilted her head to one side and lowered her head, with a look of "ignoring you", Fang Te's heart softened, and she couldn't help but want to reach out and touch her But just when his hand was raised to his waist, he couldn't help being taken aback, shook his head, and withdrew his hand.

"Okay, I'm already grown up, why are you still acting like a child, leaving and doing business, Mr. Capet who is opposite us probably can't wait to beat us." Maybe Fangte himself didn't I found that the tone of what he said just now was extremely gentle. This kind of gentleness was similar to the gentleness he had when he spoke to Shubi, but there were also many differences.

The beautiful eyes of the empress froze slightly, she raised her head and looked at Fang Te, those eyes that could change her appearance but could not be changed were full of tenderness.

"walk away"

The empress's natural soft eyes constantly stimulated Fang Te's rationality, Fang Te blushed, turned around and left the room.

Looking at Fang Te's innocent look that he was at a loss for, the empress let out a "puchi" chuckle, her beautiful eyes looked at the back of him gradually leaving, there is no woman in the world that a man does not want to have on the face, A blush gently emerged.

In the meeting hall of the Heicheng City Mansion, all the clan leaders have been invited by Fantawild for a meeting. A total of 43 clan leaders of different sizes in the Twilight Continent gathered together. This is something that has never happened in hundreds of years. This is the latest time. The time when a large number of clan leaders gathered together was also the time when they fought against the Twilight Dragon, and history is always surprisingly similar, and this time is also the same.

For Fangte's "meeting invitation", none of the clans or tribes had any hesitation!After a few months of fighting, Fangte's talent has been recognized by all the clan leaders. For them, Fangte is already the king they have unknowingly elected.

And this time the leader's meeting was not as heavy as before. Although the meeting hall was still full of tension on the eve of the decisive battle, no one felt that victory was hopeless!

On the contrary, when each warrior of these clans and tribes received the equipment and weapons tailored for them by the mechanical species, their hearts were full of excitement!They are all eager to try and kill the enemy Kaifeng with their weapons and equipment!
"Ha Chi'er, if we really win this battle, what do you plan to do in the future?"

Before the protagonist of the discussion arrived, all the leaders in the meeting hall were chatting in twos and threes.

"Planning, I really haven't thought much about it." Ha Chi'er took a deep breath with her two red heads, and then let it out slowly. Yeah, I've been Jon Capet's henchman for the Horde all these years."

"Aren't you just a dog?" Lan Bujia complained.

Ha Chi'er gave him a blank look, and wanted to get angry, but after thinking about it, he seemed to be right, he was a dog after all.

"Over the years, don't look at Twilight's various support for our clan, but I know that Jon Cape just uses us as a weapon! We must rush forward as soon as there is a war situation, just like decades How much did his Twilight army lose? How many thousand? Ten thousand? But, our tribe lost [-]% of the warriors!"

Ha Chi'er looked at the ceiling, wondering if it was because of the lights, but his eyes, who had always been rough, were flickering.

(End of this chapter)

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