The evolution of slime

Chapter 201 Night Attack

Chapter 201 Night Attack
In front of the conference hall, a springy slime bowed deeply in front of dozens of clan leaders in the Twilight Continent after a passionate speech.

He actually thought about this speech for a long time, after all, there must be some impassioned speeches when a big battle is imminent.

As for the measures to kill those nobles, it can only be said that Fangte was half for Twilight and half for himself.

After all, those nobles who have been investigated by Dark Cat Pavilion, Succubus, and Dongxia Hongxiu are all cancers of various tribes and clans. As long as those nobles are still alive, even if they are all locked up, Fangte will not be safe in his rear , So Fangte washed all the high-level members of the nobles in blood.

Those nobles who have lost their core backbone have no time to make waves. As for these leaders after the war, it is difficult to cleanse or recover those nobles, but at least they will not be coerced. This can be regarded as doing something for the Twilight Continent Bar.

But, why are these people so quiet? Isn't your speech not exciting enough?Or were they too surprised by the purge of the nobles in their clan?
Just when Fangte, who was puzzled, just straightened up, there was a "shua"!Fang Te was taken aback, and even Xiobi's little hands pinching Fang Te's waist tightened. Hong Ji didn't know why, so the empress was a little surprised.

All these clan leaders knelt down on one knee towards Fangte!
"Wait. What are you doing? Even if I helped you deal with some cancers in the clan, you don't have to pay me such a big gift. If you want to thank me, just work harder when fighting " Fang Te said in shock.

"Yes! For my lord! We will definitely do our best!" Lan Bujia knelt down on one knee and hit the ground with his left hand!Said passionately!

my lord?What my lord?What is this black crow talking about?

"Two-headed dogs! I swear in the name of the God of Darkness, Karthus! From today, I swear allegiance to Your Excellency Fangte!" The voice of the two-headed dogs scattered from the conference hall!

ha? (Fangte opened his mouth slightly, very confused)
"Dark Crow Clan! I swear by the name of the God of Darkness Karthus! I swear to follow Lord Fangte to the death!"

"Sand Scorpion Clan! I swear by Seth, God of the Desert."

"Gas ghost clan! I swear by the God of Darkness!"

"Soul Race!"

"Thunder Bear Clan!"


All the clan leaders in the meeting hall will announce their clan names one by one!
"I swear by the gods my family worships!"

"Follow Lord Fangte to the death!"

All the clans solemnly said, and the sound of the oath was heard throughout the meeting hall!Spread throughout the Heicheng mansion!Spread to the hearts of every clan warrior!

From today!For seven centuries!There has been an unprecedented event!Most of the clans and tribes in the Twilight Continent!In Black City!Swear together!One person in total!Swear to follow!

In the long history that followed, this black city became the most prosperous city in the Twilight Continent and even the world, and its name was engraved in the history of the world!
In the era when all races coexisted peacefully and there was no war, countless tourists came to this black city on passenger ships escorted by sea creatures, and this original black city mansion has completely become a famous tourist attraction, and even Couples of different races hold weddings here.

Of course, these are things for later.
Late at night, Bone Horse City.

Jon Capet is thinking about the most recent information he has received on the most comfortable bed in the Lord's Mansion of the Bone Horse!

Jon Capet has been confronting Fangte for more than half a month, and he is always waiting for the army of mechanical species to arrive.

Although the east coast of the Twilight Continent has left his control, Jon Capet is not a vegetarian, and he can also grasp the information on the east coast.

But recently, in the information sent yesterday, it only said that the mechanical species had delivered a large amount of supplies, and the arrival of the mechanical species was no more than [-]!
For those supplies, Jon Cape knew they were combat weapons without even thinking about them!

The combat weapons of the mechanical species can only exert their greatest effectiveness in the hands of the mechanical species!Even among the rebel coalition forces, their power might drop a notch!Unless the mechanical species is specially made for those clans in the Twilight Continent!
But even if you don't even think about it, you know it's impossible!

How long has it been since the rebels rose up?It's only four or five months, and half a year hasn't arrived yet. To make these weapons requires the power of the whole country!Moreover, the materials and energy consumed are all owned by the country of gears!Two-thirds must be there!
Mechanical species have always been rational and cautious!Jon Cape never believed that the mechanical species would do such a desperate act of draining the treasury!After all, if mechanical species do this, how much can their winning rate be increased? 20.00%? 25?
The rebels' original winning rate was less than 20.00%!So what if it's increased by [-]%?No or lose?If the mechanical species can't think of this at all, then something is really wrong in the country of gears.

However, even if Jon Cape comforted himself in this way, his heart was always flustered!He always felt that the mechanical species had a backup!And it's definitely not as simple as it seems!
It's a pity that all the spies arranged by Jon Capet in Black City seemed to have disappeared without a sound at all!It can be said that he doesn't know anything about the situation in the Black City!Totally black!And the darkening of these two eyes also made him even more uneasy!

After all, the night is long!There will always be more dreams!
"I can't wait any longer! Since the mechanical species can't come, forget it! Let's deal with those rebels first! I want to see what medicine is sold in the mechanical species' gourd!"

Just when Jon Cape sat up from the bed and was about to ask the guards at the door to summon all the clan leaders, a guard hurriedly rolled into Jon Cape's room!

Seeing the appearance of the guards summoning, Jon Capet's mind was concentrated, thinking that it was the moths of the black city who rushed to the flame and took the initiative to attack!

"Don't worry! Tell me something slowly!" The Twilight Lord was in a good mood. After all, the other party took the initiative to fight to the death, which was tantamount to the end of his battle.

"My lord! More than a thousand fighters of the Dark Snake Clan were assassinated, and three hundred fighters of the Black Goblin Clan were assassinated! The leader suffered serious injuries to his lower body."

"Assassination? Seriously injured?"

Jon Capet frowned. He had absolute confidence in the protection of Bone Horse City, whether it was on the ground, in the air, or even in the void!As long as someone approaches, Bone Horse City will be able to detect it immediately!
But now!Bone Horse City was assassinated? !
"Where is the leader of the Succubus!"

"My lord! Su Mei, the leader of the Succubus! The most seriously injured! Nearly extinct!"

(End of this chapter)

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