The evolution of slime

Chapter 205 The Song of Blood

Chapter 205 The Song of Blood
For the moon in this world, Fangte was surprised more than once. It is obviously red, but the light it casts is so light.

As for the turmoil in this world, Fangte has not just complained once. It is obvious that the wars between various races are cruel, but no one backs down.

In this last and most tragic battle, a slime was led behind the army formation. He turned into a height of two meters, his small tentacles clenched each other tightly, and green beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. Gather the magic power in your eyes and watch this battlefield where there are countless casualties every moment.

The leaders of the Sand Scorpions and the Ogre Clan cooperate with each other. The Sand Scorpions are on the left side of the battlefield to attack the enemy's bottom, while the Ogre Clan mainly attack the top!The armored long tails made by the mechanical species for the sand scorpions have greatly enhanced the attack power of the sand scorpions. Every flick of their tails is like a giant dragon flicking its tail, setting off waves of dust.

And the ogre punches an enemy with a gravel gauntlet!Every time it hits the enemy's body, the sternum is broken!Died instantly!
In the middle of the battlefield!The two-headed dogs in charge of the charge are disrupting the battlefield!They all tear apart the enemy with the strongest posture of the archetype!Their sharp claws cut the enemy's throat again and again, and the blood in the mouth was mixed with the blood of themselves and other races!
The tens of thousands of two-headed demons are divided into two groups, fighting back and forth on the battlefield!They are like the two sharpest bloodthirsty fangs!Biting everything about the enemy!
"My lord! The bone horse tribe requests to charge!"

The morale of the two-headed dogs is too high!This is definitely an existence that must be extinguished for the Bone Horse City side that has been harassed by assassins for a week!

Jon Capet nodded!Crossing the huge battlefield, he looked at the slime who was constantly giving orders, and frowned.

Due to rushing too deep into the battlefield, the ten thousand two-headed dog demons could not retreat!And they never planned to back down!

"Bone Horse Clan! Charge with me!"

In the front section of the battlefield!Nearly [-] bone-horse clan heads and horns charged towards the red-eyed two-headed dog demon clan with their frosty air!

Harchier bites through the core of a Twilight puppet warrior and drinks his yellow energy blood!Raise the huge blood-red demon head!He stared straight at the cold dust wave attacking him!

"Where are the two-headed dog demon warriors!"

Ha Chi'er's huge roar spread across the field!

"With death!"

All the two-headed barghests shout!It resounded through the sky and shook the world!
"Follow me to death!"

"Hey! For the Horde!"

"For the bone horse!"

The sound is loud!In the center of the battlefield!The red heat wave collides with the white cold air!The earth shook!

"Hey! Big bear! Behind!" A twilight puppet shot a laser at the leader of the thunder bear clan, shooting through the black smoke of the gas ghost clan!

"Woohoo!" Stella turned around and roared!Saliva splashed out of his big mouth.

Gather the power of thunder in the palm of your hand!Stella smashed the lasers with one punch!

Stella rushed forward with heavy steps, each of them took huge and deep footprints!


The gas ghost shouted, although the thunder bears are extremely destructive, they are too bulky and have low combat intuition, so they need Fangte to let the gas ghosts assist them!


Don't doubt your partner's judgment at all!Stella clenched her fists and smashed the Twilight Warrior onto the field!
"call out!"

A gust of wind rolled up!After blowing away the black smoke that the gas ghost used to confuse the enemy and assist Stella, the eight twilight puppet fighters held big axes, surrounded by electric current, and charged towards Stella expressionlessly!
"Come on! Bastards! Tear you apart!!!" Without the slightest hesitation!Stry threw away the gas ghost on his shoulder, and rushed towards the eight puppet weapons alone!
The other side of the battlefield!The pointy-eared young warriors of the dark elves hold the undercurrent bow made for them by the mechanical species, and under the blessing of the vampires, they shoot and kill every twilight puppet continuously and accurately!
This kind of bow does not need arrows, every time the bow is drawn, a black electric current can be formed, and the range is extremely long!And as long as the twilight puppet is shot, the magic imprint created by the mechanical species attached to the electric current will directly destroy the puppet's core!Let them lose their fighting power directly!
The twilight puppets fell one by one!Jon Capet noticed this team of [-] dark elves shooting arrows constantly!With a gloomy face, he decisively ordered to destroy them all at all costs!Let the dark elves be completely removed from the world!

Ellie led the blood warriors to repel wave after wave, and countless blood warriors died in the wave of blocking attacks!More blood warriors were scarred and blood dripped to the ground.

"Leader Ellie! The master tells you and the dark elves to retreat!" A messenger escorted them to the battlefield to deliver orders.

"Retreat? Without the bows and arrows of the dark elves, who will bear the pressure of the [-] twilight army! Who will guard the flanks?" The cold and beautiful leader of the blood clan who looked like a dark elf woman grabbed the collar of the herald and shouted Unwilling growl.

Ellie also knows that the blood race is about to reach its limit, but the same is true for other races!Just because Jon Capet forcibly broke through the dark elf's bow, and he had a reason to retreat?

No!As a vampire!Has its own dignity!
"10 minutes!" Even though Ellie grabbed the collar, the messenger did not panic at all, but looked at him very calmly.

Ai Li looked into the messenger's eyes, and was a little stunned for a moment, because in his eyes, Ai Li saw unwillingness!anger!depressed!

Like the orcs in Ania, although the Twilight Continent is all demons in the dark, there is a warlike heart in their blood.

He wants to fight too!It's not just to be a messenger, and it's not just to let several companions block the sword that is about to fall on your body just to deliver an order, and desperately let yourself come over!
But there is no way!The owner said it was a necessary and important duty!It's not easy to go into battle and kill the enemy at all!And judging from the current battlefield situation!The master is right!If you don't, you will issue the master's order in time!The current battle situation has collapsed.

so!No matter how unwilling I am!This responsibility must be done by yourself!Because there is nothing faster than the Lightning Dogs in the Twilight Continent!
"10 minutes! The master said! If Chief Ellie insists on holding on! Up to 10 minutes! After 10 minutes! Chief Ellie must evacuate! This is not giving up the flank! It is the master's own countermeasures!" He looked at her seriously, "10 Minutes! Can Chief Ellie do it?"

Taking a deep breath, Ellie let go of his collar, and all around them was the flames of war!

"Oh! Who do you think you're talking to?"

Ellie turned to face the huge battlefield!In front of her, the enemies frantically rushed in again and again.

"Tell him! Even ten hours! Blood can do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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