The evolution of slime

Chapter 212 Ajiya

Chapter 212 Ajiya

The evening wind blows into the window, mixed with a faint fragrance, the moonlight illuminates the window sill, and the birds outside the house are no longer singing. In this quiet night, a slime holding a magpie quill pen He was hugged gently by the girl from behind.

The girl's arms were still so soft, and the familiar smell made Fang Te's mind sway, as if unreal.

The girl leaned against the head of this green slime, the silver hair curled around its body, she didn't say a word, just hugged it.

"Who are you?" Without turning around, Fang Te said lightly, with a little murderous intent in his tone.

"Aren't I just Emilia?" The silver-haired woman who hugged Fante tightly raised her lips slightly.

"This is indeed Leah's body, but what I'm asking is! Who are you!"

The surrounding magical elements began to stir, and Fangte, who was only one step away from the tenth-order archmage, showed a truly cold killing intent.

"Hehehe...Little Slime, you can't beat me."

She didn't pay any attention to Fang Te's threats, and squeezed Fang Te's belly with her slender hands in satisfaction. After a while, the originally restless magic elements in the room completely quieted down, and Fang Te, who was originally one meter tall, also In the next moment, it turned into a slime with the size of twenty cubic centimeters.

"It's really cute, no wonder little sister Emilia likes you so much." After kneading for a while, she knelt on the cushion, turned Fangte around, and placed it on her lap to myself.

Looking at her familiar face, Fang Te felt mixed emotions.

She looked at herself with a smile. This was the first time Fangte saw "Emilia" smile. It was beautiful, but it wasn't her.

He perceives the dove occupying the magpie's nest in front of him, and she also allows him to perceive it.

In Emilia's body, Fang Te saw Emilia who was sleeping, and the other person looked at him with a smile on his chin.

This is a woman, she also has long silver hair, Fang Te can't see her appearance clearly, but Fang Te can vaguely feel that this woman is beautiful!This is a kind of intuition unique to men!

Moreover, as he probed her soul deeper and deeper, Fang Te felt more and more familiar with her.

This feeling comes from slime's natural emotions!as if!It was as if I saw my mother!
Enter the body of the fantasy species!Possesses a huge magical power beyond cognition!Feeling like a mother!What a beautiful face!
The combination of various conditions gave Fangte a bold idea!

Fang Te knew that the probability of his thinking was too small, but he couldn't help himself from thinking about it!

"Yeah, little slime is really smart, it's just a race I accidentally created." She, or should be called the creator of fantasy species!The god species that has disappeared for seven centuries!Ageya!
"You're right, it's me."

Akiah tilted her head and said with a smile.

"The gods have disappeared for seven centuries. There are many rumors about you. Most people in the world think that the gods are extinct, and only a portion of divine power is left. Now it seems that most people in the world have guessed wrong gone."

Although Fante was surprised by Aggie who hugged her on her lap, she remained calm.

"Well..." Ajiya poked Fangte's tender belly like a girl, "It can't be said that those people in the world guessed wrong, after all, I only rely on the help of little sister Emilia. It's just that the body came, strictly speaking, those boring gods are indeed 'dead'..."

"I don't care if it's dead or not. I just want to say, please return your body to Emilia, otherwise, even if it's you, I won't let you go."

Fang Te said coldly, Fang Te knew too little about these gods, and he dared not relax his vigilance.

And Fangte didn't have much affection for them, because the arrogance of a superior in the seemingly intimate tone of talking and laughing made Fangte very unhappy.

"Little slime is so cute and fierce when she is angry." Ageya rubbed Fangte's cheek again, but seeing Fangte's serious and indifferent expression, she restrained herself a little.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, little Slime, actually, I also want to return Sister Emilia to you, but as my blessed one, she still has many things to help me Do it, and this is also her mission."

God's favor!
Hearing this term, Fang Te secretly sighed that things have become troublesome.

He knew the meaning of "God's Favored One" from the book!

In the first century, it was said that the gods still existed!It's just that the gods are superior, even if they are the races they created, they don't bother to deal with them, so there are gods!
Those who are cared for by the gods!A person with a little godhead!Agent of the gods!

"Mia is not your agent! She is just herself!" After a short silence, Fang Te said, in his heart, small calculations had already begun.

Although I can't do her well, I just need to hold her back!Blocking the void passage, so what if you are a god-species?You are so weak now, hundreds of thousands of troops can't trap you? !
"Okay, okay, I'm still in a hurry, this little slime is really cute, but I won't steal you, hurry up."

Looking at Fang Te's big round eyes, Ajiya smiled sweetly, and spoke slowly, but it seemed that she was not what Fang Te said, but another her in the same body.

A moment later, Emilia's round and black beautiful pupils slowly narrowed, and a moment later, a pair of golden eyes emerged again.

At this moment, Fang Te knew that she really came back...


The girl quietly looked at him sitting on her lap, those golden vertical pupils and those big round eyes looked at each other, and the room fell into an inexplicable silence...the two didn't speak for a long time...

"I'm finally willing to come back." Fang Te transformed into a small tentacles and gently stroked her little head.

The girl lowered her head and lowered her eyes, like a little girl who did something wrong, her flimsy little face was full of self-blame.

"I haven't seen anyone these days, so there is nothing to say?" Seeing the girl's loving expression, Fang Te felt sore, took a deep breath, and said slowly.

The girl still bowed her head and said nothing, she couldn't help clenching the small hand holding Fangte's "waist", her eyes were covered with a layer of crystal mist.


Just when Fangte was about to say something in a pretendingly relaxed tone, a gentle apology with a crying voice came out slowly...

(End of this chapter)

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