Chapter 215

"Little Fante, I'm leaving, but don't worry, I'll be back soon, you have to take care of yourself, and your affairs with the empress, it's okay, I'm not angry." Emilia said thoughtfully .

Uh. Sure enough, Liya still cared about the "beaver".

"Don't worry, I should have nothing to do with the Empress. But Leah, you have to take care of yourself and remember to miss me!"


The girl blushed and nodded, turned around and was about to leave.

"Right, there's one more thing."

cried Fonte as she stepped into the void.The girl turned around.

"That... we're married, shouldn't we change our address?" Slime said brazenly.

"Nafu Husband Li Ya Li Ya is gone"

After all, before Fangte could play a hooligan again, the girl blushed and got into the void
"Fante Hubby is back."

Not long after Emilia left, the Empress took Shubi's little hand and walked into the study.

Shubi walked up to Fangte quickly, looking at Fangte expectantly with a pair of watery blue eyes.

"Yeah, it's good to be back, thank you Shubi." After getting along with Shubi for more than 90 years, Fang Te skillfully stroked her little head, and Shubi squinted her eyes in satisfaction and enjoyed it.

"Fante Hubby and Sister Li'er found a clue."

Shubi's small hand covered Fangte's palm, his face was full of anticipation, and he had a lovely expression of "quickly praise Shubi".

The empress looked around the room, straightened her pretty little Qiong nose and sniffed, a faint fragrance was inhaled into the empress's nose.

"Hey, during the time when my husband and concubine and Shubi are not around, is it lonely at night?"

Empress Lian walked up gracefully, and directly embraced Fang Te in her soft arms.

Seeing the empress's dangerous smile, Fang Te was taken aback for a moment, although he just noticed the faint fragrance left by Emilia, Fang Te broke out in a cold sweat for some reason, and panicked in his heart!

its not right!What am I panicking about!That's my wife, and I haven't cheated. Besides, isn't it normal in this world to have three wives and four concubines?

"Actually, you came just in time! I have something very important to tell you."

Fangte changed the subject, patted the back of the Empress's hand and said seriously!That serious expression seemed to say, "I really have something very important to tell you."

Seeing Fangte's serious expression, Shubi sat down obediently. The empress naturally knew that this slime wanted to change the subject, but she still smiled and hugged Fangte and knelt on the cushion, looking at the slime. What the hell is Tom going to say.

"Actually, before you came, I"

Fante spoke earnestly for two hours, and told Hubby and the Empress everything about Ageya possessing Emilia.

After Shubi heard the revival of the God Species, the magic imprinted gears in his eyes turned crazily, because in the mechanical species' database, the demise of the God Species was already a fact, and Shubi didn't have any doubts about Fangte's words. , so when two real cognitions contradict each other, Hubby needs a period of time to digest them.

However, the empress seemed not at all interested in the matter of the gods, not even surprised at all, and the focus was not on the same channel as Fantawild at all.

"Husband still has something to tell us." The empress held Fangte's little tentacles with a smile, "Husband and that little female dragon have formally concluded a 'contract of friendship'."

"Uh huh." Fang Te turned his head, obviously he didn't need to feel guilty, but Fang Te's old face was flushed, and he still avoided the empress's sight.

"Hmph! It's obviously a dragon! But it's like a vixen!" the empress murmured softly.

Fang Te, who was at the side, faintly heard it, frowned, and thought, "Aren't you the Nine-Tailed Fox?"
"It doesn't matter! That little girl of the human species and that little female dragon are faster than me! My husband wants to marry me formally!"

After sulking for a while, the Empress said forcefully, with an unreasonable and coquettish cuteness in her tone.

If it was someone else, the empress asked for it!I'm afraid that person passed out from bliss long ago, but Fang Te's answer was very decisive, without any hesitation at all.


"Why not! That little female dragon is fine!" the empress pouted.

"If you can't, you can't. You can't force things about your feelings."

"Is it because the concubine is not good-looking?"

"Looks good, I'm afraid Aijiya is not as good-looking as you."

"Is it because my concubine's body is not good?"

"Although it's a little worse than Su Mei! But I'm secretly coughing. I've checked it with my eyes! It's considered excellent!"

"Is that because the concubine is not gentle enough?"



"Because. Because it doesn't work now anyway." Fang Te turned around with a blushing old face, grabbed the documents on the desk and ran out, "I still have things to do, let's go first, you guys rest first, thank you gone."

Seeing Fang Te's round figure running out without turning her head, the corners of the empress's mouth could not help but slightly raised, gently holding a strand of black hair that fell on her lips, although she was a little disappointed when she was rejected, But the warmth in my heart is like ink dripping into clear water, slowly smudged away.

If it doesn’t work now, then it might be possible to say “later”.
"Sister Li'er, get married, what?" Shubi shook the empress's sleeves. After getting along with each other for this period of time, the relationship between Shubi and the empress became better and better.

"Marriage means being with the person you like forever."

"Then Hubby will also marry Fante."

"Well, my husband likes Shubi so much, he will definitely agree."

The empress gently held Shubi in her arms, and said sweetly.

After running out of the study, Fang Te immediately held the second meeting of the Twilight Continent with the documents he had written overnight.

Fangte told the leaders of each tribe in detail that the mechanical species and the orc tribe would come to build the Twilight Continent.

In addition, Fantawild completely handed over the mine of magic crystals in the Twilight Continent to the mechanical species for mining. However, correspondingly, the mechanical species needed to provide assistance to the orc tribe in various aspects, including agriculture, industry and so on.

Because Fangte is the co-owner of the Twilight Continent clan, although there were some objections to Fangte's announcement, they still implemented it seriously.

Three days later, Su Mei's injury was much better, and the succubus clansmen also came to Bone Horse City, and Fang Te provided all-round assistance. With the help of Su Mei, the leader of the succubus clan, Fang Te Soon grasp the direction of Twilight Continent!
The Twilight Continent is gradually stabilizing, and the day when Fangte leaves the Twilight Continent is not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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