Chapter 239
The road to Shu is difficult, it is difficult to go to the blue sky, the road to the dragon is difficult, it is difficult to enter the secluded mansion.

The Shu Road of the Eastern Xia Kingdom and the Dragon Road of the Ela Empire are known as the two of the ten most dangerous terrains in the Endless Land.

The so-called Dragon Road is more like a combination of various cliffs and walls. Its terrain is dangerous and narrow, and the widest place can only pass 40 people side by side. To the Ella Empire, the Dragon Road is the only access.

According to common sense, attacking the Ella Empire would not choose this way of death. After all, attacking such a place where one man guards the gate and ten thousand men cannot open it is simply a meaningless loss of troops!
But in history, in all the wars against the Ella Empire, no country would give up this dangerous road, because it is very simple, as long as this passage is opened, the capital of the Ella Empire will be displayed in your eyes at a glance. underfoot!
so!If the attack on the dragon road is successful!What you get will be the same or even greater benefits!

"General, the Zongyun Ladder has been prepared, and all the mages in the army have been counted. There are [-] mages from the third to fourth ranks, [-] mages from the fifth to the sixth ranks, [-] mages from the seventh rank, and [-] mages from the eighth rank. Three hundred, twenty ninth-rank mages, the great mage General Lin Wen said he would take action when necessary."

At the foot of the Dragon Road, in this not-so-wide area, there are a total of less than [-] mages and warriors stationed here, among which mages occupy the vast majority.

It can be said that this time the Moxi Empire spent a lot of money to attack Ella. Two-thirds of the domestic mages were mobilized, and the mages supported by the noble vassals of the Ella Empire were also invested in the army. The second mage is all devoted to attacking the dragon way!Even Lin Wen might make a move!For Longdao!Seeing is inevitable.

"Understood, you go down, tell all mages, let them recharge their energy and wait for the order of Master Lin Wen." The general named Laco waved his hand.


"A total of [-] mages attacked Longdao! It is obviously a battle that must be won! But why, why am I so uneasy?"

After the attendants left, Laco touched the thick book of mages on the tent table, his fingers trembling uncontrollably.

On the Dragon Road, there is a city built against the mountain!This city occupies three hills, and gathered all the artisans of the Ella Empire at that time!It took most of the treasury of the Ella Empire to build it!

"General, it's windy here, let's go in."

A cat-human girl in a short skirt and black stockings stood beside a wild boar man. The cold wind from above was blowing, and the absolute area between the girl's short skirt and stockings was frozen red.

"Don't call me general now," the wild boar man untied his windbreaker and put it on the woman, but his eyes were not on the girl at all times, but under the vast dragon path, "Qin'er , How long have we known each other?"

The cat-human girl smiled slightly: "We've known each other since school. At that time, I thought the wild boars were all stupid, but I didn't expect you to be so smart that you became a great general."

"Hahaha, you were not equally clumsy back then, but you also entered the dark cat pavilion that everyone envied."

"Hmph! I'm not stupid! Your Excellency Fangte said, I'm called... called. Duo Meng!" The girl retorted, her serious look was very cute.

"Hahaha, are you cute? Isn't it just stupid?"

"You! I won't talk to you anymore! I'll find Liu to change shift!"

"Wait, if you want to go, help me take this first." The wild boar boy grabbed the girl named Qin'er by the wrist, and handed a letter into her hand.

"What is this? A love letter?"

"Eh, well, if I have an accident, you can help me deliver this letter to the teacher."

"This time, is it difficult?"

"It's hard, orc warriors are not afraid of death, but I'm afraid that when I died, I didn't say something to my teacher, Tan Xiao and the others. I want to say something to them, so I'll leave it to you."

"No! If you want to say it alive! I won't help!" Qin'er pushed the letter into his arms, withdrew her hand, and ran straight to the distance.

Seeing the back of her leaving, the wild boar man named Fetren couldn't help smiling, holding the envelope in his hands, and whispered to himself, "But I'm afraid I won't have a chance."

Turning around, he looked down the cliff with determination in his eyes.

There is a valley in Ania, called the Antenna Valley. Similarly, in the south of the Ella Empire, it is connected to the southern portal!There is a path formed by the cliffs, called Tianmen.

Unlike Antenna Valley, which is wide and can accommodate hundreds of thousands of troops, Tianmen is much narrower than Antenna Valley, and can only accommodate a thousand people at most to attack at the same time!It is also different from other important portals in Ella that have the blessing of the city. The troops stationed at Tianmen are all nomads, so there is no city in Tianmen!Some are just the flimsy little tents.

"It is said that the nomads in the south of the Aila Empire are the pride of the cavalry! The blood is not weaker than our orcs, leader Shand! Are those rumors true?"

A short mole tribe warrior riding on a horse said in a heroic tone. On his left is the leader of the nomads in the southern part of the Ella Empire, and on the right is Helbin, the leader of the centaur tribe. Behind the three are all Cavalry and centaur warriors!

"Hahaha!" Chief Sihand let out a thunderous laughter, which echoed throughout the valley, "Is it true! The general will find out after a while! But Chief Helbin! Although I heard that the centaur race is born Cavalry, but don't feel ashamed to be thrown off by us when the time comes."

"If you can do it."

The leader of the Centaur Clan held a spear in his hand, carried a bow and arrow on his back, and stared directly at the far end of Tianmen!
"dong dong dong"

The continuous sound of horseshoes came from the far end of Tianmen, and it became clearer and clearer. Everyone stared into the distance and held their breath.

Although not a word!But the blood on their bodies is constantly boiling!
On October 3019, 10, the seventh century of the world year, at the Tianmen in the southern border of the Ella Empire!The first battle!Erupted!
At the same time, in the palace of the Ella Empire, five beautiful women swaying nine snow-white long tails arrived at the same time. On this day, a total of 60 mechanical species left the Kingdom of Gears through the "net of turbulence" .

In the evening of the same day, a springy slime left Ella Palace!
The night was full of stars, and in the Forest of Elven Sages, a girl hugged her younger brother on the bed and walked to the living room, pouring tea for someone.

(End of this chapter)

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