The evolution of slime

Chapter 243 Night in the Forest

Chapter 243 Night in the Forest

"there is."

Chen Wenqin said softly, with a slight smile on his face...

"Brother Fang, Brother Tan, and Xiaoyuelu, but there are many, many people, I like them all, and you are all my favorite people."

The girl's disappointed eyes lit up, and when she heard his answer, she suddenly felt a lot more relaxed, but she was still a little bit unwilling, the kind of unwillingness unique to a little girl's heart.

"No, no, the only question is. Yes. General, General, do you... have someone you like?"

The girl with her head lowered and her small face was really familiar asked in a soft voice, pinching the hem of her clothes with her fingers, shy and cute, quietly waiting for his answer.

However, what answered the girl was not an affirmative answer, but a slight sound of sound sleep.

Wei raised her little head shyly, and looked at the sleeping man beside her.

Seeing him sleeping soundly, Wei smiled sweetly.

"The general is really cunning."

Gently took down the book in his hand, Wei held his cold hands tightly, got into the quilt covering him, and pressed her body against him.

The girl thought very simply, since the general was not willing to use briquettes, then Wei would use her body to help the general warm up.

Weifa's hot and delicate body was tightly pressed against him, but what made Wei feel strange was that his body was so cold, but why was his body getting hotter and hotter?

In the room, under the same quilt, the girl rested her head on the man's shoulder, looking out of the window, as cotton-like snow flakes slowly drifted down, falling on the edge of the window, gradually getting wet.
"General, is it snowing?"

In the world year 3019th century [-], in the war against the Ella Empire, almost all forces in the endless land were involved.

Keya City, a city like chicken ribs, fought the most tragic and famous battle in the entire "Battle of Ella". Whenever the soldiers who survived that battle recalled it, they felt not only that The bone-piercing cold, and the passion and pride from the heart!

The Forest of Sages.

Three days passed quickly. I don't know if it was due to geographical problems or the blessing of the magic circle. No matter how cold the weather was, there was no trace of snow.

For Niss Vail, who agreed to Alexander Caesar to attend the banquet, this banquet is undoubtedly a sheep's mouth, but her sheep has sharp fangs, and behind this sheep, there is A wolf that is good at change.

And Alexander was also very surprised that Nissie Veil readily agreed to his banquet. Don't even think about it, this little girl must kill herself at the banquet, but well, she has the ability to kill herself in order to It's hard to say whether the parents will take revenge, or they will be "eaten" obediently by themselves.

In the room, Alexander looked at the recent photos of Ness Vail that he did not know where to find. He dug out another photo of a well-preserved woman from the drawer. The people in the two photos were very similar, no matter what Is it that mature and plump figure, or that delicate face, or even that long light green hair!They are all very consistent!
"Marcie, your daughter is coming tonight, if she is still here, how great it would be for you mother and daughter to serve me together!"

Thinking of the scene where he forcibly pressed the mature woman in the photo under him hundreds of years ago, he couldn't help but feel evil fire in his heart, and he was even more looking forward to the arrival of Nice Vail tonight.

In the residence of the Nice family, a girl with light makeup and a short off-the-shoulder skirt leaned down, kissed her sleeping brother deeply, and then reluctantly left her brother's room and walked out of the house.

In front of the house, a handsome elf man looked tired, as if he hadn't slept well.

"Your condition doesn't seem to be very good." Nice Vail said.

"It's just killing an elf, why should he be in such a good state?" Fang Te yawned, bent over and stretched out his hand, as usual, to guide her into the carriage, but it wasn't the pair of hands that touched Fang Te's palm. A delicate little hand, but a letter.

"What is this? A love letter? Could it be that my charm has finally infected my beautiful Miss Nice?" Fang Te flipped over the envelope repeatedly and said with a smile.

Faced with Fonte's joke, Nice Vail didn't take it seriously.

"I know your strength. When we go to the banquet this time, the old fox must know that I want to kill him, so even if we can surprise him, it will be even more difficult to kill him who has been prepared for a long time. So I think, If you fail this time, I will do my best to help you escape, but I also hope that you can take good care of my brother and give him this letter."

"Love is not a love letter but a suicide note."

Fang Te casually squeezed the letter, and the next second, flames appeared from Fang Te's fingertips, and the letter was completely burned.


"Just tell your brother what you want to say, I don't have that spare time." Regardless of Ness Vail's angry eyes, Fang Te yawned again and again.

"And, my beautiful master, you said something wrong." The corners of Fangte's mouth rose slightly, "You don't have a clear understanding of my strength yet."

The evening wind was blowing in this endless forest, a girl with pointed ears stared blankly at this handsome but inexplicably confident man in front of her.

She spent less than a week with him in total, and during this less than a week, he was full of dirty jokes, and his etiquette was even more casual, obviously he could do a good job, but he was always so careless, In fact, when I think about it carefully, I seem to have never seen him in a serious manner.

However, it was such an unscrupulous person, a person who seemed so unreliable, but he let himself no longer be afraid when he went to bed at night, and he didn't have to worry about any troubles.

Even though he was this kind of person, he was extremely reassuring.

"Your Excellency Fangte, has anyone said that? In fact, you are quite narcissistic."

The moonlight shines brightly, the girl's skirt is slightly lifted, and the fireflies are dotted with dots in this Senya forest. Pressing the long hair by the ear, which is caressed by the night wind, the girl's cheerful tone is sweet and pleasant The voice is as sweet as honey into people's hearts.

"Then, Miss Ness, do you know?" Fangte nodded and smiled, with his right hand behind his back, his left hand outstretched, and he waited sideways for the girl's slender hand.

"what do you know?"

"You look really pretty when you smile."

The girl was taken aback, and touched the corner of her mouth with a slender hand. The slight upward arc made the girl unbelievable.

Stretching out her slender hand, the girl's soft palm rested on Fangte's, and the unicorn whispered. The transformation of the elves will start tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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