The evolution of slime

Chapter 246 Will Create a Miracle

Chapter 246 Will Create a Miracle

It took a total of more than half a month. This half of Inner Fangte has been worried about the situation in Ella, and he didn't sleep well. It was not until the moment he stepped into the city of Ella that Fangte felt a little more at ease. down.

In order to prevent spies from happening in the current Ella City Palace, all the maids and guards in the original palace were locked in the West Palace and forbidden to enter and exit. The palace was basically taken over by Dong Xia and the Orc Tribe.

After passing through the imperial palace's restriction, the first thing Fangte did was to go to the imperial study to learn about the battles that had happened in Ella in the past half month.

As soon as he arrived at the Imperial Study Room, Fang Te was a little surprised to see Daphne in a plain white dress (in mourning) helping the Empress and the others, but it was normal to think about it. It is normal to worry about one's own country.

Seeing Fang Te's anxious appearance, the Empress only teased Fang Te a little and stopped bothering him, but helped him summarize all the battle situation in the past half month.

Seeing Fang Te and the empress close together, asking and answering, Qin Se and Ming's loving appearance, for some reason, Daphne felt a little complicated emotion in her heart, she shook her head vigorously, and got rid of this kind of feeling. After the "terrible" mood, he continued to help Luo Luo and the others sort out the files.

"The battle situation at Tianmen in the south of Ella, guarded by General Posamen, was somewhat stalemate. After a cavalry battle at Tianmen, Rakshamen sent a letter to General Posamen, wanting to recruit him, and promised that after conquering Ella, he would be given vast territory. Incomparably fiefdom!"

"I guess, the reply from the brat at Posamen must be very interesting."

Luo Luo smiled: "General Po Suo Men said: 'I am only interested in young wives and daughters, and I don't want to seal the land anymore, just give me your wives and daughters', which almost drove Luo Sha Men to death. .”

"The Luohe that General Ryan is in charge of is fighting every day. The opponent wants to consume us to death with the advantage of their strength. Although General Ryan's troops are not weaker than Little Sister Yuelu, Luohe will fall if this continues!"

"Well, I see!" Fang Te touched his chin and said after thinking, "Yaya, you send an order to that kid Ryan! Tell him that we don't have any extra troops to support him! If he can't, I will let Mu Qi replaces him! By the way, tell him again that Mu Qi confessed his love to Yue Lu last month."

Yaya smiled and said, "Yes."

"In the Dragon Road in the east, there has not been a war yet. After all, the Dragon Road is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The opponent needs to make repeated trade-offs. Otherwise, what awaits the opponent is a huge loss, but the situation is not optimistic! After all"

"After all, there are too many mages in Longdao." Looking at the map on the table, Fang Te stared at Longdao, and exhaled deeply. At this moment, Fangte felt the real pressure.

"Everything is safe in the Mbappé city guarded by that boy Tan Xiao. As the gateway to Erasi, that boy Qin Xiao likes to fight with others outside the city, but this time he should be stable, just the city of Keya."

When mentioning Keya City, everyone in the imperial study looked at Dongxue in unison. After feeling everyone's eyes, Dongxue lowered his head.Even Daphne knew that Dong Xue's sweetheart was in Keya City.

Now Keya City has become an isolated city!The giant race continues to attack the city!It is bound to uproot Keya City to boost its momentum!
"There is not much food and grass in Keya City. General Chen Wenqin personally killed the young master of the Bott family, and let the captives of the Bott family choose whether to guard the city for a living or be killed directly like their patriarch. There are three points among them. The second prisoner chose to defend the city, but despite this, the daily battles continued, and he received a secret report from the woman in the dark cat pavilion guarding him that General Chen Wenqin was sick and his complexion was getting worse and worse. blood."

It was Dong Xue who reported the situation in Keya City. Although she tried her best to maintain a calm face, her tone was faintly choked, and her fingers were tightly pinching the hem of her skirt, and her lips turned white.

The situation in Keya City is beyond Fangte's expectation, after all, it is just a "chicken rib" city!Even if it is attacked by a heavy army, it has no other meaning except as a granary, but I didn't expect that the other side would rather reduce the strength of other battlefields than take Keya City!It's like a child was robbed of candy, and his parents brought three aunts and eight aunts to Xingshi to ask for punishment!
"I see, Miss Dongxue, since I've come back, it's enough to have me and Li'er here. Now Keya City needs an eighth-level mage to sit in town. Would you like to go?"

Fang Te said slowly, after all, Chen Wenqin was abducted to Ainia by him. Although his girlfriend didn't say anything, Fang Te still understood the kind of worry day and night.

"Your Excellency Fangte, I."

"Dongxue, I told you, your husband's order is my order." The empress said with a smile.


"If the city breaks down at that time, please ask Miss Dongxue to bring him back. Fante is very grateful to the girl." Fangte got up and bowed his hands.

No longer refusing, Dongxue stood up and bowed, turned and stepped into the void.
At the same time, outside the [-]-meter-high city wall of Keya City, the sounds of fighting, shouting, and explosions all mixed together to form the sound of the battlefield!

The siege ladders were placed on the city, the catapults smashed into the city again and again, the houses and streets were shattered, and countless fireballs and arrow feathers fell into the city of Keya like a torrential rain.

Giants with a height of more than ten meters are attacking the city again and again with huge enchanted weapons!If it weren't for the strong enough walls of Keya City, giants would not use magic by nature!Otherwise, Keya City would have been turned into ruins long ago.

On the city wall, a pale and elegant man commanded all the guards. He had never seen the shadow of a sword, although he vomited when he first saw the blood scatter from the human body, but now, even the arrow feathers Passing by his ear, he won't even blink his brow.

Although the enemy's siege methods were gaudy and gaudy, the city of Keya was beyond recognition, but this young Confucian general defuses the enemy's offensive time and time again. Although there were constant shouts on the city wall, groups of people came, Batch after batch of people died, but the defenders of the city knew what they should do!How to do!
No matter how dangerous the siege situation is, as long as the sick general does not fall!This city will not collapse!

Beastmen believe so firmly!Because the military training of the orcs taught them to trust their generals unconditionally!Sergeant Ella believes so firmly!Because he defended Keya City again and again!And those captives who surrendered to the city began to believe slowly!Maybe this person will create a miracle.

(End of this chapter)

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