The evolution of slime

Chapter 251 Do You Drink?

Chapter 251 Do You Drink?
Baicheng, also known as Baidi City, is rumored to be the place where the fantasy White Dragon King fell, and now, it is also the base camp of the tripartite coalition forces.

In the White Emperor City's Lord's Mansion, a young man under the age of 30 looked at the huge sand table. Beside him was a document that had just been sent from Jingluo City.

"Master Lin Wen, do you want to send troops to reinforce?" A general of the Moxi Empire who was in charge of the overall situation with Lin Wen asked.

No one could have imagined that Tansi Ante was defeated and fell into the city. After all, Luohe's city guard general "Lian" was only a lieutenant general of Yuelu, and Tansi Ante was one of the top generals of the Moxi Empire. It was the failure to attack the orc tribe back then, and no one questioned the strength of this illustrious general.

But now, Tan Si Ante was actually defeated by a lieutenant general!And not only was it defeated, it was the kind that was basically beaten back to the hometown directly, which made it difficult for the headquarters of the tripartite coalition forces to accept it for a while.

"Write to His Majesty, asking for the support of 20 soldiers from the 20 Empire."

Lin Wen said slowly, although his complexion was a little ugly, the news of Tansi Ante's defeat did not hit him too hard.

"Old General Finger Qier! Don't let me down again."

His gaze was fixed on Longdao and Mbappe City, as long as one of the two was taken down!The overall situation has been decided!
In Mbappé City, Finger Qier and Qin Xiao had a real confrontation.

Finger Qier's army totaled 50, which can be said to account for nearly one-third of the three-party coalition forces. Similarly, in order to ensure that Qin Xiao can have sufficient troops to dispatch, Fang Te dispatched more than 40 troops to Qin Xiao. Among them, 30 are orcs who have been specially trained in Ainia. It can be said that in terms of military strength, the two sides are evenly matched, but the three-party coalition forces have a slight advantage, but this little advantage is better than that when Qin Xiao guarded the cold winter. The city is much better.

During this confrontation, Finger Qier negotiated with the giant generals, letting the giants stand in front to cover the human warriors from attacking the city, while the mage sat on the shoulders of the giants, and under the cover of the giants, there was nothing Scruples release spells.

Indeed, this method is very clever. After all, although the giants are a siege weapon, after all, the giants are too big, and they will naturally become the targets of fire, so it is difficult to play a decisive role.

But abandoning the siege that is dominated by the giants and letting the giants "play support", this can maximize the flexibility of the human species, and the siege is also more effective.

But Tan Xiao, who stood on the city wall, was not in vain for his reputation as a "werewolf soldier saint". He did not hesitate to gather the mages in the city and sit on the body of the griffin and fly out of the city gate to meet the enemy!
Under the Griffin's "mouth cannon (air cannon)" and the mage's offensive spells, explosions outside the city followed one after another, and the firepower in the air poured down like a torrential rain, where the "raindrops" fell It is the trace of the harvest of the Death Scythe, and because the Griffon is very flexible, the effect is one plus one greater than two. Even if Finger Qier makes all the mages give up the siege and fight in the air, they will not be able to gain the dominance of the air!In the end, they could barely maintain a tie in the air battle with the help of several eighth-level mages.

But in this way, mages will not be able to participate in the siege, and those eighth-level mages will not be able to escape!

In contrast, all the air troops and mages in Mbappe City could not escape, and Mbappe's offensive and defensive battles fell into the most primitive hand-to-hand combat again!
The sound of fighting outside Mbappe's city came one after another. Countless human fighters went to the city, were killed, and then went to the city!Get killed again!same!The defenders on Mbappe's city wall were constantly pierced by flying arrows, or their heads fell to the ground when they were chopped off by others!Almost all the time!Perhaps in such a blink of an eye, dozens of fresh lives died on this city wall!

first!This is the first time he encountered such a big trouble in attacking the city!In his military career, no city was captured by him within half a day!But!The city attacked itself for a day!It's going to be night!But there is no progress at all!

In the distance of the battlefield, under the feet of a 20-meter-tall giant, a burly general looked at everything on the city wall indifferently!His fists were clenched tightly, and his teeth were clenched!But even so!He still had a smile on his face!
"General Da Luo! Tell me, can I take this city down?"

Finger Qi said with a smile, his eyes had already been dyed red by countless bloody lights in the distance!His body was trembling slightly!even!The giant named Da Luo felt it!If he is not the top general and needs to sit in the rear!He will definitely go into battle with a knife in hand!

What is a "war idiot"!Perhaps this man covered with scars is the best interpretation!

"Although the time with you is short! But! You are the person I admire the most besides the leader!" said the giant named Da Luo, which is already the highest compliment to a human race.

Finger Qier didn't refuse or accept his praise, but just pointed at the werewolf on the city wall who kept giving orders to the people around him:

"It is rumored that General Tan Xiao knows the art of war, and he counts people's hearts! At first I really didn't believe it, he was just a young wolf cub! However, after this day's offense and defense, I have seen it! It turns out that my commander, even every He has thoroughly grasped the military habits and character of a centurion!"

Fingerqi's tone of voice was full of praise and hostility towards Tan Xiao.

"But, can he really count me?"

He is obviously over 50 years old, but his strong words like an old general in his 30s slowly echoed in the air. Although he was buried by the sound of fighting on the battlefield, it was deeply reflected in everyone around him. personal heart!
World Year 3019th Century [-]!In the most tumultuous year in The Endless!Ella Empire Mbappe City!There is a battle!And this battle!It lasted a total of seven days!

During these seven days, the siege did not stop for a moment!Whether it is the defending side or the attacking side!All the lives that joined the battle will fall into eternal sleep once they rest!

And as the generals of both sides!One of them stood on the city wall, and the other stood outside the city wall!Use the blood to compose the game record, and hold the chess pieces made of life!Played life and death chess for seven days and seven nights!

At the end of this battle that was passed down by later generations, there was a wild history that was widely circulated, but no one studied it:
At the end of the battle in Mbappé City, he sat in front of him with a bag of wine, stretched out the bag of wine, and said with a smile:


However, the man standing on the ground with the sword in his arms could no longer respond to him.

(End of this chapter)

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