Chapter 253
On the border of Ella, the gate of Keya City, which had been closed for more than a month, was finally opened. Inside and outside the gate, corpses lay on the ground one after another, and the embers of war were lit on the flags. Both the city wall and the ground are full of scorched marks.

The smell of fresh blood permeates the air, as long as you take a deep breath, the strong smell of blood will fill your nostrils.

And just a few hours ago, a man raised his sword on the battlefield for the first time, and the weak scholar who seemed powerless killed someone for the first time on the battlefield. Chill fell down until he was dug out amidst shouts.

"I didn't expect you to win."

In Keya City Lord's Mansion, the elegant man's complexion was still so pale, but his complexion seemed to be slightly rosy.

"Why, don't you believe that I will win?" The man with fluffy ears patted the elegant man's shoulder lightly.

"To be honest, I believe you will win, but I'm not sure you will."

Looking at the bloodstains on the man sitting on the edge of the bed, his hoarse voice seemed to be extinguished at any moment. The pale man knew that it was not easy for this relaxed-looking werewolf man to win.

"Oh, sure enough, I'm not a war material, and Wen Qin is really ashamed to ask you to rush to help me overnight after the war."

"You are indeed not good at war. As the teacher said, you would be much better off if you engage in education and political affairs, but well, if you didn't hold Keya City for more than a month! Today, I would probably die in Mbappé City gone."

Qin Xiao couldn't help but think of the seven-day and seven-night battle in Mbappé City!It was a protracted battle that I could never imagine in history or even in the future.

Finger Qier commanded the siege soldiers to break gaps in the city wall again and again, and even dug more than a dozen tunnels leading to the city. Fortunately, Tan Xiao discovered it in time, and for the attack of "digging tunnels", Cheng's method even had detailed countermeasures, which made Finger Qi'er's scheme fail in the end.

However, "digging tunnels" is just a small strategy. He didn't expect to be able to capture Mbappe City by such a small means. The most important thing is to face the confrontation!
After the two sides attacked and defended for four days and four nights, except for the soldiers who could take a break and take turns to fight, as the top generals, Tan Xiao and Finger Qier didn't have a moment's rest, their spirits were extremely tense!At the same time, the eyes of both sides on the battlefield were also bloodshot, entering wave after wave of climax!

Finally, on the evening of the seventh day, Tan Xiao intentionally sold a loophole, which was just done casually, based on what he knew about Finger Qier!He never thought that Finger Qier would be fooled.

Of course, Finger Qier also saw the trap set by Tan Xiao, but helplessly, one of his commanders was originally a retainer of a rebellious nobleman in the Ella Empire, so he had no choice but to obey Finger Qier's orders. I was a little unwilling at first, but now the battlefield has been stalemate for so long!It is obviously an opportunity that can be used as a breakthrough to give up, but he is really unwilling!

In the end, the commander led his men into the trap, and it was this gap!Qin Xiao frantically expanded his advantage!Eventually spread to the entire battlefield!

Until the end, the situation of the battle could not be reversed. After seven days and seven nights of offensive and defensive and Qin Xiao's last wave of counterattack, the Finger Qier side, which had only a small number of troops left, was completely wiped out. As the coach, Finger Qier Fight to the last moment.

In the end, on a hillside outside a city, more than a dozen arrow feathers pierced Finger Qi's body, but he was still standing with the big knife in his hand, standing still.

After winning the battle, Tan Xiao did not rest, but rushed to the rescue of Keya City overnight with the few remaining soldiers who could fight!

The three-party coalition forces, which were attacked by the enemy, were defeated by the almost crazy Mbappe and Keya soldiers and could only withdraw.

And after the last battle in Mbappe City in Elasi, there were no defenders in Keya City, and there were only [-] orcs and human races left in Mbappe City!
"Thank you for defending the city of Keya. If the city of Keya is broken, I will be the one who suffers from the enemy."

"Hehehe cough cough cough." Smiling, Chen Wenqin coughed.

Qin Xiao hurriedly handed over the towel, took the towel, Chen Wenqin kept coughing, and the towel was already stained red with blood.

"Okay, don't bother you anymore, take a good rest, just leave your remaining soldiers to me, and leave the rest of the battle to me." Tan Xiao looked at the bloody towel in his hand, and hurriedly Lay him down on the bed and let him rest.

"It's useless, I think Dongxue and Wei have already told you, I'm dying, I don't have a few days to live." Chen Wenqin held back Tan Xiao who was about to leave.

"What nonsense! You!"

Tan Xiao looked at Chen Wenqin, but Chen Wenqin's smiling appearance and gentle eyes made his words stuck in his throat, and he also knew his real situation, a sadness welled up in his heart, and his fists creaked!

"Really. Is there any other way?" Tan Xiao clenched his teeth.

"Human life is limited. Except for the longevity species, even if your beastman shaman has a long lifespan dozens of times that of humans, he will die. So, there is no need to be sad, I just left first."

Chen Wenqin patted the back of the werewolf warrior's hand:

"Brother Tan Xiao, I won't say anything nasty. Although you are from Dongxia, I also know that you don't like the nasty tone among literati in Dongxia. Therefore, Wen Qin wants you to do me a favor."

Seeing Tan Xiao bow his head and remain silent, Chen Wenqin continued:

"Before coming to the orc tribe, Wen Qin once told Brother Fang that he wanted to do something big. In the end, Brother Fang didn't expect to take Wen Qin away. I think I won't see Brother Fang this time. Yes, Brother Fang is a strategist, but he is a gentle person, he will definitely think that he indirectly killed Wen Qin."

"So, please tell Brother Fang personally that Wen Qin has never regretted coming to Ainia or guarding Keya City. On the contrary, Wen Qin has never felt that he can live as truly as he is today. !"

"Brother Fang once described a beautiful country to Wen Qin. The world is one country! The country is one family, and there is no conquest between races. It is a pity that Wen Qin can't see it anymore, but if possible , I also ask Brother Tan Xiao to tell Brother Fang that when that day comes true, please scatter Wen Qin's ashes all over the world, in the ocean that Wen Qin has never seen before."

Tan Xiao was silent, but tears blurred his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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