The evolution of slime

Chapter 255 Tunnel Warfare

Chapter 255 Tunnel Warfare

In the south of Ella, after passing through the Tianmen, there is the largest grassland in Ella.

Although Rakshamen won the battle of Tianmen, more than half of its troops were lost, and both soldiers and horses were already exhausted, so after resting for a few days, Rakshamen began to clean up. Pull the southern grasslands, lay and build supply lines and supply points, after all, the war is not over yet.

He thought that after the loss of the southern border, Ella would draw troops to stop him, and he was ready to wait for work, but he didn't expect that the Ella Empire seemed to give up the southern border!Simply ignore it.

Luo Shamen didn't believe that this was some kind of trick of that slime, and even if there was a trick, he believed that he would have to fight against himself head-on on the grassland!Otherwise, he would never be able to stop the pace of his own cavalry!

then!After the eighth day of rest and preparation, the Rakshamen cavalry is ready to go!It is bound to swallow the entire southern border of Ella!Then from the central part of the southern border, it stabbed into the back of the Ella defenders in the western border and the eastern border like a bayonet!It's that moment!The whole Ella is destined to be slaughtered!

However, ideals are often beautiful, but reality will always slap you suddenly!

When the tens of thousands of cavalry at Luochamen set off and arrived in the center of the grassland one day ago, they encountered their first ambush!

Encountering an ambush on the grassland is something no one can imagine!After all, this is the prairie!Not in the forest!Is there any place for you to lay an ambush?
But!But the mole-human race named Posamen did it!

Because, the ambush did not come from the grassland, but from the ground!
The mole people are born short and have extremely low combat ability, and even the mole people are the only race among the orcs that don't go bloody!
but!It just happened to be such a race, they survived well in the barbaric Ainia, and the number of the Mole people only ranked in the top ten among the orc races!
This is not a fluke, nor is it an accident. After all, any fluke or accident cannot continue to happen for seven centuries!And the cost of their survival is!
Dig a hole!

The huge library located in Ainya Luoyang has a complete bookshelf!The books placed inside are all about the essence of the tunnel warfare that Fangte brought to this world!

Most of the orc military majors sneered at this kind of stealthy tactics. Even military fans like Qin Xiao claimed that it was because there were no military books in the library that they had to read them. After a few clicks, it can be said that if Fangte hadn't forced military students to complete a thesis on "tunnel warfare", nine out of ten of them would never have read a book in their lifetime.

However, there is only one exception, and that is Poshamen!This guy memorized all the books on that shelf, understood them, and even innovated!
It can be said!Just talk about authentic warfare!Even Fangte, who has been baptized by the system and mastered all the "tactics" in the world, is ashamed of himself!

And now, in the huge and flat southern grassland of Ainia!The Rakshamen cavalry will not face a head-on charge!It's an attack from underground!

Unknown to Rakshamen, Posamen took the initiative to ask Fang Te to lead the troops to the southern border of Ella!And on that day, all the mole-human soldiers in the army who were in charge of information transmission were abducted by the mother-in-law!

A total of [-] strong youths of the mole people!From the moment they came to the southern grasslands of Ella, they never saw the sun above the ground again.
Now, Luoshamen has come to the depths of the grassland in the southern border of Ella full of confidence, and the distance to the next city is less than three days away!However, he couldn't move forward!
Whether it's day or night, from under the seemingly ordinary turf, the Mole people can always sneak out from countless holes with hundreds of warriors, and every time the Poshamen is enough!Withdraw your troops whenever you get some advantage!Especially when resting at night, there are always some tents that won the lottery, and their throats were cut quietly in the night.

After more than ten days in a row, the people in the Rakshamen army were in a state of panic, couldn't eat well, couldn't sleep well, there must be someone on duty in the camp at night, and all the horses were also managed centrally, so they didn't dare to raise them freely.

Among them, Luoshamen is not without shame and digging three feet into the ground to dig out those damned mole people underground!But there are too many caves, even if dozens of passages are destroyed, it will not help, because you will find that you have not destroyed them as fast as they dug.

In the end, Rakshamen also thought about letting the mage vent poisonous gas underground, but it didn't work at all!I want to irrigate, but the rivers in the grassland are not so easy to irrigate!He held his breath and wanted to rush out of the grassland directly!But all kinds of potholes and the centaur people who came out of nowhere will always teach you how to be a human being. When the Rakshamen wanted to retreat and plan to make a long-term plan, he found out!There is not even a way out!

The entire grassland in the south of Ella has completely become a big swamp!And the fate of waiting for the Rakshamen army will only be slowly swallowed by this swamp!

"General Posuomen, since I can play them to death in the grassland, why should I guard the Heavenly Gate?"

In a room that looked like a small and humble underground city, Po Suamen was holding a prairie rat skewer in his hand. Maybe he felt that the taste was not enough, so he silently sprinkled cumin on it.The centaur general and the leader of the Ella grassland tribe asked beside him.

"Tianmen must be guarded. After all, if we didn't stick to the Tianmen, even [-] mole-human races would not be able to complete such a huge project. And if we just give up the Tianmen, do you think the Rakshamen Won't that guy get suspicious?"

After taking a bite of meat, Posamen looked at the map on the desktop.

"The combat power of the Rakshamen cavalry! I was really surprised! To be honest, the tunnel warfare is just my second hand! But I didn't expect! He actually broke through the Tianmen." Poshamen squinted the already small Eyes, the tone changed from the previous lightness, "However, I have been playing with him for so long! It is time to end, or I will be late for the climax of this war!"

The flames flickered on the map on the wooden table!On this map that completely depicts the grassland, a wooden stick with oil stains was firmly inserted on the icon of the Rakshamen flag!
The next night!Rakshamen was thinking about advancing and retreating in the tent!A plume of fire pierced the sky, lighting up the entire night!

At the same time, the Dragon Road in the east of Ella finally opened the prelude to the war.
(End of this chapter)

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