The evolution of slime

Chapter 260 Death in battle

Chapter 260 Death in battle
There was no smoke, no fire, and no trace of magic.

Whalefall outside the city, some only have the constant reckless fight of cold weapons!The constant collision between flesh and flesh, flesh and weapon.

Countless orc warriors were bloodied three times, their sharp claws were covered with the blood of one enemy after another, their bodies were covered with scars, and even if their hearts were pierced, they would use their last ounce of strength to crush the enemy's head!

Whether it's human or beastman!In this battle!No one backs down!Until I cut my hands and feet numb!Until he cut himself down in a pool of blood!
For them!It seems that it is not only killing the enemy!More like a race against time!It seems that they don't want their reinforcements to arrive on the battlefield to join the battle at all!because!This battle belongs to them!It's the last match of their lives!It should also be the most exciting one!
finally!After the last sound of the sword piercing the armor spread across the battlefield, everything!It's over!

At the base of Whalefall, a blood-soaked one-armed orc walked towards a human warrior whose face had been blurred by blood.

He sat on the ground with his legs spread apart, and beside him, there were countless corpses piled up!The broad sword was thrust over the corpse of the enemy.

"Made! You're not dead yet." The humanoid warrior spat to the side, and the saliva was full of blood!

"Fortunately, a lieutenant of the human species blocked a knife!" The one-armed orc sat in front of him, and the blood flowed profusely at his broken arm, "The guy who blocked the knife for me is the most I didn’t like it, and even scolded me for my incompetence several times in the meeting, but unexpectedly, he saved me.”

"Hahaha, what's the matter, is it good to be rescued by the human species?" the human species soldier said with a smile, but there was no hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"To be honest." Ryan took a bag of wine from the belt of a corpse next to him, and took a big sip. "It's really uncomfortable, you human race, really, it's quite annoying."

He handed the wine bag to him who was soaked in blood, took the wine bag, and drank most of the bag without hesitation, like an alcoholic who hasn't had a drink for several months.

The beastman said: "You humans are dirty! Shameless! Obscene! Cunning! To satisfy your poor vanity, you keep selling our beastman girls! I really don't know what advantages you humans have. To be honest, When the teacher asked us to cooperate with Ella, I really didn't want to! Even if the teacher wants to annex Ella! I also don't want to be with you humans!"

"Hahaha, what are the advantages of us humans? After all, we are just one person." Putting down the wine bag, the human race warrior burped, "It seems that I have really wronged you these days."

"Yeah, I'm really wronged. Where do you humans come from?" The one-armed orc snorted at the humans, "But, after this continuous battle, your humans are actually not that bad. .”

"Is it because your lieutenant general saved you?"

"I don't know, maybe." The one-armed orc looked into the air, wondering what to think.

The human warrior said as if chatting: "Your military ability is obviously so strong! In my opinion, it is no worse than Yuelu of your orc tribe, but at the time of the 'Human-Beast War', why didn't you lead a team yourself?" What about the army?"

"There's no reason, I just want to protect the person I like."

"Do you like someone?" The human warrior couldn't help smiling, ignoring the orc's contemplation, the human warrior drank a few more gulps of wine and slowly stood up relying on the giant sword.

"Okay, I've had enough wine, send me on my way."

Withdrawing his gaze, he looked at the human warrior who couldn't stand still while holding on to the giant sword. For the first time, a sense of desolation surged into the heart of the one-armed orc.

Standing up while supporting the ground, the one-armed orc transformed the remaining arm from a human hand into a tiger claw.

"Actually, you don't have to die."

He shook his head: "I am the general of the Moxi Empire! Although I was defeated, I also have my own glory!"

The one-armed orc was hesitating, and the human warrior didn't urge him, but just looked at him quietly:
"I heard that Your Excellency Fangte of your orc tribe wants to build a country where all races coexist, there is no war, no killing, chickens and dogs crow, and the old and young live in harmony?"

"Yes, does the teacher's idea sound too ideal?"

"Yeah, it's too ideal, but I have a feeling that he can really do it."

"This is the charm of the teacher, the teacher is really powerful."

"Hahaha, you can't rely on your teacher alone." The laughter of the human warrior spread across the empty battlefield, "After I die, there is no need to send me back to Moxi with good intentions. I can't afford to lose it." that person."

The humanoid warrior looked at the field full of corpses, and said calmly:

"Here, it's fine."

"Okay, while I'm still drinking, hurry up and do it quickly. In fact, I'm also very afraid of pain."

The human race warrior dropped the giant sword in his hand, straightened his back, and stood in front of the orc race.

The eyes of the one-armed orcs were red, and for some reason, facing such an opponent who used to fight to the death, he felt extremely heartbroken!But he knows!Respecting the other person's choice is the best way to show him respect.

"Beastman Lionman Ryan! Give General Tan Siant a ride!"

"Hehehe, kid! Go ahead and help me see the most beautiful scenery!"

Opening his arms, a sharp claw penetrated his chest, Tan Siant fell on Ryan, and the blood spilling from the corner of his mouth slid down to his shoulder.

Slowly closing his eyes, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, smiling easily
Two hours after the battle of Whale Falling City, Longka's army was the first to feel that they would guard Whale Falling City after connecting with Ryan!

Because Jingluo City was lost, and Luocheng in Luohe was on the lookout, the reinforcements of the Moxi Empire were worried about being attacked, and because the entire army was traveling lightly, they did not dare to attack Jingluo and Luohe City rashly!You can only go to Baicheng!

On the night when Teng Shu withdrew his troops, the corpses of all the soldiers outside Jingluo City were buried one after another, and beside the gate of Jingluo City, there was a heroic general of the human species sleeping soundly!In that age of star-studded!This general who fought for honor and died generously will be recorded in the history books of later generations!Leaves a thick stroke!
Some felt sorry for him, some lamented for him, but no matter how the future generations felt about him, everyone admired him!

(End of this chapter)

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