Chapter 262 Two Old Men
In the palace of Ella, in the mage's side hall, five quiet mages played chess leisurely in the room. The sound of black and white jade chess "da da da" sounded on the crystal carved chessboard, and the crisp sound spread into the quiet in the courtyard.

In terms of magical attainments, one of the old men will definitely crush the other four, but in terms of chess strength alone, this well-known mage has lost four or five games in a row, but he just doesn't know how to play. Giving up, as if he would not leave until he won a hand.

Suddenly the old hand of the sorcerer holding Baizi was hanging in the air, he shook his head involuntarily, and sighed: "After all, he still went out."

"As the great mage of the Moxi Empire, I can't say anything about fighting for Moxi. It's normal for him to go to the Dragon Road." A mage wearing a green hat and holding a sunspot said.

Although the green hat mage was of a low level and couldn't perceive the archmage who had left the Moxi Empire, he could guess who it was when he heard the archmage sitting opposite him say so.

"The former emperor of the Moxi Empire once favored Master Vega. Emperor Moxi brought out his old friendship. It is normal that Master Vega could not refuse." A bald master who was drinking and watching chess said.

The old man shook his head, slowly put the white piece in his hand into the chess box, and stood up with difficulty like an old man:
"That old man, he's still making himself uncomfortable even though he's getting old, alas, forget it, let me go out for a stroll too."

"Aren't you going to finish this game of chess?" The green hat mage reminded with a smile.

"Hahaha, what else is there to play? This game of chess is my advantage, but the old man has a good spirit, so this game will be a draw."

With that said, the old man left the room slowly, leaning on a very simple crutch.

"People who have half-stepped into the underworld, why are they so thick-skinned?"

Looking at the one-sided chessboard, the green-hat mage shook his head with a smile and looked at the shrinking old figure who was slowly walking towards the distant sky.

"Don't die"

In the small city-state on the border of the Moxi Empire—Bosai Kingdom (Bosai City), after two days of empty travel, an old man who looked so ordinary that he couldn't be more ordinary entered the city.

In the old man's hand was a branch that was just as thick and thin as it still had a few leaves. In the bustling city of Bosai, small vendors kept shouting on the street, selling jewelry, cloth, and noodles. There are also.

The old man was walking in the bustling city. He hadn't eaten for two days and two nights. He saw the steam rising from the stall not far away, and the smell of steamed flour wafted away unreasonably.

Walking over, the old man finally stopped in front of a small steamed stuffed bun stall. Looking at the steamed stuffed buns in the cage, the old man couldn't help swallowing.

"Buy buns? Freshly baked orthodox 'Goubuli' buns in Dongxia Kingdom! Two copper coins each!" The peddler said with a smile to the old man.

The old man nodded and made a "two" with his hands. The peddler smiled and took out two steaming buns from the steamer and wrapped them in oiled paper!Looking at the hawker's posture, it seems that it really is the "Goubuli" bun from Dongxia Kingdom.

Passed the steamed stuffed bun to the old man, the old man accepted it with a smile, but when he paid the money, the old man realized that he had no money at all.

"Little brother, can I get credit first? I'm in a hurry to go out, and I forgot to bring money." The old man smiled awkwardly.

"No money, what do you eat if you don't have money?" After finishing speaking, the peddler snatched the bun from the old man's arms, "Go, go, go, don't delay my business."

The old man looked at the steamed stuffed bun that was taken back, licked his mouth that was a little bit broken due to the colder weather, and wiped his clothes with his hands that still had the heat and soft touch of the steamed stuffed bun, before turning around and leaving slowly.

"Little brother, here are ten buns."

Just as the old man was leaving, a familiar voice came from behind the old man. He turned his head and saw that the old man who was as old as himself took the bun handed over by the vendor, and the old man with the branch smiled and rubbed against his body. rub.

"Old man, I'm hungry, give me some."

After paying the money, the old man smiled, asked the peddler for another piece of oiled paper, and gave him half of the buns.

"Walk together?"

"Well, let's go together."

On the main road that runs through the entire city of Bosai, horses and horses came and went, and two old people walked beside the road with five buns in their arms, like old neighbors who made an appointment to go for a walk in the morning.

"You still came out."

The old man with a wooden stick under his arm and a bun in one hand said slowly, took a bite of the bun, the soup splashed, and he exhaled hot air, and at the same time he exhaled a series of magic seals, which drifted away with the heat. In the air, at a height of ten thousand feet, a huge explosion shook the clouds.

"I can't help it. The late emperor was kind to me. Even though I have been born for a long time, what should come will still come. I can't even hide."

The old man holding the branch took a big bite of the bun, stuffed the meat and the dough into his stomach, several small condensed magic circles appeared in the old man's stomach, and the endless condensed elements turned into countless swords, the old man rubbed his stomach, The magic circle dissipated.A loud fart is let out, and the elemental is expelled from the body.

"But you still want to avoid it. After all, you are walking very slowly. I have already arrived in Bosai City." The old man with the wooden staff began to eat the second bun.

The steamed stuffed bun contained a necromancy circle that only the great mage could cast, and the dark elements raged in the old man's body, but after the hiccup, everything disappeared.

"Of course, although I promised to go to the Dragon Road, I didn't say when I would arrive."

The old man holding the branch also started to eat the second steamed bun. As soon as the steamed stuffed bun was in his mouth, a coldness mixed with the coldness of the world entered the old man's body, trying to destroy the magic power point in the old man's body like a thin needle, but Failed.

"You're so sure I'm coming to stop you,"

"You are a very bad old man, I don't know you yet? You will let two archmages go to Dragon Road?"

The two old men continued to eat the steamed stuffed buns in their arms, and endured magic circles that condensed what both sides had learned all their lives, enough to destroy a city in an instant!
"Your apprentice is very powerful, and he entered the realm of the great mage in less than thirty! It is the pride of the human race."

"Hahaha, great, I told you earlier, that kid Lin Wen is definitely one of the best wizards in seven centuries! His future achievements are limitless! He may even reach the level of an empress! If it weren't for that kid Lin Wen being too lazy up"

The two old men walked out of Bosai City, and went to the wilderness at the border of the empire, thousands of miles away, where the magic suppressed in each other's bodies exploded, and the mountains collapsed one after another!

(End of this chapter)

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