Chapter 265
On the not-so-wide flat ground under the dragon path, a young man in his thirties stepped into the handsome tent, and the soldiers who saw him knelt down on one knee and paid tribute to this most human being in history. The young mage saluted.

"How is the progress of Dragon Road?"

"Meet Master Lin Wen!"

Shuai Zhang Neilaco and others saw Lin Wen walking in, and saluted one after another.

Now the Archmage Vega and the Archmage Anthony have passed away, and now only the Moxi Empire has the only Archmage of the Human race!Lin Wen will be the face of the Moxi Empire, and even the face of the entire human race, and it is the strongest guarantee of the Moxi Empire.

Laco and others believe that even if this battle fails, the status of Master Lin Wen will not be affected in the slightest.

However, Laco felt that it was impossible for Longdao to fail in this battle!

"Teacher doesn't like the heavy and boring etiquette of the Moxi Empire, and I don't like it either, so you don't have to salute me in the future. I would like to trouble the generals to briefly explain the progress of the battle."


A lieutenant stepped aside, and Laco stood by the square table covered with maps.

"There is only one road to Dragon City, and that is the natural danger of the 'Dragon Road'. This road is indeed a place where one man is in charge of the other, so even if we have more troops than them, and our individual soldiers are better than them, However, it is impossible to capture Dragon City through the Dragon Road unless the opponent's troops are exhausted."

"However, we discovered that we can use the mage's ability to transport soldiers outside of Dragon City to attack the city! Although the opponent barely defended the city for the first time, a large part of the reason is because we did not expect the opponent's strange defense methods, and We have no siege engines yet."

"Now that you have come, you have not only brought mages and warriors above the platinum level, but also if you attack the city! Believe it! Morale will definitely increase! As long as the siege equipment is transported up, Dragon City will be captured within two days! "

Lin Wen looked at the map and thought for a while: "Where are the reinforcements from the Ella Empire?"

"We have stepped up our defenses for thousands of miles around the Dragon Road. It is impossible for the army of the Ella Empire to attack from behind, but it is a bit strange. It seems that the other party has given up on the Dragon Road. It seems that they have never thought of supporting them."

The handsome tent fell into silence again. The youngest archmage of the human race was thinking, but no one spoke. They were also thinking about the details that needed to be perfected to attack the Dragon Road, and they were also waiting for Lin Wen to make a decision.

"Elder nights will always be full of dreams! Notify the whole army! Restoration for half a day! Lunch is an hour earlier! At noon! Siege!"


The loud voice came out of the commander's tent, and soon everyone in the army knew the order to attack the city at noon. Everyone knew that this lost relative, Master Lin Wen, was about to attack the city for the last time!
That is to say!The fate of the mighty empire of Ella will come to an end in this final battle!

At the same time, in Ella Palace, in the imperial study room, there were only two women left. Looking at the piles of documents on the table that were still increasing, a beautiful girl was like a deflated balloon, showing her lotus root. He leaned his arms on the table, pouted and was about to strike.

Wearing a plain long skirt, the girl with a pale complexion and red eyes was still silently sorting out the documents, and at the same time dealing with simple tasks that only needed to be confirmed.

This girl lost two people who loved her the most in a short period of time. Her grief is not weaker than anyone else's, but she has never cried in front of others, but even so, her strong appearance makes people feel sad. People are distressed.

"Daphne, let's go out for a stroll, it's okay to be a little lazy."

Daphne shook her head, and said lightly: "Your Majesty, Sister Luoluo and the others have already left, and there are still many things to deal with. Daphne is not tired yet, you should go and have a rest first."

Seeing the girl's stubborn and strong appearance, the Empress softened her heart, and slowly walked over to her, and hugged her gently: "It's okay, everything will be fine soon."

The gentle voice came to the girl's ears, and in the girl's red eyes, the emotions that had been suppressed for a long time finally burst out, and the hand holding the document sent from the front line trembled uncontrollably, tears dripping down, wet paper.

In the huge imperial study room, two women were kneeling on the ground, their soft cries slowly drifting away.
"Sister Yuelu, can Brother Feitren hold on until we arrive?"

In the void, five thousand orc shamans are constantly passing through, and the scenery of the real world outside the void is constantly passing by.

"And I heard that Brother Ryan broke an arm in Whalefall City. Is Brother Ryan okay?" An adult girl of the orc race said worriedly. She liked Ryan very much when she was a little lolita. Sister, she never forgets him.

Hearing the worries of the people around her, Yuelu bit her lips tightly.

When she heard that Ryan had a duel with Tensant in Whalefall, she jumped up and down angrily!I really don't know why that stupid lion is so stupid!Isn't it good to retreat to Luohe?He just wanted to take down Whale Falling City!
Before getting the result, Yuelu couldn't rest well all day, and kept raising her heart, as if she was afraid that something might happen to that stupid lion!Even several times, she couldn't calm down and wanted to take a long way to go to Jingluo City first!
For Yuelu, this was the first time that she had the idea of ​​disobeying the military order!
In the end, after learning that Ryan survived in the end, Yuelu was so happy that her heart warmed, as if what she cared about was not whether Ryan won or not, but whether he was still alive.

So what if he lost an arm, so what if he lost both hands?Doesn't he still have me?We have been together in the past, won't we be in the future too!

But what I didn't expect was that this stupid lion finally survived, but it still wanted to use Whale Falling City as a stepping stone to attack Moxie!This made Yuelu so angry that she almost fell out of the void!
She really wanted to pat that stupid lion's head awake immediately and tell him to rest well!One hand is gone!Stop trying to be brave!But Dragon City is at stake!no choice!Even though she really wanted to go to that stupid lion now, she had to go to Dragon City first!Otherwise, Dragon City will be destroyed!There is really nothing left!

"Hurry up! Manipulate the void passages in batches, and recover magic power in turn!"

Without answering the girl's question, Yuelu clenched her fists and rushed towards Longdao at a faster speed!

It's noon on the Dragon Road!The sky was about to start light snow, but Lin Wen covered the sky with one hand and threw the light snow thousands of miles away!
Time passed!Among the dragons!Above Dragon City!The battle roar sounded again!

(End of this chapter)

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