The evolution of slime

Chapter 267 Please enlighten me

Chapter 267 Please enlighten me
The magic ripples dissipated, and Dragon City was completely exposed to the flames of war.

Countless magic balls and Pyroblasts poured down towards Dragon City like heavy rain, destroying the most essential entity of this city!
On the city wall, the soldiers of the Mosi Empire were in high spirits, and their attacks became more ferocious. More and more soldiers of the Moxi Empire climbed onto the city wall, and the city wall gradually began to lose control. Fight together with the enemy troops who ascended the city!
"General Fei Tren! Dragon City is about to fall!"

A herald came to Fetren's side through swords and swords!
"I know!"

Fei Tren reined in his bloody mouth, then turned his head to look at Dragon City, the city was filled with gunpowder smoke!There is no protective circle!Dragon City is a living target!

"Pass my military order! Abandon the city! The whole army rushes to kill! Never die or retreat!"


The herald arrived at Dragon City with red eyes under escort to convey the final order!

"Qin'er! There is the only passage leading to Ella behind Dragon City! Hurry up and leave!"

"Don't go!"

"Be good! Don't lose your temper! Take the remaining two of your companions from the Dark Cat Pavilion and go together! This is an order!"

"do not want!"


"It doesn't matter! Anyway, I'm here!"

Fei Tren scratched his head, now he finally understands why the teacher said that women are the most troublesome.
The order was conveyed to the whole city in less than a quarter of an hour, and the independent regiment headed by Li Yunlong was the first to rush out of the city.

The independent regiment cultivated as a special soldier has a very complex ethnic composition, and at the same time has a very strong combat effectiveness!The tacit understanding is extremely high!
"Brothers! Damn it for me!"

A loud shout came from below the city, although it was vulgar, Fetren and the others listened so cordially!
After shouting, the human warriors of the Ela Empire and the rest of the orc warriors rushed to the battlefield with shouts.

"For the orc tribe!"

"For Ella!"

Under the loud shouts, the blood of the orcs and the warriors of the human race bless themselves with martial arts recklessly!

These warriors are the strongest army of the Ainia and Ella empires!For them, when they knew they were going to guard Dragon City!They knew that they might not be able to go back!

However, even so, they still came here with their own honor and no regrets!finally!They will also die with their own honor and dignity on the bloody battlefield.

In the sky, mages are fighting together, elements are exploding constantly, and a famous mage withers in the air. It takes a lot of effort to find a human species with mage talent!And the average time cost for the cultivation of a fifth-level mage is four to fifty years!

And in this war!More than half of the mage backgrounds of the two great empires of the human race will die!

"The overall situation is settled! Start today! Ella! Dead!"

Standing in the air, Lin Wen looked at the huge city, and the sound he made conveyed the entire Dragon Road and the eastern border of Ella!
The warriors and mages of the Moxi Empire heard such a bold determination by the only mage of the human species!The morale is even higher!Especially the warriors on the Dragon Road!They were stuck on the dragon road for a long time, and they roared extremely happily!Change the oppression of not being able to attack the Dragon Road before!

Under the thought of "victory is in sight! Dragon City is broken! Ella is dead", the already powerful Moxi Empire army gradually took the initiative in the Dragon Road!
The journey of the dragon road is opened up bit by bit!at last!Because Longcheng could not send troops to reinforce Longdao, when the last defender on Longdao fell!The Dragon Road was opened for the first time since the founding of the Ella Empire!
More fighters go to the battlefield outside Dragon City through the Dragon Road!Even if it is supported by blood!But in the face of the huge strength gap, the battle is still one-sided.

Fei Tren and Qin'er both had a second bloodbath!The third violent blood has a faint appearance, but he can't do it now!But when the last defender fell!He will bleed for the third time without hesitation!Die with Aenea's honor!

Thousands of names!Thousands!finally!When Li Yunlong's independent group was left with only one single seedling, Li Yunlong!At the beginning of Dragon City, there were a total of [-] defenders and mages!finally!There are less than three hundred left!
They were surrounded by groups, and everyone was covered in blood!

"You are General Fei Telun." Lin Wen walked in front of Fei Telun.

"It's really an honor to be remembered by Master Lin Wen." Fei Telun stood leaning on a broad knife, and Qin'er bit her lip to protect him.

"The overall situation is settled, and I don't need to kill them all. Generals, you just need to put down the knives in your hands, and the rest of you can leave, unconditionally."

Lin Wen's words echoed clearly in Dragon City, but none of the 300 people were moved by it!
He glanced at the remaining three hundred soldiers who were exhausted, and shook his head involuntarily.

"I'm sorry, Archmage, we people have never thought about going back."

"Beastmen did this for the empire of the human race? Is it necessary? Is it because that slime said that it wanted to create an ideal world? But, General Feitren, didn't you still lose Dragon City in the end? Ella? Can’t even deal with a mere Moxie? How can we deal with Odea, elves, angels, and sea-dwelling species that occupy the world’s oceans?”

"Hehehe, to be honest, I actually think the teacher is quite stupid, if it is someone else! I will definitely slap him first to wake him up and let him stop daydreaming! But, if it is the teacher, no I know why, it seems that the teacher can really do it."

Say it!Fei Telun straightened up, pulled out the knife in his hand, and took the little hand protecting Qin'er in front of him, at the same time!The remaining 300-meter fighters showed their weapons one after another.

"Dragon City Defender General Feite Lun! I also ask the Moxi Empire to enlighten me!"

"Dragon City defenders! Please enlighten me!"

The soldiers behind Lin Wen pulled out their weapons and stepped forward, but Lin Wen half-raised his hand to stop them.

"Moxi Empire Lin Wen! Please enlighten me!"


Just when three hundred soldiers roared, including Feiteren, who were about to charge forward three times, a cool breeze mixed with white snow blew under Dragon City!
In the middle of the line, under a gust of breeze, the three-degree violent blood that was about to be triggered was suddenly suppressed, and the martial arts that the human fighters put on themselves all faded away. A sense of dizziness struck, and all three hundred fighters fell into a coma.

A green slime and five beautiful women with long white tails swaying behind him stepped through the void at the same time and arrived on the battlefield.

Moved to the front, stood in front of the fainted Fetren, turned out small tentacles and bowed:
"Slimefante, please enlighten me."

(End of this chapter)

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