The evolution of slime

Chapter 269 Sending troops to the world

Chapter 269 Sending troops to the world
There are many kinds of chess in the world, most of which are the same as Fangte's previous life, especially Go, which was passed on to the world by the empress, and soon set off a frenzy of Go in the world. Both the nobles and the nobles are obsessed with Go, and even the royal family regards Go as a compulsory subject for their successors.

But now, under the dragon city full of corpses, two men knelt on the ground, using blood lines to form a game record, white snow to form a white chess piece, and dark elements to form a black flag, word by word without any haste. He fell restlessly.

And around them and above the sky, there are countless warriors and mages.

As chess spectators, those who can see two people playing chess will watch quietly, and those who cannot see will wait quietly. As long as one of the two makes any move, they who are guarding Dragon City will It will explode like firecrackers in the snow.

"The giant race and the Moxi Empire are not so easy to fight, especially now, in order to protect themselves, the two countries have probably formed an alliance." Lifting up the sleeve of the mage's robe, Lin Wen lightly pinched his fingertips, and the dark elements condensed into a moment The black chess piece was slowly put down.

"Nothing is easy to fight, but since I dare to counterattack Moxi, it means I still have some confidence." Bai Xue condensed in Fangte's hands, calmly.

"What about the elves?"

"The elves' civil war has been going on for a while, and it's time for me to take over."

"It seems that the civil war among the elves was really started by you."

"I just lighted the fire a little bit, but without the dry wood of the elf, the fire wouldn't light."

"What about the angel species?"

"After the land is stable, I will go to the floating land. I learned something about the angel species, and it's time for Lucifer to break his wings."

"Does Your Excellency Sea Habitat have any countermeasures?"

When mentioning sea dwelling species, Lin Wen's steady tone was slightly disturbed, but Lin Wen didn't try to hide it.After all, the other party owns the three most powerful intelligence agencies in the world, "Dark Cat Pavilion", "Red Sleeve Trick" and "Magic City", so this slime probably has already seen through his affairs.

Raising his head to look at Lin Wen, and looking away, Fang Te picked up the chess piece made of snow and made a move.

Lin Wen didn't say much, just kept talking quietly.

The two played 33 moves in a row, and when it was the last move, the voice slowly came out from between the two.

"The sea area controlled by the sea-dwelling species is too large. They are the race that I need to deal with the most. I can't think of a way yet, but they cannot escape." Fang Te said slowly.

With a smile involuntarily, Lin Wen stood up, patted the dirt and snow on his body, Fang Te also stood up immediately, and saluted with the etiquette of the Moxi Empire:

"There is no 'forgiveness'. If you lose, you lose. That's why I said that the etiquette of the Eastern Xia Empire is a bit hypocritical." Looking at the chessboard half floating in the air, Fang Te finally won with one word.

Lin Wen's eyes were shining with golden light, and he looked around at everything in a radius of ten thousand miles, and then a small voice that could be heard in the entire Dragon City Dragon Road and Ella East Territory came out.

"In the name of Great Master Lin Wen, Dragon City soldiers, surrender to Ella, and all soldiers of the Moxi Empire from the Eastern Allied Forces! Return to Moxi immediately."

In the Dragon City Dragon Road, after hearing the order from Master Lin Wen, the soldiers of the Moxi Empire gave up their desperate resistance and dropped the weapons in their hands. The sound of the weapons colliding echoed throughout the entire Dragon Road On the ground, the mages who were floating in the air also landed one after another, giving up their guard and confrontation.

At the same time, in the only three-party alliance in the east of Ella that was still under attack, under the puzzlement of the giant race and the rebel nobles of Ella, the Mosi Empire withdrew its troops one after another. Without the support of the greatest strength of the Moxi Empire, The three-party coalition forces in the east of Ella are gradually disintegrating!

"Your Excellency, if future generations really have the peaceful world you mentioned, how do you think the history books of future generations will evaluate me?" Lin Wen said with a smile, this kind of smile is a real ease of letting go.

"Who knows what will happen in future generations, but I think the evaluation should be much better than that of me who almost provoked the entire world war."

"Hehehe, according to how I put it, I still won once." Lin Wen saluted, "Please also treat the descendants of the Moxi Empire kindly."


After getting the promise, Lin Wen turned around and walked out of Dragon City step by step. The soldiers who had already dropped their weapons made way for the youngest human archmage.

Watching this man who was less than 30 years old step into the dragon path and walk down the dragon path step by step, no one had any resentment towards this archmage, and even, towards this archmage, they had a lot of feelings in their hearts. Endless admiration and deep gratitude.

After all, when that slime came to help, the ending was already decided, and these soldiers and soldiers all had families, no one wanted to die, but if he ordered a meaningless fight with that slime, Then none of the warrior mages of the Moxi Empire in Longcheng and Longdao will walk out alive.

And now, even if the archmage wants to bear the infamy of the Moxi Empire and even the later generations for "surrendering without a fight", he must protect them.
"Send Master Lin Wen!"

"Send Master Lin Wen!"

Long way thousands of miles!All the warrior mages of the Moxi Empire knelt down on one knee!Respectfully sending Master Lin Wen away, the sound shook the sky, and the sky was scattered with snow.

With their backs to them who were kneeling on one knee, Lin Wen waved his hands and walked out of the path that the two-headed dog demons gave way to the archmage:

"General Laco, please tell Your Majesty that Lin Wen won't be going back. The world is so big. I think it's time to visit the teacher's path."


The voice slowly came from a distance, but the figure had disappeared into the distance.

At the end of December 3019, the seventh century of the world year, the tripartite coalition forces completely disintegrated, the Moxi Empire withdrew its troops from the border, the giant race returned home day and night, and the rebellious nobles of Ella returned to their fiefs to negotiate peace with the royal family of Ella!

At the beginning of January, 3020, the seventh century of the world year, all the pressure on the border of Ella was relieved. Fangte rejected the treaty of peace talks between the rebel nobles of Ella, and sent troops to attack the fief of the rebel nobles of Ella!Take back all fiefs within ten days!A total of 37 century-old nobles of the Ella Empire perished!Among them, General Longka was seriously injured and is still in a coma!

In mid-January, the top management of Ella was under the control of Ainia and Dongxia, and Princess Daphne was enthroned as emperor!Second day!Unexpected and reasonable things happened, Princess Daphne led Ella to Fangte!
End of January!Centered on Ania!The World Alliance is officially formed!
Early February!The World Alliance sends troops to the world!

(End of this chapter)

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