The evolution of slime

Chapter 273 Join

Chapter 273 Join
The top leadership of Odeya has become a mess.

The main reason is that his emperor made a huge decision after meeting that slime: join the World Alliance!
Odeya’s high-level capitulators are naturally very happy to hear that their leader has made this decision. After all, the World Alliance is extremely strong. If they really want to attack Odeya, let’s not talk about whether they can stop the iron hoof of the World Alliance. Just fight!The resources consumed will be incalculable!

The nobles' territory will be baptized by the flames of war, and it's just a matter of raising troops!All the noble ministers here can't escape to contribute!Therefore, for them, joining the World Alliance is a very good decision, at least those countries and forces that surrendered to join the World Alliance are doing well now.

But!The generals and radicals above the Odeya court will quit, after all Odeya has existed for thousands of years!Does it mean that if you submit, you will submit?Doesn't this mean giving away one's own country?

Therefore, after the "Assassination of Slime" camp disappeared, the main peace faction and the main battle faction in the court were at odds, but the main peace faction still had a lot of upper hand. After all, there was the clear support of Emperor Odea, but Even so, the war faction still came to visit the emperor day and night, trying to make him change his mind.

"Tao, thank you."

In the huge room, Ladd and Zick were sitting together. Ladd expressed his gratitude to his younger brother. There were two thanks. It will be difficult to escape in the territory of Ella, and the second is to thank Tao for letting the World Alliance not send troops to Odeya.

Ladd knew that the slime could obviously give up attacking the two continents near Endless Land and attack Odea with all his strength, but he didn't do so. Odea Chance.

"This is what Tao should do. We are brothers. Brother doesn't need to thank me. However, I didn't expect him to be able to convince you."

"Then Tao, guess what reason that slime used to convince me?"

Ladd smiled easily. He had never been so relaxed before he made the decision to join the World League after ascension to the throne.

Tao shook his head to express that he couldn't figure it out, and Hong Ji poured tea for the two of them.

"Hahaha, Tao, in your understanding, how heavy is the throne of emperor?"

"The position of the emperor symbolizes supreme power. It is so important that the century-old nobles of the Ella Empire rebelled! In the end, the entire family disappeared in the long river of history. To put it mildly, it is also very light to some people, lightly. To the point of not caring at all.”

"Does Tao think that Odeya's throne is important or light to his brother?"

"It's very important, because you are perfect, brother. Even if my brother pushed my father down from the throne back then, the reason why my father didn't have the slightest anger or nostalgia for power is because my father believed that my brother could do better after he ascended the throne. ! It is precisely because my brother loves this country and has a sense of responsibility for the country as a royal family, so you will not easily hand over the country to others. This is the reason why I can't figure it out."

"Indeed, it is very heavy, but there are things that are heavier than the throne." Ladd raised his hand, pointing at Zick sitting in front of him, "and he is sitting in front of me."

"Tao doesn't want to be a burden to brother."

"It's not a burden, it's a relief." Ladd shook his head. "That day, that slime asked me a question. He said, 'What am I fighting for? Is it for the throne? Nobility? The royal family for thousands of years. inheritance? Or the people?'”

"At that time, I couldn't answer it, because I found that it was neither! Then he took me to a place where I saw a story of a woman and a man. Their story is like that of you and Hong Ji, and at that time, I thought of you, and at the same time, I got the answer."

"What is the throne? I don't like this position at all! Those noble ministers who fight all day long for power and interests are nothing! Why should I do it for them! The inheritance my father and ancestors gave me? That's just my own. Just looking for troubles, people? Is it good for the people to let them fall into the flames of war? Besides, are the people the most important thing to me?"

"No, none of these! In my heart! Everything is for you! More than 30 years ago, my brother couldn't give you a happy life, didn't protect you, and made you suffer the most painful suffering in the world! He even made you fall between gears The country has experienced thousands of years of suffering!"

"These are all things that my brother is ashamed of you. My brother has always wanted to make up for you, but he doesn't know how to make it up. Even though my brother is also a middle-level mage, he can live for a long time, but one day I will leave you, my brother has nothing left for you, I just want to build a better world for you!"

"In that world, the world lives in harmony, and there is no war among all races! There is no barrier to intermarriage between races! Even if the human race and the mechanical race are together, it will be a very common thing, and will not be despised by the world! So , my brother wants to join the World Alliance and make some contributions to the future world. After all, my brother can't do much, that's all."

Looking at his younger brother, Ladd patted Zick's shoulder deeply.

Looking at his elder brother, Cike had nothing to say. After all, what else could he say to this elder brother who would even give up the throne for himself?
"Brother, I took Hongji to visit the whole territory of Odeia in the past few months, and I realized that the country we have been living in is so big and the scenery is so beautiful, so I thought, wait Now that everything has settled down, Tao wants to go with his brother to see the country we live in."

"Just us two brothers?"

"Well, it's just us two brothers."

"Hahaha, good! Good! Good!"

Ladd and Zick hugged each other tightly, laughed and said hello three times!Tears of joy overflowed from the corners of his eyes, and Hong Ji, who was guarding the two of them, quietly looked at the brothers hugging each other, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.
The next day, Cike and Hongji left Odeya and rushed back to the country of gears, and it was the same day!Rudd used the peace faction to start persuading the radicals with "sugar and sticks", or in other words, cleaning them up!
World Year Seventh Century 3020 Mid-March!Odea announces to the world that he has joined the World League!

Late March!Ladd, in turn, supported the oppressed nobles, and began to clean up the moth nobles of the main peace faction!
Early spring in April!Odea has weakened the power and strength of the high-level at a fierce speed!Odeya, whose imperial power was already extremely heavy, has once again aggravated the imperial power!There will no longer be any substantial obstacles to the decisions Rudd makes.

Mid-April!Under the commission of the World Alliance!Odea sends troops to the Forest of Sages!
(End of this chapter)

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