Chapter 277
"My dear Miss Akiah, where did you go just now? Are you bored with our old friends?"

On the floating continent, seven or eight gods sat in the hall of the meeting room, the expression on their faces was the arrogance of the absolute supreme to the world.

"A friend of mine was trapped by the Angel Seed, and I just picked her up."

"Oh, Lucifer, have you imprisoned dear Akiah's friend?"

The woman who put away a pair of huge snow-white wings propped her crystal chin lazily and said lazily, but she seemed to be so careless about everything.

"My master." The seraphim black angel Lucifer knelt on one knee and said with his right hand touching his chest, "That is a human woman who trespassed on my floating land without permission and was captured not long ago, but because she is The wife of the slime named Fonte, the Angel race only imprisoned her, and they didn't know that she was a friend of Lord Akiah."

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm just asking casually, little Lucifer still likes to be nervous." Ilos said with a smile, and the indecent tone made everyone think that she was serious.

In fact, for Iros, or for the gods, for them who are the supreme, there are too few things that they can care about.

"But that slime is really powerful. I didn't expect him to almost unify the world during our self-proclaimed period. It's really interesting."

A man with horns, tiger body, lion tail, leopard claws, almost a collection of all animals said.

He was three meters tall and extremely burly, and the magic elements were restless around him, as if the tall man waved his hand, and these magic elements would be annihilated.

He is Cross, the creator of the orcs.

"Yeah, it's really interesting. It seems that this century really won't be boring."

A little loli sitting on the table had her legs up and down. She had just rushed to the floating land with Poseidon after she had a full sleep in the palace under the sea.

She looks only 34 years old in the human race, with a pair of braids that are lively and cute, especially those pair of pointed canine teeth, giving people a sense of playfulness.

However, it was such a little lolita who gave the first kindling of human species in ancient times!In the end, this little girl became a deity believed by the human species as it should be.

"Okay, Purseus, last time you gave the tinder to the human species just because it was 'interesting', but we got spanked together, have you forgotten?"

A young lady in a blue robe jokingly said that the elementals around him were constantly floating, the water elementals were extremely docile, and his eyes were also deep blue.

Poseidon!Creator of Sea Dwelling Species!
"Humph! Good job Poseidon! You're the one who encouraged me to give it to the human species, saying it was fun! You didn't get spanked! Only me!" Little Lolita made a gesture of wanting to pounce!He wanted to throw Poseidon down, but he was hugged by Ajiya in time, and he failed.

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble, there are still many interesting things waiting for us to do in this century." A flaming god said lightly, every word of his seemed to be full of gunpowder!

"Hera is right, since this world is finally interesting, don't waste it, but don't forget our direct bet." Iros said with a smile.

"Hahaha, of course, it's interesting like this." Vulcan laughed loudly, and the surrounding air felt extremely hot.

"Okay, Lucifer, get up, don't worry too much about that human race." Ilos said with a smile to the seraphim woman who was still kneeling.

"But. The master's human species is the product of the combination of angel species and human species. Humans and angel species are linked. Lucifer feels that this is an insult to angel species!"

"Oh? Could it be? Miss Lucifer is still trying to snatch someone from me?" Aijiya said, the divine pressure emanating from Aijiya seemed to crush everything.

Lucifer didn't say a word, just knelt in front of Iros.

After all, the angel species was created by Iros rather than Akiah, and all the angel species obeyed only Lucifer, and for Aegia, who was also a god species, the angel species had only a little respect.In fact, not only the angel race, but also other races, they only obey their creators!For other gods, it's just a matter of etiquette.

"It's all right, let her go, by the way, is her mother still alive?"

"Yes, imprisoned in the Chaos Chamber of the Angels!"

"Oh, then let her meet that human race girl, and let them go together by the way." Iros waved his hand, and the beautiful eyes gradually became a little excited, "After all, the interesting things are about to begin."

In the middle of June, 3019, the seventh century of the world year, Li Lin met her mother in the Room of Chaos, and the two chatted all night.

On the second day, the floating continent lost one human species and one angel species.

On the third day, a spirit species left the floating continent.

On the fourth day, the gods left the floating continent one after another!
On the fifth day, the Endless Land, Twilight Continent, Ainia, and all over the world ushered in their own gods!
The giants, who were forced to join the World Alliance not long ago, let out a shocking cry, and the paper that had just signed a treaty to join the World Alliance in the name of the gods was torn up by the elves!
Except for the demon species and the Ainian orc species who are still in a very entangled state!The rest of the demons and orcs in the world greeted their masters one after another!
The treaty sworn in the name of the gods is no longer valid, and all races begin to gather together!

End of June!Cross came to Aonia, under the divinity of Cross as creator!Beastmen can't get rid of the nature and beliefs imprinted in their souls!All the orcs of Aenia surrendered to their gods and broke away from the World Federation.

At the same time, the Twilight Continent also ushered in Karthus. Similarly, Su Mei, Ha Chier, Lan Bujia and other clan leaders who returned to the Twilight Continent broke away from the World Alliance and surrendered to Karthus!
At the beginning of July, the Moxi Empire showed signs of resurgence, but it was still stable under the suppression of Odeya, the Ella Empire, and the Eastern Xia Kingdom.

On July [-]rd, Fangte received an invitation from the spirit species to go to God's Domain.

In the bamboo forest of the Eastern Xia Kingdom, several of the most beautiful women in the world are discussing something. On the table is an invitation from the gods, and the slime is sitting on a small mountain in the bamboo forest, looking into the distance , looking at everything in Dongxia Kingdom.

Finally, the slime stood up with a "grunt", moved its body and walked out of the bamboo forest.
(End of this chapter)

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