The evolution of slime

Chapter 289 Stone Pillars

Chapter 289 Stone Pillars
From August of 3020 in the seventh century to May of the following year, there are a total of nine months. This period of time is known as the biggest turning point in the history of the world, and it is also the darkest months in the history of the world.

During these nine months, every corner of the world has been caught in the flames of war, and various races have been fighting for their own gods.

The roar of the fantasy dragon race, the countless "God's Punishment" under the heavenly wings of the angel race, the flames from hell from the demon race, the trident halberds of the sea dwellers flying to the land, the vine magic of the elf race, the laser beams of the mechanical race, The extreme strength of the giant species, the bloodthirsty explosive species of the orc species, and the tenacious resistance of the human species!

It's only been nine months, and the war is uncertain. No matter which race it is, tens of thousands of people have died. Even if this continues, the ten intelligent races in the world will be truly extinct.

During the more than nine months of battle, most of the gods have intervened in the battlefield, but with the exception of one "human", until mid-September, when this slime first appeared on the world battlefield, It is also the end of this war!At the same time, on that day, the Deity species completely disappeared from the world, gradually becoming a legend.
At the beginning of September 3020, the world war officially entered its climax, and in the bamboo forest of Dongxia Kingdom, in a small room in the backyard of Zhuju, a green slime was casually holding a carving knife in a ten cubic centimeter-sized Something is carved on the silver-white stone pillar.

Beside him is a finished product that has already been completed.

Strange to say, it is obviously a very simple carving, but every time this slime holds the knife, it seems to be a lot more difficult. Every time he carves on the small stone pillar of ten cubic centimeters, his hands are trembling. !

It took this slime only four days to carve the first stone pillar, seven days to carve the second stone pillar, twelve days to carve the third stone pillar, As for the carving of the fourth stone pillar, he still hasn't finished it yet!
"Cough, cough, cough!"

Holding the knife to carve again, he began to cough violently, and the green slime essence spit out from his mouth on the ground.

With a wave of the small tentacles, the green essence turned into magic elements and floated in the air without leaving any trace.

After wiping his mouth and rubbing his blurry eyes, Slime struggled to hold the carving knife in his hand again, and peeled off the stones on the silver-white stone pillar again and again like carving wood.


Just as he was concentrating on carving the stone pillars, the door of Zhuju was suddenly opened!A beautiful woman rushed into the room and walked quickly in front of the slime's desk!With a wave of his slender hand, all the completed and unfinished stone pillars on the table were thrown to the ground.

The woman glared at that it was just a slime, her eyes were red, and her chest heaved violently with anger.

"Li'er, why are you back?" Slime raised his head and smiled at the empress in front of him.

Under Fangte's request, the Empress rushed to the western region to defend against Ainia's attack, but she didn't come back so soon as usual.

"If Li'er doesn't come back early! Will Li'er never see her husband again!" The empress's eyes were wet with crystal tears, she bit her red lips, clenched her fists tightly, and stared at the woman in front of her. Only slime.

"It's not that exaggerated, I just want to carve something." Fang Te transformed into a small tentacles, trying to pick up the scattered stone pillars, but the moment he touched the stone pillars, he coughed violently and quickly mobilized Only the divine power in the body can be suppressed.

"It's just a small cold, a small cold." After picking up the stone pillars one by one and placing them on the table, Fang Te sat back on the stool with some difficulty.

"Cold?! Can the archmage catch a cold? Can the legendary mage catch a cold? Can the gods catch a cold?"

Two lines of tears ran across the empress's beautiful face. It was only a month since she had seen him, but his body became like this, and her heart felt like a knife was cut.

"Why, why are you so attached to this world?"

With tears streaming down her face, the empress questioned.

I don't know how many times the empress questioned him. The first time, his name was Di Xin. He could have left, but he perished with the Shang Dynasty.

The second time, he was named Ji Gongnie. Similarly, for the Zhou Dynasty, where treacherous ministers ruled, he died with his sword.

The third time, he was the emperor who created the pinnacle of a dynasty. At that time, she confused him and made him ignore the government affairs. She thought that as long as the country was destroyed, there would be no restraints in his heart, and he could be with him. Escape from the world by yourself, and be together without disturbance, but!In the end, even during the Anshi Rebellion, he did not give up his country!

the fourth time.
the fifth time.
until now!The current him is obviously completely different from the previous one. He is dishonest, lecherous, and promiscuous everywhere, but even he is such a dick!He still wants to give everything for this world!
"Why! So what if this world is destroyed? What does it have to do with you! You are a god species now! Who can let you die! So what if you cheated on the agreement with those boring gods! Why do you You must bind yourself!"

The empress burst into tears like rain, and the tears fell to the ground.

In the eyes of the world, she is the empress who stands tall and looks all over the world!But in Fangte's eyes, she is just a little girl, a stupid girl who only knows how to dedicate everything to the person she likes.

She said that Fang Te bound herself for the world, but why didn't she?For Fangte, how many years has she bound herself?
"Too many people died, they can't die in vain, besides, who said that the gods can't be killed?" Fang Te said lightly, looking at the small stone pillar on the table, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Turning his head, looking at the tearful woman, Fang Te turned into a human being, stood up, and wanted to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes, but the empress shook her off!

Looking directly at Fang Te's face, Fang Te, who had turned into a human being at this time, was pale and bloodless, exactly the same as Chen Wenqin at that time!
"You promised two things! Do you remember?!"

"Remember." Fang nodded.

"That first thing! I want you to stop now!"

"Hehehe" Fang Te's pale face smiled, but the girl's heart felt so distressed, "I knew that Li'er would ask for this, but, Li'er, it's too late, long before you left During this period, I injected all the life and divine power in my body into the ten stone pillars, and everything was too late."

Hearing Fang Te's words, the empress' eyes suddenly shrank, and in an instant, the empress opened the magic circle to destroy the carved and unfinished stone pillars on the table!

(End of this chapter)

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