The evolution of slime

Chapter 291 Divinity

Chapter 291 Divinity

The gods are the product of the world, maybe because the world is too stupid, they use everything to create the gods, after the gods are created, they have the power to change the world.

As the highest person in the world!There are no more than fifteen gods and Fangte, but each god is extremely strong!This kind of strength doesn't just refer to "destructive power", but in every field!in!Especially the vitality of the gods!
It can be said!It is the gods who have truly achieved the same level as the sky!If a god-like species doesn't want to die, it can be said that the rest of the god-like species work together!It can only eliminate his form, but his divinity is with the will of the world!As long as the divinity is restored, it is not difficult to reshape the body and resurrect.

Therefore, the empress, who knew this well, thought that even if Fangte had lost this "war game", as long as she cheated, the gods would not be able to do anything to Fangte.

However, even if it is the empress, her understanding is not complete!
really!The spirit species is with the will of the world!As long as the consciousness of the world does not die!The divinity of the Deity species can be immortal, but isn't this much simpler?
While killing the god species!Wouldn't it be enough to kill the will of the world?

Fangte once asked the "system" whether the Deity species could be killed, and he asked whether the consciousness of the world could be erased, and the system gave the answer "yes and no".

At that time, Fang Te was puzzled, but when Fang Te became a god, his consciousness rose to the level of the highest person.

Above this level, he can feel the will of the world, and he can know many false and real truths in the world. Similarly, he can get the answers he wants.

The moment he stepped into the realm of the gods, Fangte couldn't help feeling like this in his heart: "It turns out that the will of the world can be erased, and the gods can really be killed."

Although the spirit species is a product of the world, its status is not lower than that of the world. In other words, the spirit species can reawaken the will of the world, and can also eliminate the will of the world, and only the spirit species can do this.

But this can't be done by Fangte alone, he needs the power of all the gods.

Therefore, in God's Domain, he agreed to the "war game" that he could not refuse.

From the moment he agreed to this game, Fantawild had no intention of winning this world war!There is only one thing he wants to do!That is to kill the god species!

and!At the moment of killing the god species!He wants to use the huge energy after the destruction of the god-like body to inject it into the divinity that will be integrated into the will of the world!
And the moment when the divinity of the gods merges with the will of the world!Fangte will pull this huge force to detonate!
at last!Accompanied by the explosion and destruction that penetrates the entire world, it will be the will of divinity and the world!And this is also the only way Fangte knows to destroy the will of the world and the spirit species after becoming a god.

This is the "ability" that "system (will of the world)" can reply to Fangte!
On the other hand, there are people who can’t!

Since the beginning of the century, the gods have sealed themselves for nearly seven centuries!Their current divine power is much smaller than when they were at their peak, so just relying on the huge energy generated when the bodies of all the gods are destroyed, they cannot destroy the will of the world!
Naturally, the divinity that coexists with the will of the world cannot be destroyed!
so!Fangte still needs help from some foreign objects, and he needs to make some preparations!That is these carved stone pillars scattered at his feet.

The size of the stone pillar is about the same size as the chess in the world where Fangte lived in his previous life, and the basic shape prototype is also based on the chess, but the carvings of these chess pieces are different from the chess.

The sculpture on the first stone pillar is a girl with long hair. The girl's eyes are naturally charming, but her appearance is so pure and clean. This kind of charm and purity are perfectly combined.

The second carved stone pillar is a beautiful girl, surrounded by nine long tails behind the girl, so beautiful that it is breathtaking. The girl sits on the stone seat, propping her chin and looking into the distance.

The third stone pillar is carved to look like a humanoid creature with wings. She raised her head and looked up at the sky, her wings spread slightly behind her.

The fourth stone pillar is carved with a dog demon. He has two heads, and the sharp fangs are exposed, as if to spit out the hottest flame of time.

The fifth stone pillar is carved with a mermaid holding a trident, with wavy curly hair and a mermaid tail. Although the eyes are colorless, they are as clear as the sea.

The sixth stone pillar is carved into a plump woman with pointed ears. Under the elf's open clothing, the girl's plump twin peaks are ready to come out, but it doesn't give people any sense of obscenity.

The seventh stone pillar is a cute little girl with a small mouth like a cherry, a small face like a pebble, and big round eyes. When you look carefully, the girl's eyes are engraved with fine magic gears, as if they are flashing. generally.

The eighth stone pillar is an extremely burly man. Under the man's feet, the finely carved mountains, rivers and cities look extremely small. He opened his arms and opened his mouth to raise the sky!It seemed that he was roaring.

The ninth stone pillar was a man with fluffy ears and a tail. He showed his fangs, his eyes were bloodthirsty but calm, as if everything was under his control.

The last stone pillar is a woman, she is wearing a long skirt, looking into the distance, the girl's beautiful eyes are firm and gentle, a dagger is hung on the woman's waist, but I don't know what this dagger is for of.

There are ten stone pillars in total, and Fangte injected life and divinity into them equally. He transformed the knife with soul, held the knife with divine power, and carved one knife at a time. Decrease, fading of life, loss of divine power, wear and tear of divinity.

These pillars!It is the foreign object prepared by Fantawild!

Creating a race is not an easy task. At the beginning of the century, when the gods created the race, it also took a certain amount of soul, divinity and a lot of divine power!

These divine powers have been passed down from generation to generation and gradually evolved into magical powers!The soul is constantly evolving and becomes the imprint of the soul of the time race. As for the divinity, it is scattered in the body of some lucky people. These divinities are gradually called "talents", and those with a little "divinity" People who are talented are called geniuses in various fields!

Now!What Fangte has to do is very simple!That is to collect the vast amount of divine power, divinity, and soul in the world!

And the necessary prerequisite for collection is the so-called "death"!
(End of this chapter)

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