The evolution of slime

Chapter 298 Is It A Joke?

Chapter 298 Is It A Joke?

"His Majesty!"

"His Majesty!"

Amidst a burst of exclamation, the nearby warriors did not hesitate to pounce in front of Ladd. Even if the mage guarding Ladd had no time to cast defensive magic, he could still spread his mage robe and protect Ladd.

Everyone was determined to save the life of their own emperor, but Ladd remained calm. Even if the thunder dragon came head-on, he just looked coldly at the four-winged angel floating in the air.


The roar of the brontosaurus spread throughout the canyon, and the warriors and mages who stood in front of Ladd closed their eyes, ready to die.

After a while, Thunder Dragon's sense of coercion completely disappeared, and when they opened their eyes, they found that they were unharmed.
And at the front, a man of human race opened his mouth, and the brontosaurus shrank rapidly, as if being attracted by a black hole, and was completely sucked into the man's mouth, and the man still didn't know where to pull it out. The grass roots that came out picked their teeth, as if they had just finished their meal.

"Who are you?"

Angry questioning echoed in the canyon.

He ate his own magic with his mouth open. Among the human mages, there are three people who can do it, but Anthony and Vega have left long ago, and Lin Wen has already left, so who else?
"People in the world say that the gods are extremely proud. It turns out that the proud gods will also do this kind of thing of 'reaping the benefits'. Is this the pride of your angels?" The man slightly tilted his head and looked at this one. Four-winged angel, the smile is full of contempt!

"How can a lowly person like you understand what I planted as an angel?"

Turning from shame to anger, with the help of the other dozen or so four-winged angels, a magic circle was quickly formed, and in an instant, four thunder dragons rushed towards the man.

"Low ones? Didn't that fellow Iros not even teach you the most basic etiquette?"

Men step forward!A huge dust wave is set off!Form a huge yellow palm and slap it!The four thunder dragons turned into elements and dissipated into nothingness.

The eyes of the angels floating above the Canyon of the Dead froze for a moment!The human race man in front of him has completely surpassed the realm of the archmage!

"Not good! It's him! All the Angels evacuate quickly!"

The leading four-winged angel suddenly narrowed the gap to something, and ordered to his companions!
Hearing the captain's order, although a little puzzled!But still flapping its wings to evacuate urgently, traces of magic flow crossed and distributed appeared on the wings of the angel species!
This time, there are not many angels planted. The first reason is that the number of angels is not large, but the main reason is that Iros thinks that the angels are only here to close the mess, and the angels are extremely powerful. !So with the addition of more than a dozen four-winged angels, a total of three hundred angels are enough.

In fact, it was enough, but no one would have imagined that a god-species would appear out of thin air!and!The strength of this spirit species seems to be extremely strong, and it seems to be stronger than his master.

"Since you're here, don't leave."

When the magic mobilized by hundreds of angels waved their wings and wanted to fly away, the man took a step forward.

Taking one step forward, the sky and the earth were extremely bright, and all the white clouds swept down one after another, hanging down like a tornado to form a huge sky prison connected to the sky.

The leading angel species tried to break through and leave, but all the magic power immediately disappeared into nothingness when it touched this prison!Even if the three hundred angels use all their means, the prison will not move at all.

The angel species stopped struggling, and just looked at Fangte quietly. There was no sadness or anger in his eyes, and he just looked at him quietly.

"Even if you kill us, the final victory will belong to my lord!" The leading four-winged angel said calmly, the voice was not loud, but everyone in the Canyon of the Dead could hear it very clearly.

Stretching out his palm, Fang Te looked at his hand with a faint light like a hand lover: "Victory will not belong to Iros, nor will it belong to me."

The four-winged angel frowned: "What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting, but now, please invite the noble angels to sleep."

After all, Fangte stretched out his finger and tapped lightly in the direction of the prison. A magic circle appeared on Fangte's fingertips. Starting from the dot-sized magic circle, countless magic circles were stacked on top of each other!Constantly expanding!
With a flick of the fingers, the magic circle flew towards the prison, surrounded by [-] angels in all directions.

After a short breath, countless rays of light bloomed from the magic circle, and the rich rays of light gradually overwhelmed the angel species
After the light passed, all the angel species "melted" into thousands of fluorescent lights.The Angel Seed pieces flew out of Fangte's arms, greedily greedy for everything of the [-] Angel Seeds absorbed.

The chess piece flew back to Fangte's arms, and Fangte turned around and bowed to Emperor Odeya.

"You finally showed up."

Looking at Fangte, Ladd was full of emotions. He once thought that this slime might be wiped out by other gods just after becoming a new god.

"There are some necessary things to do, so it has been delayed for a long time." Fangte said while pulling out a sword, and with a light wave, the sword energy mixed with magic power swept the entire Canyon of the Dead.

"Do you really want to be different or is it that the gods give people this feeling?"

"What do you feel?"

"I don't know, it seems like the end is approaching, but it feels extremely powerful."

Fang Te smiled and said, "Hahaha, maybe your majesty is right."

Emperor Odeya's mind was focused, wondering if this unscrupulous slime was joking.


"This joke is not funny."

"Now that the Eastern Xia Kingdom has perished, Ella's situation is extremely pessimistic. Although I don't have many troops left in Odea, the elves are also weak. Do you want me to support them?"

Fang Te shook his head: "No need."

"Could it be that Tao brought the mechanical species to support?"

"No." Putting down the sword in his hand, Fang Te clapped his hands and continued, "Your Majesty can lead the troops back to Odea. You don't need to lead troops to go out. You just need to protect Odea well."

Raising his head, the sky had returned to its original state. He looked at the sky, and before Ladd could ask any more questions, Fang Te saluted:
"Fante thanked His Majesty for joining the World Alliance when it was established, and thanked you for fighting for the Forest of Sages for the World Alliance, and thanked you for standing by Fangte's side in this chaotic battle."

"Fante, you." The wisest emperor of Odea seemed to guess something, but he didn't dare to say it.

"The chaotic war in the world will end soon, and there will be tomorrow in this world."

Straightening up, Fante smiled at Ladd, said nothing more, turned and walked into the void.

is it a joke
In the heart of the emperor here, looking at the direction where Fangte disappeared, he seemed to know the answer.

(End of this chapter)

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