The evolution of slime

Chapter 302 Warmth

Chapter 302 Warmth
Outside the city of Ella, the protective circle was kicked by Zyra, the god species, and the whole city of Ella shook. Afterwards, Zyra floated in the sky.

The armies of elves and humans are charging against each other, and the distance between the two is getting closer and closer, and the war is about to break out!
While she was watching the two armies approaching with great interest and the war that was about to break out, a slime quietly appeared between the two armies, turning a deaf ear to the roaring roars before the fight between the two sides.



Daphne and Niswell, who were standing behind, shrank their pupils and shouted almost at the same time!Looking incredulously at this spring-like slime that suddenly appeared.

However, the two armies were already red-eyed, and they only had each other in their eyes, and they didn't take this slime that appeared suddenly into their eyes at all.

The two armies keep approaching, and with less than 50 meters left, the two armies will confront each other head-on, and this slime will also be crushed into a slime cake.

"You still appeared." Zyra looked at the green slime on the ground with a smile.

"Well, it's okay, it's not too late."

Slime twisted his body and looked at the army that was constantly pressing in on both sides.

"It's time to end."

Turning into a human species, Fang Te bit his finger, a drop of bright red blood slowly slipped from between him, and finally dripped on the ground.


Although it is a hard flat ground, this drop of blood is like red ink entering a pool. Centered on Fangte, there are circles of ripples on the ground. Wherever the ripples affect, everyone except Daphne and Niceville The elves and humans fell down as if they had been deprived of all their vigor and magical power.

After ten breaths, only Fante in the center of the battlefield stood outside Ella.

And those human races and elves who fell down slowly lost their breath.

"Interesting, you are so strong now, what have you done in these few months?"

Zyra descended slowly, and stood face to face with Fangte, her green eyes kept sizing him up.

"Hey, you are about to die. Although the will of the gods and the world is with you, you are really going to die now."

With her hands behind her back, Zyra stood on tiptoe, whispering in Fante's ear.

"Let's go, the remaining 20 elves in this battlefield are all the soldiers that can fight now. They are all dead, and you have lost."

Fangte said in a calm tone, but this calm person just killed 20 elves and 15 remaining defenders of the Ella Empire with just a few gestures!

"Hehehe, I didn't expect that I would lose like this, but who will win in the end? I'm looking forward to it." Looking into Fangte's arms, as if he had guessed something, he turned lightly, and the void slowly Open it, "I'm waiting for you in God's Domain."

Even if all the elves' fighters died, Zyra would not feel sad, because to her, this was just a game.

Fangte raised his head, a little absent-minded.

The Canyon of the Dead was attacked by Odea, Hades withdrew from this game called war, and Warcraft was almost extinct under the siege of all forces, and Hera withdrew from the game.

Not only that, in the past few months, after Fangte killed all the angel species on the floating land, the angel species that fought all over the world also died one after another, and Iros quit the game.

The kingdom of giants is the place where Aegia and the creator of the giants, Seth, are in a stalemate. Maybe these two people have some kind of enmity. Anyway, they just want to fight to the death. In the end, the phantoms and the giants basically died together. .

Now only the sea-dwelling species and the demon-species are still fighting each other. The believers of Perseus and the mechanical species are going to have a final decisive battle. The army went to help his brother!Who wins and who loses is unknown.

"There really isn't much time left."

Fangte turned around, wanting to leave, but saw Neswell walking towards him in the distance, and Daphne was watching from outside the city.
"long time no see."

Niceville walked to Fang Te's side, and Fang Te greeted her like a person who had nothing to do.

"It's been a long time." Niceville looked straight at the man who killed 20 elves, but for some reason, in her heart, she didn't have the slightest loathing or hatred for him.

On the contrary, being able to see him, the inexplicably happy emotion in her heart smudged like ink in water.

"You killed 20 of my compatriots, so you have nothing to say?"

"You don't seem to be very sad." Fang Te spread his hands. The world's attack on elves was so smooth before. In addition to the difference in strength, it was Weier who sent Fang Te countless useful information, and this was also her previous experience. Promise Fangte to do one thing for him.

"Would you believe me if I said that they would all come back to life?"

"I believe."

"So you believe it? In my impression, Miss Nice is not someone who would trust others so casually."

"You are different."


"because I like you."


Fang Te was a little confused by Niswell's sudden confession. This is the first time Fang Te has been confessed so solemnly by a girl. Although he has Emilia and Li Lin, he has a fondness for them. We know each other, so there is no need to speak out.

Even the empress "tells" Fang Te that she likes her in the constant teasing, but she never seriously tells Fang Te "I like you!"

So, this is the first time, whether in the previous life or in this world!This is the first time someone has confessed to him so solemnly.

"I'm sorry, I'm already married, and there are already three in my family."

"I don't care how many people there are in your family. Anyway, I like you. You just need to tell me whether you like me or not."

Wei Er took a step closer to Fang Te, raised her head, and looked straight into Fang Te's eyes, waiting for his answer.

Can't escape being watched, took a deep breath, Fang Te looked at her:

"I'm sorry, Miss Weier, you are very nice, but I don't like you."

Fante's fingers couldn't help rubbing, and this small gesture completely caught Niswell's eyes.

"I see."

After finishing speaking, Niswell turned around and walked slowly into the distance.

Looking at Wei'er's slender back, Fang Te felt a little guilty, but he believed that what he did was right and the future would be beautiful!She will definitely find her own happiness.

The girl gradually drifted away, until the girl's back disappeared completely, Fang Te slowly returned his sight, and walked towards the capital of Ella.

"Hmph! Liar! They are all gods, but they don't even know how to lie."

In the woods in the distance, the girl stopped in her tracks. She couldn't help but think of his small actions when he rejected her just now.

(End of this chapter)

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