The evolution of slime

Chapter 305 Spanking

Chapter 305 Spanking

On the east coast of the Twilight Continent, the sea-dwelling species and the demon species are engaged in the final decisive battle, and as the creators of the two races, Alsace and Poseidon are fighting at an altitude of [-] meters above the Twilight Continent.

Above [-] meters, huge explosions continued to be heard, and lightning pierced the sky again and again. Huge vortexes swept through the sky, like a tornado. Huge storms and waves kept breaking out in the sea area thousands of miles away from the east coast of the Twilight Continent. The reef slammed again and again, splashing waves tens of meters high.

"Poseidon, are you old? Why are you so weak?"

On the [-]-meter cloud, a skeleton in a tattered black robe floated in front of Xiao Zhengtai. In his skull's eye sockets, there was a ghostly blue flame.

He held a long black sickle in his hand, and the connected iron chain tightly wrapped around his skeleton arm. With a wave of the sickle, a huge black crescent rushed towards Poseidon.

Stretching out his small short hand, Poseidon tightly grasped the black crescent, and clenched his fingers into a fist. The black crescent instantly shattered, and a huge dark element spread out like a sharp blade, cutting off all the clouds on the horizontal line.

"Old Skeleton, don't make trouble, no matter how old you are, there is a word in the Eastern Xia Kingdom of the human species called 'Red Pink Skull', although I don't know what it means, but I have some rouge from the Eastern Xia Kingdom here. Just give it to you."

Poseidon took out a rouge box from his pocket, thought about it in his hand, and threw it to Alsace casually.

The rouge box drew a perfect arc in the air, and it was about to fall on Alsace, but finally the rouge box stopped in the air.

Poseidon and Alsace looked at the box of rouge at the same time. It moved forward and backward, constantly moving in a small space, exerting enormous magical pressure on the box of rouge!

Finally, the rouge box couldn't take it anymore and exploded in the air!

The powder with a faint fragrance flew into the air, but it didn't contaminate Alsace in the slightest!
"Oh, what a waste." Poseidon shook his head.

The two met at a glance. For both parties, since the beginning of the century, the two have not dealt with each other. In Poseidon's view, this old skeleton is lifeless all day long, dangling around with a sickle, which is not like Puxiu at all. Si is so cute and watery, and he is not as cold as Iros, let alone as pure and charming as Ajiya.

And for Alsace, Poseidon and Perseus who are jumping around all day are what he hates the most.

The two took a step towards each other at the same time, and once again a huge cloud wave rose above the [-]-meter altitude!

Their divine power began to gather and mobilize, and the surrounding magical elements were trembling, but just when the battle between the gods was about to start, the two sides that were approaching each other stopped at the same time, looking down, a silver-haired woman appeared On the battlefield of sea dwellers and demons!
"Ageya, what do you mean?"

"Sister Aijiya? Are you out of the game?"

On the fierce battlefield, Ajiya attacked indiscriminately, and super-level spells that could only be cast by the gods bloomed on the battlefield with every gesture. Huge explosions, flames, and ice were raging on the battlefield.

If there is no check and balance from other gods in the battlefield where the gods participate, the battle will be one-sided!
"Yes." When she was free, Ajiya, who was sitting in the air, raised her head and looked in the direction of Poseidon and Alsace at an altitude of [-] meters, "I really lost in this game, But losing doesn't mean you're out, after all, the game is still there."

"Then you are here to make trouble?" Alsace's voice spread throughout the sky and the Twilight Continent.

"Emmm, if you think so, it's fine." Ajiya raised her slender legs and kicked randomly in one direction of the battlefield, and a huge magical storm swept towards the sea dwellers and demons who were fighting. , where there is no grass growing.

In the distance, Su Mei, who was behind the battlefield, saw Ajiya's appearance, and bit her lips tightly. This decisive battle with the sea dwellers has already invested all the fighters of the demon species, even the men of the succubus race. Into the battlefield!

Now the battle is halfway through, and the demons have suffered heavy losses. If this god continues to attack indiscriminately, then the demons will withdraw from the stage of this world war.

As if feeling Su Mei's gaze, Ai Jiya stopped slightly, looked towards Su Mei, smiled slightly, and stuck out her tongue playfully
In the country of gears, the final battle between the mechanical species and the sea-dwelling species broke out.

In this war, even Zick transformed himself into a mechanical species, and joined the battlefield with Hong Ji and Hong Queen.

And in the middle of this battle, Rad led Odea's last remaining army into the battlefield!Just as the battlefield began to pour towards the Kingdom of Gears, the troops of the Church of Purseus crossed the void and joined the battlefield.

Odea stood on the same front as the Kingdom of Gears, but the army of the Pusius Church did not stand with the sea dwellers. These paladins and priests attacked the three sides indiscriminately, disrupting the entire battlefield.

"Yeah, our lovely new god is here."

In the sky above the battlefield, a little loli was sitting in the air, holding an apple in one hand and taking a bite, her two short legs kept turning up and down.

"But why did you turn into an anthropomorphic appearance, so it's not so cute."

Looking at the human-like Fangte who appeared in front of him, Perseus was a little dissatisfied, and couldn't help pouted.

"It doesn't matter what you look like." Fang Te waved his hand and said with a smile, "Little Puxius, let's go quickly, or else I will spank your ass."

"Oh?" Perseus looked Fangte up and down, took another bite of the apple, and then threw the rest of the apple at Fangte.

In an instant, the apple smashed towards Fang Te's heart at the speed of light, but, in that instant, Fang Te appeared behind Perseus.

The apple slammed into the distance, a mountain collapsed, and Fang Te's wide palm also slapped Pu Xiusi's buttocks, and a crisp sound slowly echoed in the air.


With a blushing face, Perseus ran away, pointing at Fangte with a small smirk.

"you you."

Fang Te laughed and said, "Why, do you still want to be spanked?"

Touching his hot ass, Perseus shook his hands angrily: "Huh! Although I don't know what you did to become so strong, but! You can't hide it from me, you are dying, it is the kind of real 'die'!"

"Yeah, I'm about to die, and I won't be able to spank your ass in the future." With a regretful tone, Fang Te made a gesture to move forward.
Looking at Fang Te's palm, Perseus was so frightened that he clutched his butt and fled into the void. Looking at the place where she disappeared, Fang Te couldn't help shaking his head, looked away, and looked at the battlefield!

(End of this chapter)

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