The evolution of slime

Chapter 56 Hello

Chapter 56 Hello

Fante and Sweet came out of Yanju together, and there was no one to hide about this meeting. Soon, the news of Fangte and Sweet's meeting would reach the ears of Emperor Ella and Prince Gash.

But what the two of them said, only two of them knew.

And even if other people knew that the second prince took Fangte to Yanju, most of them just thought he was too absurd, and the envoys couldn't refuse the kindness of this absurd prince, so they wouldn't care too much.

The moment they entered the castle palace, the two maids that Sweet secretly assigned to Fang Te were already standing there waiting. After Sweet and Fang Te made fun of each other, Sweet took a few of the maids brought back from Yanju Surrounded by women, they walked slowly to their sleeping quarters,

Sweet flirted with Yanju women along the way, and he looked the same as usual, but when you looked closely, you would find that his brows were slightly furrowed, which was an expression of thinking about something.

For Sweet, the rise of the orc tribe gave him a great opportunity!Even the leader of the orc tribe has an indelible hatred with Sweet.

But in Sweet's view, since the little female dragon chose to temporarily abandon her hatred and establish diplomatic relations with the Ella Empire, which has the best geographical location, it also shows that she is not a simple character, and there is no problem with temporary cooperation.

As for after he took the position, he secretly teamed up with the elves. Overtly and secretly, Sweet had full confidence to wipe out that orc tribe who was as young as a baby.

As far as the elves are concerned, this race has always been known for its elegance!They are very powerful, but they are not interested in other species at all. In their view, they may only have respect for phantom species, angel species, and even the god species that no one has ever seen before, while their attitude towards other species , this is like how other intelligent species look at orcs.

What the elves want most is land such as elegant forest streams, and they have no interest in the rule of other races.

If you want land, I will give you land. A few million square kilometers of forests are nothing.

At the same time, Fangte also walked to his room accompanied by a maid, but at this time Fangte's smile gradually disappeared and was replaced by complete contemplation and mechanical walking.

For Fangte, Sweet is just a second-generation ancestor who has nothing to do all day and only knows how to live on the belly of a woman, but now, he dares to go dark under the light (accepting Fangte openly in the city of Ella), even to himself His real side was exposed, which shows that he still has guts, and he is not young.

Sweet promised himself that if he wins the throne, the Ella Empire will provide financial support to the orc tribe and help the orc tribe unify at least half of Ania. The war consumes more than just troops!Especially financial resources!With the support of the Ella Empire, it will definitely be much easier!
Not only that, Sweet also promised that if he won the throne, he would give tens of thousands of dwarf blacksmiths to the orc tribe!Help Ania build.

Regarding the second condition, Fangte was really moved, because the blacksmith of the dwarves was as famous as the carpenter of the elves and goblins!Although the combat power is in the single digits, they specialize in the art industry, and they are all geniuses in production and construction!
Although there are also dwarves in Ainia, and there are quite a few of them, but most of them are concentrated in the south and west of Ainia!The environment in the northern border makes the dwarves dislike settling down, so the number of dwarf blacksmiths under Fangte's control is pitifully small.

However, although Fang Te was very moved, his rationality let him know that he would never form an alliance with himself as he said, and when he sat on the throne of God, he would kill the donkey!There's a good chance he can do it.

If they were from other races, Fangte would be more at ease, because the names of gods were engraved in their souls. If they signed the contract in the name of gods, Fangte would not need to worry about their betrayal.

However, the soul imprint of the human species does not have the name of God engraved on it. Although their god is Perseus, and the favor of Perseus has indeed benefited the human species, they just believe in it.

This belief can be cast aside at some point!Then become worthless!And Puxius' anger will not punish a believer who abandons his faith, this may be because it seems cheap to Puxius.

Therefore, when various races sign contracts with human races, they will never sign contracts in the name of gods!
Moreover, Gu Fangte guessed that since he dared to seek an alliance with himself without complete certainty, that is to say, there are other forces behind him, and the secret forces in the country of Ella are one, and other races may also intervene!

Putting all your eggs in one basket is an all-or-nothing move, and it's clear Sweet isn't there yet.

"It's a little troublesome." Fang Te said to himself, rubbing his chin habitually.

"What did you say, Your Excellency?" the two maids asked.

"Oh, I mean, the second prince gave you to me when he was in Yanju, and I will give you freedom. When I return to the tribe, you can leave the palace with me, and I will give you a sum of money to send you Go back to Dongxia."

The two maids were taken aback for a moment, and when they came back to their senses and wanted to say something, they realized that they had unknowingly walked to the front of the residence, and at the door of the room, a girl was squatting cutely on the ground and tinkering with something.

The girl is wearing a magician's short robe. Under the short robe, a pair of well-proportioned and slender thighs are like sculptures of suet. She is about 19 years old, and her body has been fully grown. Even if she is squatting, she can see her thighs The squeezed peaks.

If it is the girl's delicate figure that makes people amazing, then the girl's face can make the sun and the moon pale.

She was drawing on the ground with her slender hands, her beautiful willow eyebrows could not help but be locked tightly, and her small face that was so delicate could not help but pouted her small mouth, the resentful look of a little daughter was very beautiful.

In front of the girl, the two maids, who could already be regarded as stunners, lowered their heads in shame, glanced slightly, and saw that Fang Te was staring at the girl in front of him absent-mindedly.

But this is not surprising, after all, there are still people who can see such a beautiful girl and not be tempted. However, the two maids are a little confused now, and they don't know whether they should remind her or not.

It is reminded that this girl has been favored by Emperor Ella, and her father has also agreed to the marriage. She is likely to become the eldest prince's concubine, that is, the future queen.

When the two maids were struggling, Fang Te smiled slightly and walked towards the beautiful girl who was messing around on the ground. The two maids also knew to keep their distance and did not dare to leave. After all, if something bad came out If the eldest prince hears the news, even if it is an envoy, it will be more or less ominous.


Fang Te stood beside the girl and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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