The evolution of slime

Chapter 89 It's Too Late

Chapter 89 It's Too Late
"Fanta! Fantawild! We won, we won!"

After several months of sleepless nights, the magic power in Fangte's body has not been replenished enough, and it has been completely exhausted. After a while, he was lost for a while. Unexpectedly, Erha, the leader of the werewolf clan, suddenly rushed in early in the morning. , his joy was undisguised.

"Win? Which front? Which city? How many troops are left after the battle?"

Fang Te peeled away the documents covering him, and jumped up from the mountain of documents!It's like a jelly turning over!
"Qin Xiao has won! The eastern front has opened a gap!" Wagron, the patriarch of the werewolf tribe, said with joy. He is also a werewolf, and his pride is beyond words.

"Win the Eastern Front?! Huh! Is what you said true?"


Wagron handed over the information to Fangte, and Fangte quickly took it apart to have a look!I jumped for joy after watching it!Sit down on Wagron's shoulder!
"Damn it..."

Fang Te stuttered for a while, and said quickly after calming down his excitement.

"Hurry up! Let Tan Xiao take the remaining orc warriors around the east line! Support other routes! Also! Let that little girl Annie lead a hundred thousand orc warriors to intercept them in the antenna valley! Li Yunlong took their independent regiment to replace the Eastern Front, and I want him to eat up all the remnants of the Eastern Front within four days! Then quickly head to Antenna Valley!"

"Fante, do we accept prisoners?"

"Accept! Of course I accept! Those are all wasted money!"

Fang Te gave a series of orders in one breath, looked up at the sky, Fang Te felt that this winter might not be so cold.

The courts of the Ella Empire and the Moxi Empire fell into an inexplicable silence!

The information sent by the teleportation crystal from the front line was thrown to the ground heavily!
"Eastern Front! A Beastman! An uncivilized Beastman! He actually defeated Longka! How did Longka get those achievements? Could it be bought with money?!"

Ella Emperor Nubiadi's voice was like thunder, and he was so angry that he was dizzy and sat on the throne!
"Your Majesty! The matter has come to this point, there is no room left. Now that the Eastern Front is broken, the whole line is about to collapse. We need to evacuate Ainia. Winter is approaching. If we drag it on any longer, our damage will be even more serious! " said a minister.

"Evacuation, it is indeed necessary to evacuate, but, do you think that Fangte will let the imperial coalition leave so easily?" Buster said lightly. He opposed this war from the beginning, but Buster, who made a decision in a fit of anger, did not Do not listen to his advice.

Nubiadi clenched his fists and sat on the throne. He clenched his fists angrily, and glanced at Buster lightly. The emperor's eyes were a little complicated.

This time the Ella Empire sent 100 million troops, accounting for one-third of the total army of the Ella Empire. Although the ace division was not discharged, the elite sent a lot!
And now this army that is fighting is likely to be in danger of making dumplings. Now that winter has gradually entered, Ainia's time to enter winter is much faster. In winter, they will fight against the orcs who are born with the ability to resist the cold!This is simply stupid behavior!
But if Nubiadi was given another chance, he would still choose to attack the orc tribe, because no one would have thought that the other party would be so skilled in formation formation and battlefield strategy!And the style of play is very strange!Very changeable!It simply refreshed my concept of the battlefield!
The remaining nearly 40 troops scattered in Ania must be withdrawn!Otherwise, the Ella Empire lost one-third of its army at once!Even the Ella Empire would be seriously injured by this loss.

But just when the Ella Empire was about to order them to evacuate Ainia at full speed, an official in charge of message transmission hurried into the hall with an unopened document that had just been transmitted from the transmission array!
The document was immediately handed over to Emperor Ella.

During this period of time, the emperor really encountered too many things. His only two sons all died at the hands of the orcs!And since this orc is still running away!Not only that!Sending troops to fight against Ainia thought it would be smooth!But successive defeats in wars!

Especially the offensive line on the eastern front was broken! When the 40 troops were almost wiped out!The overwhelmed emperor's mental strength has almost reached its limit!

But when he finished reading this document, his state finally collapsed!A mouthful of bright red blood spurted out from his mouth!
"Shame! Shame! Shame!"

Emperor Ella's blood stained his clothes, and after repeating it three times, he passed out exhausted!

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

The palace was in a mess, and from the emperor's hand, the document slowly slipped down and spread out on the front side of the throne:

On November [-]th, in the east of the Northern Territory of Ainia, and in the Ruojia Basin to the west of Winter City, the remnants of our army's Longka and Tansiante troops were intercepted and killed by the Independent Regiment!The coalition forces broke through, and the deputy general of Longka died in battle!Forty thousand casualties!Surrender ten thousand!
On the afternoon of November [-]th, on the northern line of Ainia, under the confrontation between the army of the Moxi Empire and the army of Shinuo City, Qin Xiao of the Winter City led [-] troops to the battlefield!Our army is under attack!The remnants of the army broke out to the north.

Evening on November [-]th!Our army on the western front has gained an absolute advantage, and the victory of the city is in sight!Emilia, the leader of the orc tribe, arrived with his [-] guards ace!Princess Lilin defeated five seventh-level mages, and the morale of the orcs increased greatly!The human race is hard to sustain!Our army asked for reinforcements to no avail!

Night of November [-]th!The supreme leader of the orc tribe personally led [-] troops to the western front!All the orc tribe "Dark Cat Pavilion" are dispatched!Changed his life, assassinated nearly half of the low-level and middle-level mages, and the high-level mages were restrained by Fangte!The outbreak of war!

That night, our coalition forces have converged!Plan to withdraw troops from Antenna Valley!

Buster picked up the information, read it quickly, and took a deep breath!Just in one day!It was less than a day before the offensive line on the Eastern Front was broken, and everything was staged as quickly as if it had been rehearsed in advance!
Lead the whole body with one line!

Fantawild perfectly grasped the advantages of the Eastern Front!It quickly spread to the entire territory of Ainia!
Up to now, in the biggest war between the human species and the orc species in the past ten years!It took over four months!The human species collapsed across the board!Winter is approaching, and the human species must evacuate as soon as possible!
etc!Antenna Valley? !
Suddenly, Buster thought of something!Cold sweat broke out from his forehead!

is it possible?Very possible!
"Send an order as the former Prime Minister! Notify the Imperial Coalition Forces! Give up withdrawing from the Antenna Valley! Instead, withdraw from the front of the Nile!"

The order came out quickly in the panic hall, but it was too late
(End of this chapter)

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