The first general of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 432 Wei Emperor Cao Cao

Chapter 432 Wei Emperor Cao Cao
"Prime Minister, these things are for the purpose of plotting great treason, and should be punished! How can the first prime minister's famous name be the flowing water of transformation? Please think twice, think twice, and think twice, Prime Minister!"

Xun Yu still saluted Cao Cao without fear, and he didn't even have the slightest intention of giving in.

Obviously, Xun Yu himself was also very stubborn. For the sake of the Han royal family, he couldn't even take care of his own life, just like Cao Cao.

"Wen Ruo must be like this? Are you sure to be like this?"

Cao Cao's eyes were slightly darkened, and he asked bluntly. Although his face was not obvious, anyone could hear the meaning.

Cao Cao was furious.

But people like Xun Yu who can become Cao Cao's confidants are extraordinary in themselves, so they can be noticed naturally, but such extraordinary people also have their own persistence. Naturally, they have already stood up, and absolutely no one will shrink back. mean.

"Come on!"

After Cao Cao stared at them quietly for a while, he finally opened his mouth to drink. Immediately, he saw several guards outside holding copper cups in their hands. The cups were filled with hot wine, and the aroma was pungent.

"No matter what you do, you are all following me, Cao Cao. The affairs in the army are complicated. You worked hard day and night, and as a result, you died of heart failure. I am very sad in my heart!"

Hearing Cao Cao's words, even the onlookers felt a chill in their hearts.

Those who stand up are nearly one-fifth of Cao Cao's confidantes. If these people die, Cao Jun's loss will not be less than the previous battle with Wei Tao, or even worse.

How can this make people not surprised?
While everyone was looking at each other, Xun Yu was the first to take a step forward, picked up a cup and respected Cao Cao.

"My lord, before I die, I have one word! Although the two heroes are fighting today, the big man has already fallen, and it is like a candle in the wind, which will stop at any time. If there is another disturbance at this time, it will be nothing more than a fight between a snipe and a clam, and the fisherman will win." Li. Even if it is not the royal family of the Han Dynasty, the same is true for the lord. If the Han Dynasty is still there, it may not be impossible to win if the top and bottom are united. On the contrary, if you insist on going your own way, the society will be unstable, and in the end it will be an opportunity for others to take advantage of , indeed, catastrophe is not far away!"

I have to say that what Xun Yu said at this time was indeed true, but Cao Cao just looked at it coldly at this time, without showing any emotion, and seemed to turn a deaf ear to the bloody words.

Seeing this, Xun Yu didn't understand. He first bowed to Cao Cao, and then bowed in the direction of the palace.

"Xun Wenruo bids farewell to my lord! Farewell to Your Majesty!"

After finishing speaking, Xun Yu didn't hesitate, raised his glass and drank the hot wine in one gulp. After a while, there was a sharp pain in his abdomen, and then Xun Yu fell limply to the ground without a sound.

Seeing this, many other people did not flinch in the slightest, just like Xun Yu, they picked up the wine glass and saluted Cao Cao first, then saluted to the palace, and then immediately drank it, their bodies fell limp one after another.

"Today all the ministers died of illness, my heart is very sad! Pass my order to bury them alive, and at the same time give generous rewards to the descendants. If anyone dares to show disrespect to the descendants, he will be executed immediately! "


At this time, no one dared to disobey Cao Cao's order, and they responded one after another, and then took them down for a dignified burial.

Seeing this, everyone can understand that no one can prevent Cao Cao from ascending the throne, even if they are neutral people, they all respectfully persuade Cao Cao to ascend the throne.

Not only that, the next day all the officials who were in the body clearly wrote to Liu Xie, asking to abdicate in time to let the virtuous.

Sitting high in the hall, Liu Xie's face was pale, and his whole body trembled slightly. Although he had already learned what he wanted to do from Cao Cao, it was really unbearable for Liu Xie to face this scene.

Different from the previous few times, whether it was being held hostage, forced, or even given the Zen position, at least there was still a glimmer of hope, but now there are only two heroes in the world, Wei Tao and Cao Cao, and Liu Xie will give up his position again. There is no more hope.

"This matter... this matter..."

Liu Xie really delayed this matter, and even refuted it, but thinking of his past experience and Cao Cao's character, Liu Xie finally dared not.

In the end, when Liu Xie met Cao Cao's eyes, all his courage finally disappeared, and he responded weakly.

"That's the way it is, my Zen position..."

With Liu Xie's words, Cao Cao didn't have any plans to make a posture, so he soon took over the throne from Liu Xie, directly called Wei Emperor, and set his capital in Xuchang.

Three days after Cao Cao proclaimed himself emperor, Liu Xie, king of Chenliu, suddenly became seriously ill and died.

Once such news spread, the whole world was in an uproar.

Even Wei Tao was shocked. At this time, it was Xun You who had just returned, and it was the second day after he brought back the news that Cao Cao refused to surrender.

Originally, Wei Tao was still somewhat puzzled as to why Cao Cao refused, but after hearing the news, Wei Tao's doubts deepened.

"Cao Cao, why is this? It is harmful and not beneficial to him at this time, not to mention that if he wants to become emperor, when can't he, but at this time, isn't it too absurd to think so ?”

Wei Tao frowned slightly. According to Wei Tao's understanding, the emperor Liu Xie had long been a nameless figure in Xuchang. Since Wei Tao took Jingzhou and attacked Sun Quan, Cao Cao had no idea of ​​letting the emperor rule.

After all, the world had entered a critical moment at that time, and it was not the time to let the internal government orders become chaotic. Wei Tao quickly surrendered Sun Quan, then occupied Cao Cao with troops, and then suppressed Liu Bei, which made the world only have two heroes fighting against each other. .

If it was Cao Jun who won the victory at this time, it would be easy to say. After all, under the great victory, Cao Cao's prestige will go even further, and he may be able to counterattack Wei Tao. Such a lack of throne is not enough to command the world.

But at this time, Cao Jun was defeated. It was fine to clean up those who did not have enough perseverance before, but he still seized the throne and poisoned his advisers. This is an act of foolishness!
"Why is Cao Cao like this? I have never heard that there is anything wrong with Cao Cao. Why did he suddenly do such a tricky act? Let alone others, just Xun Wenruo He is a genius in the world, has the talent of Wang Zuo, not to mention the others, even if he is an official for the last time, he is more than enough, so killing them all, wouldn't it make his subordinates feel cold, and who would dare to obey orders to help? "

Wei Tao's doubts are actually the doubts of many of his advisers.

Then Cao Cao can indeed be regarded as the master of wisdom and martial arts, it is beyond their imagination to act so perversely.

"Could it be that Cao Cao wanted to lure His Majesty to a battle? After the previous battle, His Majesty was resting and resting, and it is not appropriate to go to war again, but it is not right. If so, even if he can defeat His Majesty for a while, it will only damage some of His Majesty's soldiers. It is still impossible to really hurt His Majesty's foundation."

Although Zhou Yu opened his mouth, he either waited for someone to answer or shook his head to deny the result. To Zhou Yu, the so-called result was indeed a bit ridiculous.

"I want to report to Your Majesty, I really don't know what Cao Cao is asking for, unless he is fully sure that His Majesty will never send troops to attack Xuchang within a few years. Only in this way can he truly Sit firmly on the throne, and gradually recover your strength through recuperation."

Hearing this, Wei Tao couldn't help but slightly shook his head. Naturally, he wouldn't say that he would deliberately give up attacking Xuchang because of something, that was simply impossible.

Moreover, Wei Tao is not the kind of person who is easy to soften his heart. At this time, he has long accepted that he and Cao Cao have only one person to survive, unless one party is for surrender.

"Gongda, you just met Cao Mengde not long ago, do you think he's so profitable that he's blind?"

After thinking about it for a while, Wei Tao really couldn't think of anything else that would make Cao Cao act like this except for the words "benevolence makes people faint".

"Your Majesty, I see that Cao Cao's mind is clear and wise, but he is not a dull person, and there is no such thing as a fool. Even in my opinion, Cao Cao acts with great confidence, as if everything is under control , not that stupid person."

Xun You naturally understood why Wei Tao asked, and after thinking for a while, he still spoke.

"However, when I think about his words carefully, I feel that he has the confidence to let His Majesty go there. I'm afraid there will be another battle in Xuchang soon!"

That's what he said, but in fact, Xun You couldn't say why.

However, Wei Tao naturally couldn't say anything strange about it. After all, it was hard for Xun You to be able to say these words.

"Seizing the throne and killing the emperor, Meng De is looking for his own death. No matter how determined I am, after taking Xu Chang, I have to kill him, and even if Meng De can escape, I am afraid that the world will not be able to escape." There's room for him."

Hearing what Wei Tao said, everyone was silent.

As the saying goes, Cao Cao's rebellion, unless he can rule the world, otherwise it is impossible to get rid of the crime. It is not like Cao Cao to spend such a price and get nothing.

"Your Majesty, I don't know what happened to Cao Cao, but now news has come from the border. With the hard work of Zhang Liao and other generals, the Huns, Wuhuan, Xianbei, and Qiang are now completely divided, and some of them are completely devoted to us. Among the big fellows, their hands are all stained with the blood of the same clan, so it is impossible to betray the big fellow. Although the other part is still hostile to the big fellow, most of them have already been beheaded, and the rest have already been exiled from the north. As for some of them who were originally neutral, they have actually accepted the reality after this incident and are extremely docile."

At this moment, Zhou Yu cupped his hands and said again.

"Why don't you put Cao Cao's matter aside for a while, first determine the northern border, pacify foreign aggression, and determine the opportunity for our family in the Central Plains to prosper for thousands of years. As for Cao Cao, if he is blinded by profit, he will die sooner or later. If he has a plan, he should remain unchanged. Change!"


Hearing what Zhou Yu said, Wei Tao couldn't help admiring slightly, it really was Zhou Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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