The first general of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 435 Soldiers encircle Xuchang

Chapter 435 Soldiers encircle Xuchang
Yangzhou was gained and then lost, and lost and regained. It came and went back and forth between the Liang Dynasty and the Wei Dynasty.

Following Wei Tao's order, although Lu Xun also resisted, he never resisted too much, and gave up half of Yangzhou very easily.

After that, Lu Xun immediately mobilized troops in a hurry and kept pestering Cao Jun. Although neither side suffered much damage, it was obvious that it was not so easy for Cao Jun to get out all the way.

On the other hand, although Wei Tao intends to investigate the movement of Xu Chang, but it has not had much effect. The news that comes back only says that there is a calm, and there is no movement, which makes people confused. .

"No matter what Cao Cao's idea is, if you give me an order to send troops to Xuchang immediately, I don't believe in waiting for me to send troops, and Cao Cao still doesn't move."

After remaining unmoved, Wei Tao finally made up his mind and gave the order directly.

"Give me an order, and five thousand cavalry will follow me immediately. At the same time, another thirty thousand troops will be dispatched to Xuchang to see if Cao Cao can still keep calm!"

Because of the plan, following Wei Tao's order, the soldiers under his command moved extremely quickly, and soon the soldiers left Jizhou and came directly.

This time the vanguard general is Wang Ping. Now Wei Tao is more important to some young generals. This Wang Ping is one of them. He came to vote after Wei Tao unified the middle of Sichuan. He also personally tested Wang Ping. In terms of talent alone, Wang Ping is already enough to lead an army alone.

At the same time, Wei Tao joined the army as Ma Su and assisted Wang Ping.

Although Ma Di hadn't experienced too many battles before, he might still be Ma Youchang, the historically high-sighted and low-handed Ma Youchang, but as long as he is not used as the coach, Wei Tao can be sure that there will be no big problems.

After all, in these years, Wei Tao has seen Ma Di put forward suggestions several times, and most of them are relevant to the theme. Ma Di is a suitable person to be an assistant.

I don't know whether it was Cao Cao's order earlier, or the two men equipped by Wei Tao really complemented each other. The two men's advances along the way were unstoppable. They led [-] soldiers and broke through several counties in a row. .

In the beginning, the county magistrates still resisted, but often after one or two waves of offensives, these county magistrates surrendered. Later, those counties and counties simply opened the city and surrendered without any more resistance.

With Wang Ping's march, Wei Tao also led the army and followed. For those counties that surrendered, Wei Tao just couldn't continue to keep them there, and he dispatched them to counties and counties in other states. The original guards and soldiers in the county, Wei Tao also did not stay in trouble, so he stayed behind.

Although Wei Tao led the cavalry this way, the journey was not fast. Not to mention that Cao Cao was able to learn about it in Xuchang, even Cao Chunyuan learned about it in Yangzhou.

What made Wei Tao even more surprised was that Xu Chang still didn't see any movement, even Cao Chun didn't see any intention of returning to the army.

"Gongjin, do you know why?"

At this time, Wei Tao could only smile wryly. Compared with before, the situation now is even more weird. Anyway, Wei Tao can't see what is going on with Cao Cao.

Unless you are preparing to surrender, there is absolutely no reason to act like this.

"Your Majesty, I don't know..."

Not only Wei Tao and the people under his command didn't know, even Cao Cao's own people also didn't understand. Many people in Cao Chun's army went to see Cao Chun and asked Cao Chun to return to the army immediately.

But unfortunately, all they got in the end was Cao Chun's wry smile and that unchanging answer.

"Zhongkang, generals, I, Cao Chunnai, belong to the Cao clan. I am more worried about your majesty's safety than any of you, but your lord has already said something to me before you leave. You must not do anything before you receive his exact order. Actions, especially returning to Xuchang, even if Wei Tao's soldiers approached the city, without His Majesty's order, I would definitely not order to return to the army."

There were indeed quite a few generals who followed the army this time, but Cao Chun was the only one who could really mobilize the army. Without Cao Chun's order, no one could really lead the troops back to Xuchang.

However, with Cao Chun's trust in Cao Cao, no matter whether it is a counselor like Cheng Yu or a military general like Xu Chu who threatens Cao Chun, Cao Chun never responds. Therefore, facing such a strange situation, Wei Tao even had a little bit of difficulty in advancing or retreating. bright idea.

"Since Cao Cao didn't respond, I'll go to Xuchang City and ask him!"

Still not understanding Cao Cao's plan, Wei Tao immediately gave the order.

"Order the whole army to move immediately, the soldiers are trapped in Xuchang, and then immediately go to call for battle, and see if Cao Cao will respond!"


Faced with such a situation, even advisers such as Zhou Yu and Jia Xu have no reason to dissuade.

Following Wei Tao's order, the vanguard Wang Ping, who was slowly occupying various counties and counties, immediately turned down and approached Xu Chang directly.

Wang Ping didn't have many soldiers, but Wang Ping was also a brave man. After the troops forced Xu Chang, he immediately provoked Xu Chang from various directions under the strategy of Na Ma Su, trying to get Na Cao Hong out of the city to fight. .

But Cao Hong himself had gone through countless battles, and Cao Cao had already given his orders, so it was impossible for him to fight at will, so Cao Hong simply ignored Wang Ping's provocation.

Under such circumstances, Wang Ping had no choice but to set up the camp first, and then wait for Wei Tao's arrival.

After Wei Tao arrived, Wang Ping naturally reported everything to Wei Tao.

Faced with such a situation, although Wei Tao still didn't know what Cao Cao was planning, it was still one thing, and now, I'm afraid it's up to him to come forward.

The next day, after resting for a day, Wei Tao directly led his troops to the city of Xuchang.

But this time Wei Tao didn't provoke immediately, but observed Xu Changcheng carefully. After seeing it, Wei Tao couldn't help being stunned.

"Xuchang City has a high wall and a thick wall. Even if it has a siege weapon, it will be difficult for 10 people to take it, let alone our army now? I am afraid that even though only Cao Hong is guarding the city, it is enough to stop our army. It seems that they want to break it. It's really not easy for the city committee!"

Seeing Xuchang's strict defense at this time, Wei Tao even felt that even if Cao Cao really relied on Xuchang to delay himself here, and then ordered the army to return to help, it would not be unusual.

"His Majesty……"

Zhou Yu also stepped forward slightly at this time, and then said to Wei Tao.

"Now that we have arrived at the city of Xuchang, as for what Cao Cao wants, my lord may as well ask him to go to the city to talk about it and face His Majesty in person. Even if Cao Cao has some plans, it's time to reveal them! "

Hearing this, Wei Tao nodded slightly. Although he didn't know if Cao Cao had any plans, Wei Tao would not say that he had the intention of retreating when he saw Xu Chang.

At that moment, Wei Tao's shorthand stepped forward and yelled at the top of the city.

"I, Wei Tao, are here. Where is Meng De? I have already come here. Since you brought me here, why not come out to see me?"

Following Wei Tao's yelling, Cao Cao really appeared on the top of the city, and when he saw Wei Tao coming, he really smiled.

"Sure enough, even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire, you won't hesitate at all. It will really come. Are you just not afraid that I'm conspiracy?"

"The Central Plains will be flat, and I have five thousand cavalry ministers. It is impossible for you Meng De to defeat me. As long as Meng De is willing to go to the throne, I can assure Meng De that no one will come to Meng De after that." De trouble."

That's what he said, but Wei Tao understood that Cao Cao wouldn't surrender after he wouldn't surrender before, and soon he looked certain and spoke sternly.

"I will take Xuchang, with 5000 pioneers, and then prepare [-] troops to come to help at any time. Even if you call back the soldiers in time, you may not be able to win quickly. And the Wei Dynasty was abolished not long ago. The establishment of the Han Dynasty is at a time when people's hearts are uneasy, and it is even more difficult to deal with it, and the outcome has already been determined!"

Wei Tao speaks with certainty, he meets his eyes, and his words are full of confidence.

But unfortunately, what Wei Tao said had no effect on Cao Cao. Cao Cao still had a faint smile on his face, as if everything was under control.

Seeing this, Wei Tao couldn't help but frowned slightly, and couldn't help but say it.

"What's wrong with asking Meng De? Unless Brother Meng De can immediately conjure up an army of millions, otherwise the result may only be broken by me. I don't know if what I said is true?"

This is not a sign of Wei Tao's lack of confidence. In fact, Wei Tao has already done a search, and there is indeed no sign of Cao Jun around.

As for the city of Xuchang, although it is banned inside and outside for a period of time, it does not mean that there is no news.

After all, Wei Tao has the tendency to unify the world, so it is natural that someone with a family will find a way out for him. Under such circumstances, it is really not too difficult for Wei Tao to know what is going on in the city.

The people in Xuchang City also didn't say that soldiers were hiding and pretending, so it was impossible for Cao Cao to say that it was just a matter of casually conjuring millions of Tibetan soldiers.

"Hehe... That's true. There are only 1 soldiers in Xuchang City now, all of them are led by Zi Lian, and I also entrust Zi Lian to guard and protect them. However, the defense in Xuchang City is modeled after Chang'an and Luoyang. It can resist ten times more The enemy, even if there are only 10 people defending the city, but [-] people must be taken. As for food, grass and other things that are defending the city, the city is well prepared and can last for several years. What do you think?"

After hearing Cao Cao's words, Wei Tao frowned slightly. Cao Cao's intention was to put on a posture for himself to attack, and at the same time Wei Tao also understood the meaning of Cao Cao's words.

"Meng De, that's what you mean. As long as I can't attack for a long time, then I can only retreat naturally, but your army can go south with the whole army?"

(End of this chapter)

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