Douluo's Lolita cut black

Chapter 101 Extreme Ice!

Chapter 101 Extreme Ice!

Gorgeous fireworks rose continuously in the sky, golden petals fell from Ning Rongrong's hair, and a soft and seductive voice rang in Ning Rongrong's ears.

"Ah, it's the firework transmission of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School! Hee hee, it's so beautiful~"

who? !Ning Rongrong was startled, turned around vigilantly and took a few steps back, and saw a yellow-haired man wearing platinum and gold aristocratic attire, with golden chrysanthemums blooming under his bare feet.

Even though the other person's face was somewhat feminine, Ning Rongrong could tell that it was a man!
Long golden petals like chrysanthemum petals lingered around him, Ning Rongrong felt a chill in his heart.

When did you get behind me?

Before he had time to be surprised, he heard the man's pitiful tune: "But it's a pity~ Other than those two old monsters from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, other people come here."

The man stroked his side face with his index finger and middle finger, looked at Ning Rongrong with a coquettish and regretful look, and chuckled softly: "It's just a few more corpses~"

"Lord Chrysanthemum Douluo!" Seeing the feminine man, Contra's angry expression changed to a respectful one, and his martial soul avatar was released instantly, and he clasped his fists at the yellow-haired man and called out.

Hearing that Soul Douluo address the feminine man, Tang San's pupils shrank, this person turned out to be Title Douluo!
Chrysanthemum Douluo Yueguan leaned back slightly, as if weak and boneless, but bent half in the air like a golden chrysanthemum and never fell down, "Ah, you have been poisoned~ so pitiful~"

As soon as the words fell, that Contra immediately felt a sharp pain spreading from his heart and lungs, thick black blood spurted from Contra's mouth, before he had time to ask for help from Yueguan, he fell down on the ground with his eyes closed. on the ground.

Hidden weapons are poisonous
"Let people guess~ This kind of poison, the more you use your soul power, the deeper the poison will be, right?" Yue Guan's soft tone had a hint of murderous intent, seeing that Contra was completely out of breath, he rushed In the direction of Shrek's people, pieces of golden chrysanthemum petals waved out.

The petals instantly wrapped everyone inside, forming a breath barrier of Yueguan.

Qi Ye wanted to turn back to Tang San, but found that he couldn't move his body.

This is...Title Douluo?

Before the startle was over, Yue Guan came to Tang San in an instant, and when Qi Ye's aura suddenly became cold, Yue Guan stretched out a finger and was about to touch Tang San's face.

"Isn't it? A bad kid who uses poison~?"

"." Tang San also felt the strangeness in his own body, and he never expected that they would be so powerless in front of the Title Douluo.
Is this the difference between Contra and Title Douluo? !

"Eight-petal fairy orchid, Qiluo tulip, cockscomb phoenix sunflower, eight-petal exquisite, and strange velvet chrysanthemum, ah~ are all top-quality fairy grasses, what a pity~" Moonlight Sweep was fixed in his breath barrier Everyone in Shrek reported the fairy herbs that everyone had taken one by one.

Can you perceive the fairy grass in everyone's body just by breath?

That little dance.
Tang San looked towards Xiao Wu's direction from the corner of his eye, but Ye Yu blocked him from his angle.

"."This guy
"Huh?" When she saw Xiao Wu, Yue Guan stopped suddenly, and blinked at Xiao Wu, "Acacia heartbroken red? Ahhh~ Such a cute little girl actually has acacia heartbroken red? Look~"

Saying that, Yue Guan was about to walk towards Xiao Wu and Ye Yu.

"Don't come here!" The lovesickness heartbroken red on Xiao Wu's body exuded a faint blood-red luster.

Ye Yu looked at Yue Guan who was getting closer and closer to them, her face turned blue.

Qi Ye lowered his eyes, and a little silvery blue flickered in his eyes.

"Don't be so stingy~" Yue Guan kept walking, and continued to approach Xiao Wu and Ye Yu with a coquettish sound.


Suddenly, the blood-red radiance centered on Xiao Wu successfully stopped Yueguan, his expression turned cold, the blood-red radiance made his breath barrier disappear.

Facing the disappearance of the body's confinement force, Qi Ye moved to Tang San's side, but did not find any scars.


I don't know when golden chrysanthemums bloomed all over the ground where they were standing, and several long golden chrysanthemum petals rushed towards Xiao Wu, Ye Yu's blue eyes turned cold, and she grabbed those few golden chrysanthemum petals.

Xiao Wu took a step back, a drop of cold sweat ran across her forehead, Ye Yu hadn't made a timely move, she was already caught by those petals!

Her golden chrysanthemum petals were grabbed by Ye Yu, Yue Guan smiled without any anger: "I hate lucky children the most~"

As he spoke, the petals lingering around him were suddenly covered with a layer of golden-red light, which slowly poured into the petals.

Ye Yu snorted lightly, holding the petal tightly, and the extremely cold ice condensed on the position holding the petal, freezing inch by inch towards the moon!

"Huh?" Yueguan opened his eyes, the ice actually sealed his poison?
Yue Guan, who hadn't felt the cold for a long time, discarded those petals when the ice was about to freeze on his body, and looked at Ye Yu with deeply inquiring eyes, "Ah, someone can freeze other people's flowers with ice." Poison, who are you?"

Saying that, the soul belonging to Title Douluo pressed down on Ye Yu, Ye Yu's expression remained unchanged, and Xiao Wu behind him turned pale.

Ye Yu frowned, and pulled Xiao Wu into her arms, her breath dissipated the coercion of Yueguan, and Xiao Wu instantly felt that she could breathe again.

Before she could blush at her current posture, Xiao Wu looked at Ye Yu and said, "Uncle! Beat him up!"

Ye Yu nodded slightly, and disappeared beside Xiao Wu in an instant.

Yue Guan was startled, and swung an attack with golden chrysanthemum petals behind him, but the sharp ice edge with extremely cold air broke through his energy, Yue Guan had no choice but to use his soul power to expel the attack. Dao attack blocked.

"Extreme Ice?!" The smile on Yueguan's surface also disappeared when his soul power touched the icy edge, and changed into a dignified color, looking at the ice-blue long-haired man in front of him, "You His Martial Soul is the extinct Ice Jade Scorpion on the top of the North Sea?!"

To be able to have such a coldness that is threatening to freeze the soul, and to be able to freeze his petals as a titled Douluo, except for the ultimate ice owned by the long-extinct Ice Jade Scorpion, he can't think of it. Find other martial souls and soul powers with such extreme cold energy!
Ye Yu didn't speak, her figure changed rapidly in the air, and several icy edges with extremely cold air flew towards Yueguan from all angles.

Yue Guan sideways dodged a group of ice edges, turned around, and used his soul power to scatter the ice edges flying from behind.The bone-piercing coldness made him shiver slightly.


What roared from above was the sound of a sharp weapon piercing the air.

Yueguan's palm was wrapped with soul power, and he caught the ice blade that was chopped down from above.Even with the barrier of soul power, the icy coldness quickly began to freeze his hands.

Yueguan's face changed, and a fifth soul ability hurricane smashed down.The soul technique released petals all over the sky, forming a small tornado and quickly attacking Ye Yu who was holding the ice blade, forcing Ye Yu to step back a few steps.

Yueguan looked at her frostbitten jade hands, her expression distorted for a moment.Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Ye Yu's attack exploded at Yue Guan's feet.


The spirit ability that exploded in the shape of an ice ball and quickly condensed on the ground into a crystal column exploded at the foot of Yue Guan. .

Yue Guan covered his right face, and looked at Ye Yu, whose five fingers were clenched into claws, and the ice blue light had not dissipated, "You"

Ye Yu squinted his eyes, and was about to launch another Ice Explosion Flame, frowned, and jumped up from the spot.

Where Ye Yu stood before, countless cyan hands stretched out from the dark purple "water pool" formed at some time on the ground, and a black figure quietly appeared behind Yue Guan.

The Ice Explosion Flame was thrown down at the same time as Ye Yu jumped up, freezing the strange countless blue hands and the "water pool" in an instant.But soon, the ice explosion that bloomed into a crystal column was covered by black, and it was shattered by Ye Yu's ugly expression!
"Quack quack! Chrysanthemum is in trouble! No wonder it hasn't been fixed yet!"

The cold voice suddenly appeared, Yue Guan turned her head in surprise, held her face, and smiled like a blooming golden chrysanthemum, "Xiao Meimei, you are here to help me~!"

(End of this chapter)

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