Douluo's Lolita cut black

Chapter 104 The Pope's Visit

Chapter 104 The Pope Comes in Person (Part [-])
Afterwards, Shrek and his party went to Wuhun City to participate in the final competition.

Due to the attack on the way and Tang San's persistence to stay and participate in the competition, Flender and Liu Erlong all lived in the place closest to him, and even Ning Fengzhi deliberately chose a place not far from him to live.Although it was the least likely that anything would happen in Wuhun City, it had to be guarded against.

According to the news from Wuhundian, the competition will officially start three days later, the journey is tiring, and these three days of rest are enough for each academy to make adjustments.

The participating academies of the Star Luo Empire were arranged to rest on the other side of the Wuhun City. Invisibly, the Wuhun Palace had divided the participating teams of the two empires into two camps.

Regarding this point, Xue Qinghe only responded with a sneer, but did not raise any objections.

For three days, everyone in Shrek Academy kept resting, spending all their time in meditation for cultivating soul power, trying to keep themselves in the best condition possible.

The day before the competition, Qi Ye released a butterfly formed by her carefully packaged pure white flames. When Tang San asked curiously, Qi Ye rarely bent his eyes to keep the secret from Tang San.

Tang San, who was immersed in a smile, had no choice but to suppress his curiosity, and took another opportunity to ask Qi Ye to "compensate" him once again.

The finals opened. When the lottery was drawn, they passed the first two rounds with ease. The opponents in the first round abstained, and the second round was a bye. When the results of the third round came out, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing looked at the lottery. The Xingluo Royal Advanced Soul Master Academy has been silent since then.

However, everyone else in Shrek could feel that the fighting spirit of Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing was about to burst out of their bodies, and the accumulated strength made their muscles pulsate all the time.

Suddenly, the two stood up at the same time and bowed to the people present, Shrek and others hurriedly avoided, Qi Ye directly helped them up and pushed them down on the seats.

Tang San frowned and looked at them puzzled, "What is this?"

Zhu Zhuqing lowered his eyes, and said in a low but firm voice: "We must win this match, this is our only chance." Dai Mubai held Zhu Zhuqing's hand, and Zhu Zhuqing did not shake him off for the first time.

"Is he your enemy?" Qi Ye tilted his head, looked at Zhu Zhuqing and said, "If it's an enemy, brother and I can help."

Zhu Zhuqing shook his head, Dai Mubai took the words and said: "No, this is a family struggle. Zhuqing and I are both from the Star Luo Empire, and belong to two families respectively. Our two families have always had the custom of marrying, The relationship is extremely close. In the family, only the most outstanding people can inherit the family, our brothers and sisters have been engaged since childhood, and Zhuqing and I are also engaged."

Tang San glanced at the direction of the Xingluo Royal Advanced Soul Master Academy not far away, "Your brothers and sisters are in the Xingluo Royal Advanced Soul Master Academy."

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing nodded, "Originally we had no hope, but after meeting you, I found that we may very well be able to win."

Xiao Wu couldn't help asking: "Is the right really so important?"

Zhu Zhuqing gave a wry smile, looked at the well-protected Xiao Wu and shook his head, "It would be great if it was that simple. In order to make the future successors of our family even better, once we select the children of the competing family, we will They are cultivated as enemies. If you win, you can naturally inherit the family, but if you lose, you will be wiped out on the spot. We have been working hard!"

After Zhu Zhuqing finished speaking, he lowered his head and remained silent for a while, before continuing: "Do you know why I have never given Mu Bai a good look? Because he has been depraved since he came to the Heaven Dou Empire, lingering among women, Do not fight!"

Dai Mubai frowned, his face was ugly, "Fight? How can I fight? Brother and your sister are both six or seven years older than us, we are just the family's backup. If you want to beat them in all aspects of intelligence and strength, How difficult! But since I met you, I have the confidence to fight again. This is Zhuqing and I's last chance, we must win."

Hearing the rivalry between the brothers and sisters, Qi Ye felt a little strange in his heart, but he still cheered for the two.

In the end, even though Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing were seriously injured, at least they won the match.

At this moment, Shrek really let everyone understand that they are very strong.

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing looked at the unconscious Davis and Zhu Zhuyun, clasped their hands together.

They won, not only won the game, but also won their own lives!
After the third round, six teams remained.

The fourth round of competition came immediately, and none of the stronger Golden Generation of Wuhundian, Shrek, and Shenfeng Academy faced the other two.There is no doubt that after the fourth round, the top three belong to them.

The final finals are coming soon, and the three top three teams set foot on the square in front of the Pope's Palace for the first time, and they are undoubtedly the best among the younger generation of soul masters.

Early in the morning, the three teams stood on the square in front of the Pope's Palace and waited quietly. Others, even the teachers of the three teams, were not allowed to set foot on this square and could only wait outside.

Qi Ye finally made his debut in the finals for the first time. Tianshui Academy and Chihuo Academy, who had played against Qi Ye, looked at Qi Ye who appeared on the stage, and said inwardly, "Finally here."

Compared with before, even if Qi Ye, who has already stepped into the fifty-level soul king lineup, just stands there, his precipitous aura is enough to make the opponent vigilant.

The seven Wuhundian members headed by Xieyue are the most relaxed. Their eyes are on faith, their belief in Wuhundian.

The Shrek Seven were the most low-key, just lined up, from left to right were Dai Mubai, Tang San, Qi Ye, Oscar, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong, the seven stood quietly.

Soon, a group of twelve cardinals came out from the side door of the Pope's Palace, and a row of six people stood on both sides of the main entrance of the Pope's Palace.The huge palace door opened slowly, everyone's eyes were fixed on the palace door, even Shrek and the others were watching intently.

Dressed in a golden long dress, wearing a purple gold crown, holding a scepter, and with a solemn expression, Pope Bibi Dong of the Spirit Hall walked out of the Pope Hall first.Followed by five people, four of them were wearing bright red dresses embroidered with gold and silver patterns, with a golden gem the size of a baby's fist on their chest.This is the Douluo dress that can only be worn by a titled Douluo, and it is the dress that soul masters most yearn for.

Two of these four were Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, and the other two were Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo who attacked Tang San and the others on the road.The last one following behind the pope was Ning Fengzhi, the honorary elder of the Spirit Hall and the suzerain of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Except for Shrek and his party, everyone in the audience bowed their heads and knelt down the moment the pope walked out, shouting "Long live".

But Shrek and his party didn't say anything in advance, but none of them bowed their backs and surrendered to the Pope, or to the Hall of Spirits.

Qi Ye looked at Bibi Dong, there was no fluctuation in the lavender pupils.

Qi Ye and Tang San already knew about their parents, and the Wuhun Palace was their enemy, not to mention Tang San was so proud that he would not kneel down even the king except for the master of heaven and earth.

As the prince of the Star Luo Empire, Dai Mubai has not yet inherited the throne, but after he defeated Davis, he already has a bargaining chip to inherit the throne.The future emperor would naturally not kneel to the Pope of the Spirit Hall, Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai had similar identities, the same reason made her straighten her back.

Xiao Wu's hatred for Wuhundian who persecuted spirit beasts and even killed her mother was stronger than Tang San and Qi Ye, so naturally she would not bow to her enemies.

As for Oscar, in his eyes, Wuhundian only has some weight when he goes to collect the golden soul coins every month.Ning Rongrong was the little princess of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect since she was a child, she was raised up pampered, full of arrogance, and would not kneel down.

This led to a situation where none of the Shrek seven kneeled down!

The cardinal behind the Pope frowned, and said angrily, "Bold, to be rude to the Pope!"

——— Digression ———

Here comes the fresh second watch~~ Let’s go~
(End of this chapter)

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