Douluo's Lolita cut black

Chapter 107 Fighting against the Spirit Hall Elite Team

Chapter 107 Fighting the Spirit Hall Elite Team ([-])

"Prepare for the game, both sides can release their martial arts."

The cardinal, as the referee, announced immediately after the two sides stood still.

The 14 people on both sides looked at each other, and no one said a word, but the violent collision of breaths raised the smell of gunpowder to the limit in an instant.At this moment, even a noble and strong man like Pope Bibi Dong is completely focused on this match.

The seven members of the Wuhundian Academy's team moved almost simultaneously, surging soul power erupted from their bodies instantly.

The three of Xie Yue standing in the front, each of them had five soul rings with two yellow, two purple, and one black flashing with the best soul ring accessories.

The other four people behind them are also the best equipped with two yellow, two purple and four soul rings.The gaze in everyone's eyes became extremely persistent.Among them, a male student standing at the back quickly took a step back, holding a golden scepter in his hand.There is no doubt that what he possesses is an auxiliary weapon spirit.

At the same time they released their martial souls, Shrek also started to release them at the same time.

Seven people stood in order, with Tang San and Dai Mubai at the front.Standing behind them were Zhu Zhuqing, Ma Hongjun and Qi Ye.The last row is Ning Rongrong and Oscar.A two-three-two formation was formed.

Completely different from the last match, this time, Shrek Academy did not use the seven-in-one fusion skill, but released its own martial spirit very normally.

Seven people, all four spirit rings, of course, the most eye-catching ones are Tang San who has a ten thousand year spirit ring and Qi Ye who has a red spirit ring over 5 years in black.

Pope Bibi Dong frowned slightly, and unconsciously looked in the direction of Grandmaster, thinking to himself, Xiao Gang, you really have changed again.

The master didn't look at her, but just watched the situation on the court with concentration, his expression was no longer calm, and he was not absolutely sure about this match.

"The competition begins." While announcing the start of the final battle of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, the cardinal retreated quickly.The field was vacated.

The first mover of the Wuhundian Academy team was not the front captain Xie Yue, but his younger sister Hu Liena.

Lightly moving the lotus steps, Hu Liena seemed to have come to the front just by turning around.A faint smile emerged from her face, and with the release of her martial soul, she seemed to have become more beautiful, and a big fluffy tail grew from her back.

A light red light emerged from her body, her pupils flickered, she looked at Tang San, her movements were exactly the same as when she dealt with Yu Tianheng from Tiandou Imperial Academy back then.That unique charm makes people want to look at her.

But what surprised Hu Liena was that the Seven Shrek Monsters were unmoved by the charm she unleashed. Except for Tang San and Qi Ye, the other five people quickly closed their eyes and blocked them with their fingers. ear.Completely isolated from sight and hearing.

No matter how good the charm skills are, they must always be triggered, hearing, seeing, tasting, smelling, touching, and feeling.Always release through one of the six senses.At this moment, Hu Liena's ability to affect the Shrek Seven Devils' seamlessness is vision and hearing, and the calm movements of the Shrek Seven Devils undoubtedly made her charm lose its effect.

Qi Ye snorted softly, locked on to Hu Liena, put the nightmare of the black rope hell into his eyesight, and a circle of black and red light lit up in his lavender pupils, colliding with Hu Liena's charm.

After a while, Hu Liena's face quickly turned pale, a stream of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth, and she swayed back a few steps.

Hu Liena looked at Qi Ye in astonishment, her face changed slightly, she didn't expect that the other party's soul power had also reached level fifty, which was one level higher than hers, and that the other party actually had the soul skills to practice the spirit system!

After being astonished, Hu Liena moved, and at the same time, Tang San, standing at the front of the line, also took backhand a bit of pink light thrown by Oscar, and strode forward.Going straight to the seven opponents, at the same time, six blue silver grass shot out from his right hand, wrapping around the waists of the other six opponents.The Blue Silver Grass control has already begun.

Hu Liena looked coldly at Tang San who stepped forward, the five spirit rings on his body flickered very regularly, first the black fifth spirit ring, then the fourth, third, second, and finally the yellow spirit ring. The first spirit ring.Every time the soul ring fluctuates, the red light on her body will become stronger.Xie Yue behind her also moved at this time.

Xie Yue's moon blade is not one, but two. The two handles are blood red, like the curved blade of the crescent moon. His hands are respectively held in the middle of the moon blade.At this time, with the movement of his body, his hands stretched out, and he bumped into his sister from behind.

At this moment, two golden lights shot out from the scepter in the hands of the auxiliary soul master of the Wuhundian Academy team at the same time. The golden light shone and quickly merged into Xie Yue and Hu Liena's bodies.

The red light curtain suddenly appeared and spread, and the moment Xie Yue and Hu Liena's bodies collided, that layer of red light wrapped their bodies together.

At the same time, that layer of red light exploded instantly, like a ball of light spreading, covering nearly half the area of ​​the venue.

It completely enveloped the Shrek Seven Monsters.At this time, Tang San was still 13 meters away from them.

The red light curtain did not take time to improve like last time. With the help of his partner, the light was enhanced to the best state in just a moment. Xie Yue and Hu Liena's martial soul fusion skills, Yao Mei.launch.

Of course the seven members of the Wuhundian Academy team knew that this skill had already been seen by the Shrek Seven Monsters, but they had sufficient confidence in themselves.Martial soul fusion skills and fusion skills are completely two concepts. Martial soul fusion skills have no flaws, and their powers are completely different.Just as the master said, the martial soul fusion skills performed by the two soul kings can definitely compare with the seventy-level soul sages in a short period of time.

The red light flashed, and the original two people became one, a person with fluttering long hair, who seemed unable to distinguish between male and female.

The hair had turned red, and the figure composed of Xie Yue and Hu Liena danced quietly.The two moon blades, which were doubled in size, flickered in front of the opened arms with a rainbow-like brilliance.Accompanied by the sudden increase of the surging and rich red light, the combined figure instantly disappeared into the thick red mist.And the Shrek Seven Monsters were also completely enveloped by this dense fog.

The Wuhundian academy team doesn't really have control system soul masters, but their control ability is unprecedentedly strong. The reason is because of this spirit fusion skill Yaomei.

The biggest feature of this martial soul fusion technique is control. Within the control range of the Yaomei skill, everyone's senses will be reduced by 50.00%, and their soul power will be suppressed by 50.00%.All actions are delayed by 50.00%.

It can be said that the opponent was pushed into a desperate situation in an instant.The thick red mist is a special energy mixed with hostility and illusion. Apart from the three negative states, the most terrifying thing is that in this red mist, only Xie Yue and Hu Liena who performed the martial soul fusion technique Only then can we see things.Sudden loss of vision.It will undoubtedly be confusing, not to mention being weakened by the whole.Even if they were opponents of the same level as Xie Yue and the others, there were not many who fell down in this martial soul fusion technique.The effect of this soul ability is comparable to the seventh soul ability of ordinary soul masters.

Seeing the Shrek Seven Monsters being swallowed into the red mist without using the seven-in-one fusion technique.A sneer appeared on the faces of the other members of the Wuhundian Academy team.And the expression on Pope Bibi Dong's face also softened a bit.

Ning Fengzhi frowned, he didn't understand whether the situation in front of him was arranged by the master, if so.Why did the master do this?It is definitely not a good thing to penetrate into the opponent's martial soul fusion skills.How can they fight against each other when they are already weak in an all-round weakened situation?None of the Shrek Seven Monsters actually intended to interrupt the opponent's martial soul fusion skill.

Xiao Wu clenched her hands in the audience, shouting for her friends in her heart.

Come on!Bros!
Grandmaster's eyes shifted to Pope Bibi Dong who was watching the game intently, and he thought to himself.Can't see why I'd let them do this.To defeat the strong with the weak, one must win by surprise.What about martial soul fusion skills?Although it is control.But it's just weakening the control, not the overall increase.

Being within the pink range, the Shrek Seven Devils clearly felt their body getting heavier, their perception suddenly became dull, and they could not even move their hands or feet.It also seems to be hindered by an invisible barrier, making it much more difficult.

But everyone didn't panic, the moment before being enveloped by the red mist, besides Tang San, the battle spirit masters among the other six surrounded Ning Rongrong and Oscar.Oscar, on the other hand, continued to make his own sausages as if nothing had happened.

Dang, clang, two crisp sounds resounded in the red mist, and at the same time, there was an exclamation that was neither male nor female.

"How could you know the direction of my attack?" It was the combination of Xie Yue and Hu Liena who asked this sentence.

Tang San's jade-colored hands.It happened to hold his pair of moon blades that came quietly.

The red mist will not block the sight of Xie Yue and Hu Liena.They clearly saw a smile on Tang San's face.As the leader of the martial soul fusion technique.Xie Yue hastened to use her strength.With the martial soul fusion technique activated, his soul power at this time is the sum of Hu Liena's, which has reached level sixty or above.

However, this time he exerted his strength, he found that his strength was used in the empty space, Tang San did not know when he let go of his hand.

At the same time, Tang San shook both arms at the same time, the blue silver grass connected to his arms vibrated like ripples, and six figures were thrown out of the red mist at the same time.

What the outside world saw was a different scene. As soon as the exclamation fell, the six figures had already risen from the red mist.

Ordinary soul masters can't tell the direction at all in this red mist. Once they are stuck, it is impossible to break free.Unless it is a flying soul master.But Tang San didn't show any sign of losing his way in it, when the other party was surprised and didn't have time to control the spirit fusion ability, relying on the blue silver grass, he threw the other six monsters out of the range of the spirit fusion ability at once .

This was Tang San's calculation, what he calculated was the moment when the opponent made a mistake, it was too late to activate the martial soul fusion ability.

A tiger roar erupted from Dai Mubai's mouth, his body was still in mid-air, his first spirit ability White Tiger Body Barrier, and the third spirit ability White Tiger Vajra Transformation erupted at the same time.The body expands rapidly in mid-air.And Zhu Zhuqing borrowed strength from the blue silver grass with his toes, his speed increased sharply, he caught up with Dai Mubai in an instant, and he quietly fell behind him.

Huge flame wings stretched out from Ma Hongjun's back, Qi Ye landed directly, and the six monsters immediately entered a fighting state.

(End of this chapter)

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