Douluo's Lolita cut black

Chapter 117 2 years

Chapter 117 Two Years
The moment the Slaughter King was held by Qi Ye, his face changed. The scorching breath from the girl made him feel as if he had been burned dry.

His Adam's apple moved, and he was about to throw Qi Ye out with force, but a cool breath made the Slaughter King stop his movements.

Because that cool breath made his body that was feeling hot and painful immediately comfortable, and even made a slight breakthrough in his blood-dependent strength, but it was too subtle to be easily noticed.

Qi Ye's pure white flame became excited as soon as it entered the Slaughter King's body, as if it was stimulated, it burned in the Slaughter King's body like a spark, devouring all the distracting thoughts mixed with blood.

Qi Ye watched as the bloody eyes of the Slaughter King gradually faded to black, and the lavender narrowed slightly.

But the Slaughter King or Tang Chen gradually calmed down. Looking at the child in front of him, Tang Chen thanked God for the first time in his life for letting this child come to this city of Slaughter and come before him.

"Thank you." Tang Chen withdrew his right hand, "You said your surname is Tang, what's your name?"

"My name is Tang Qi. Are you from the Haotian School?" Qi Ye looked at the middle-aged man in front of him. This man seemed to be a little older than his father. Could it be his brother?

"Are you also a disciple of Haotianzong?" Tang Chen was taken aback when he heard Haotianzong. He has spent decades in this killing capital, and he has never seen anyone from the younger generation of Haotianzong. .

"Well, Dad said I am." Qi Ye knew that her guess was right as soon as she heard Tang Chen's words, this person was really a member of the Haotian School.It's a pity that Dad didn't tell her about Haotianzong in detail at that time, otherwise she would know whether this person is Dad's brother or not.

"Sit down." Tang Chen gave up part of his large chair and let Qi Ye sit next to him, "Show your martial soul and I'll see."

Qi Ye nodded, stretched out his right hand, and a blue and silver hammer appeared in his hand.Tang Chen narrowed his eyes, did he mutate his martial soul?

"Who is your father?"

"Tang Hao, my father is very powerful. I heard from the teacher that my father is the youngest Titled Douluo." Qi Ye's eyes burst into endless brilliance when he mentioned Tang Hao.

Tang Chen didn't expect this child to be his great-grandson. He really remembered Tang Hao's child. He had amazing talent since he was a child. It can be said that he was his most promising heir.

Thinking of the killing god who came a few days ago, Tang Chen sighed inwardly. Unknowingly, he had been in and away from Haotian School for so many years, and even that little baby Tang Hao had grown up.

But when Tang Chen learned about the current situation of Haotianzong from Qi Ye, he was so angry that he wished to take out those incompetent juniors of his family one by one and beat them up.Feeling the cold air continuously escaping from Tang Chen's body, Qi Ye stood up from his chair and backed away very shamelessly.

"Where's Tang Hao?" Luckily, Tang Chen still remembered that he was still the Slaughter King at the moment, and he still had things to do, so he couldn't leave the Slaughter City for the time being, otherwise he wouldn't have simply asked, and insisted on letting those stinky The kid knew what it was like to hit them with his Clear Sky Hammer.

"I don't know. Dad said that my brother and I would come to pick us up after winning the Slaughter Fields championship." After Qi Ye finished speaking, Tang Chen turned his attention to the word "brother", "You have a brother, he Are you also in the killing capital?"

"Well, brother came with me." Qi Ye nodded, thinking that Tang San would probably wake up by now, so he said to Tang Chen, "I have to go back, brother will be worried."

Tang Chen nodded, and waved Qi Ye to leave.

Qi Ye nodded, and took a small step back. The pure white flames whizzing upwards enveloped him and dissipated in the air.

Tang Chen touched his chest and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.Although he borrowed external force, but now he has achieved the body of a demigod, and he no longer cares so much about the Nine Tests of Shura sent down by God Shura, and he is not so attached to whether he can break through the hundredth level and become a god.

Tang Chen looked at the pool of blood in front of him, and a stern look flashed in his eyes.This capital of killing is not the exclusive domain left by God Shura who is in charge of killing, but is mixed with the influence of Raksha, the god of evil thoughts.Wouldn't he have wasted a lot of time in vain if he didn't find Raksha God to make up for the wasted time in the past few decades.

It seems that he still wants to become a god, and it is best to become a Rakshasa god and pull the guy who has interfered with him for decades from the godhood.

When Qi Ye just returned to the place where he and Tang San lived temporarily, he saw Tang San sitting on the bed expressionlessly, and didn't even move his eyes when he saw her come back, as if he wasn't surprised at all that she could transform from a flame into a human. , and looked extremely angry.

"Brother, has your soul power recovered yet?" Qi Ye was a little apprehensive seeing Tang San's expressionless face, but he still approached Tang San and asked cautiously.

Tang San didn't reply, just looked at Qi Ye, knowing that Qi Ye lowered his head before he said a faint "hmm", "Where did you go?"

When Qi Ye heard this, his eyes lit up, and he immediately told Tang San that she had met the Slaughter King and that the Slaughter King was someone from the Clear Sky School.

Seeing Qi Ye's bright eyes, Tang San sighed inwardly, but still couldn't bear to scold her.

"Qiqi, I know you are very powerful, but you must not do something like today, it is too reckless. If the Slaughter King has malicious intentions towards you, how will you get rid of the Slaughter King, the master of the Slaughter City?" Escape from here?" Tang San said with a straight face.

Qi Ye puffed up, a little aggrieved, she is not such a reckless person, but seeing Tang San's stern face, Qi Ye still bowed his head obediently and said: "Understood, brother."

"You said that the Slaughter King is from the Clear Sky School?" Tang San then asked about the Slaughter King. If the Slaughter King was from the Clear Sky School, why was he in the Slaughter Capital?

Qi Ye nodded, "Yeah, he looks a bit like Dad, and he smells familiar." That's why she went.

Tang San searched in his mind, but couldn't find a Tang family named Tang Chen, but his understanding of Haotianzong was limited to what he had heard from the Lizhi Clan before, and it was normal not to know Tang Chen.

"Rest, don't go looking for the Slaughter King by yourself again." Tang San pulled Qi Ye onto the bed, this city of Slaughter is full of dangers, who knows if Tang Chen will think about Nian Hao after staying in the City of Slaughter for a long time? Tianzong's old love.

However, to Tang San's surprise, since that day, they haven't seen the Slaughter King once, and they haven't received any attention from the Slaughter King at all, as if Qi Ye didn't go out that night.

This made Tang San worry all the time, but before Tang San didn't know, Qi Ye had still seen the Slaughter King, but the Slaughter King didn't appear as the Slaughter King, but entered the Slaughter City as an ordinary person. The identities of some people have intersected with them.

The time was spent waiting and practicing. Sitting cross-legged in the hut, Qi Ye and Tang San were surrounded by murderous aura. The two of them had been in the Slaughtering City for nearly two years, and they were only one day away from the final Slaughtering Field champion. field, but Tang San is not feeling well right now.

The two years of non-stop killing brought them not only the increase of murderous aura, but also the increase of their murderous aura, which is why Qi Ye and Tang San stayed in the capital of killing for two years, Just finished 99 games.

It's not because they don't have the strength to complete it, but because they need time to calm down the influence of the murderous intent, lest they become monsters who only know how to kill.

Unexpectedly, every time Qi Ye meditates, he is able to restrain his intensified murderous aura. Unlike Tang San who needs a lot of time to suppress the somewhat uncontrollable murderous aura, he can restrain his murderous aura with ease, as if he was born with such a talent .

Even this, however, could not counteract the habit of killing she had acquired.Two years of continuous killing made Qi Ye habitually kill when he met his opponent, Tang San was more affected than him, but Tang San's will was also much firmer than Qi Ye's, so so far, Neither has really broken down yet.

But Qi Ye found that every time she habitually hits a killer like that, taking a person's life in a single thought, she has such an unexpected habit that she can even feel the inexplicable urge to move in her body.

It was the desire to kill.

In order not to worry Tang San, and because she found that she could suppress this inexplicable urge, Qi Ye didn't tell Tang San.

(End of this chapter)

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