Douluo's Lolita cut black

Chapter 120 Hell Road

Chapter 120 Hell Road ([-])
In the end, because the three of them couldn't predict what would exist in the blood pool, they could only unanimously choose to take the narrow path above.

In order for the distance between the three of them not to be too far, and to walk more steadily, Tang San took out a hemp rope from the soul guide, with Tang San in front, Hu Liena in the middle, and Qi Ye at the end. waist.

Arranging Hu Liena in the middle is to guard against Hu Liena's sudden betrayal, and second, because Tang San and Qi Ye have a more or less spiritual connection because of the pure white flame, so that even if something happens to Hu Liena , It is also possible not to let the three of them fall.

The road was very narrow, and Tang San kept walking at a constant speed in the front, which undoubtedly made Hu Liena and Qi Ye in the back a lot easier.

Tang San's Purple Demon Pupils allowed him to clearly see everything in the dark at this moment, although the scene would become blurred after more than a thousand meters.

After walking quite a distance at such a uniform speed, Tang San suddenly stopped, and Hu Liena and Qi Ye behind him also stopped at the same time.

"Brother?" Qi Ye looked at Tang San suspiciously, Tang San lowered his face slightly, "So far, we have walked 360 four steps. Do you feel that the air is getting hotter, and the surroundings are no longer quiet, some Small voices, although they are still far away, but their target is us, be careful."

"Okay." Qi Ye nodded, and released his mental power slightly, and the Lanhao Hammer appeared in his hand at the same time.

And Hu Liena looked at Tang San in surprise, she knew that this [-] was very powerful, but she didn't expect his mental power to be so powerful.Although she felt the change in temperature, she did not hear those subtle voices. As a result, the mental power of this young man from the Clear Sky School in front of her was still higher than hers.

Hu Liena held a dagger in each of her hands, but Tang San didn't release his martial spirit, he just wiped his hands on the soul guide, and there were several hidden weapons in his hands.

Gradually, Qi Ye and Hu Liena could hear the voice Tang San heard before.The sound is not strong, but the frequency is very fast.Suddenly Qi Ye lowered his head and looked at the dark red pool of blood below, "Brother, there is magma below."

The strange feeling of magma mixed with blood made Qi Ye's fingers move. It's all because she was absent-minded at that moment. She should have felt the temperature of the magma earlier.

Qi Ye's words made Tang San's face change slightly, "No wonder the temperature is getting higher and higher. We were about 1000 meters away from the blood pool below here at first, but now we are only more than 900 meters away. If this continues, the last section of this hell road Perhaps submerged in a mixture of magma and pools of blood."

"Father said that the road to hell is not easy, is it because of this?" Qi Ye clenched the Lanhao Hammer tightly in his hand, and wisps of Blue Silver Grass aura emanated from the Lanhao Hammer, causing Tang San and Hu Liena to be overwhelmed. With a shake, I woke up a lot.

While the three of them were talking, the buzzing sound became louder and louder, and a bloody shadow was approaching them constantly.

"It's a bat." Qi Ye was the first to recognize these oncoming shadows. He had seen similar monsters in the underground magma of previous worlds, but those monsters did not have the turbid breath of these bats.

"We face the enemy back to back, pay attention to our feet." After Tang San finished speaking, he quickly retreated to Hu Liena's side, Qi Ye also took two steps quickly, and the three of them formed a triangle.

Those blood-colored bats quickly approached them, but they didn't attack them directly, but surrounded them, the wind from their wings made Hu Liena's whole body shake.Fortunately, the hammers in the hands of Tang San and Qi Ye together weighed more than 1000 catties, otherwise Hu Liena's small body would have flown out long ago.

The flying needle in Tang San's hand that had been ready to go was already aimed at one of the bats, but that bat unexpectedly avoided it.

"It's useless. Bats have a special ability. Unless they are faster than him, it will be difficult to hurt them." Hu Liena glanced at Qi Ye gratefully, and said quickly.

Tang San frowned, "I'll solve this problem, you take care of yourselves." After speaking, his body changed into a burst of light blue light, protecting the three of them.

Qi Ye was staring at a bat at first, feeling the cool breath brought by this light, his eyes flashed, and a faint blue-silver light appeared covering the outside of the blue light, the color was similar to Tang San's blue light Similar, like the light color on the periphery of the light, it is extremely difficult to detect.

Originally, the light blue light only hindered the bats' flight and affected their abilities, but after Qi Ye's blue and silver color appeared, all the bats that hit them turned into flying ash in an instant.

Probably because of the fate of the previous bats, the later bats were a little afraid of them, and they only surrounded the three of them but did not attack.

"Go," Tang San said in a low voice, "since they won't attack us, let's move on."

The three of them moved forward step by step, but the bats still surrounded them. The three of them knew that although the bats did not attack now, if they were bitten by any of them, it would be enough for them.

"Going on like this is not an option, brother, take her and hurry up, I'll stop them from behind." As soon as Qi Ye's voice fell, Tang San slightly arched his body, pushed Hu Liena off the ground, and the light blue light tightly protected him The two moved forward quickly.

The moment Tang San moved his feet, Qi Ye cut the rope, and the blue and silver fire curtain burned up overwhelmingly, blocking all the bats behind him.

There was an endless stream of bats making shrill screams because they hit the fire curtain. Hu Liena looked at Qi Ye in surprise. She still remembered that it was Qi Ye who broke their fusion skills and made them fall short.

However, the impact that Qi Ye gave her at that time was definitely not as strong as it is now. Looking at the petite girl standing erect under the blue and silver light curtain, she suddenly felt a little palpitated. No wonder the teacher said that the brothers and sisters of the Tang family could not grow up. It is really unmatched by the golden generation of their Wuhundian.

After Tang San ran tens of meters with Hu Liena on his back, a huge dark golden bat appeared in midair, Tang San put Hu Liena down, his eyes fixed on the huge dark golden bat.

At this moment, Qi Ye had also arrived at their side, the curtain of pure white flames still enveloped the three of them, and huge dark golden bats flew back and forth around the three of them.

"If you don't kill it, it will haunt us forever." Following his words, the Clear Sky Hammer in Tang San's hand has been thrown out in a special way, but what he hit was only a few small ones transformed from a huge dark golden bat. Dark golden bat.

Looking at the violence in the eyes of the three-headed bat, Qi Ye's eyes changed, and blue and silver flames bloomed in his eyes, and he saw that the fire curtain that was only protecting them was stagnant, and the pure white flames rising vertically and horizontally brought With a violent will to destroy, he attacked the huge dark golden bat.

It was the first time that Hu Liena felt the tyrannical aura of Qi Ye's pure white flame, and she was stunned in place for a moment, black light flickered in front of her eyes, and her body trembled.

Qi Ye was free to glance at Hu Liena, and wiped away the coercion on Hu Liena, finally giving Hu Liena a chance to breathe.

Once the huge dark golden bat died, the other blood-colored bats were no longer to be feared. The three of them bombarded and killed the other blood-colored bats as they moved forward.

After the three of them killed all the bloody bats, the three of them had to stay in place for a while because of the exhaustion of maintaining the fox tail to recover their soul power and mental power before moving forward again.

This time, not long after the three of them walked forward, they heard the rustling sound. The three of them looked in the direction of the sound, and only saw a pair of fiery red eyes.

"It's a snake, be careful." Tang San wiped the soul guide with his hand, holding a pack of realgar in his hand.

As the rustling sound got closer, a dark red snake began to slowly approach them.It's getting closer, not only Tang San, Qi Ye and Hu Lienaye can see it clearly.

There were nine protrusions on the snake's head and back, and each protrusion was like a bright red mushroom, with blood flowing inside.And its abdomen is huge, protruding on the narrow road, and its body length exceeds ten meters.

Perhaps the snake could not be killed with the joint efforts of the three of them, but the snake's huge body could easily destroy the narrow path under their feet.They had to let the snake make way for them while ensuring that they could pass through the narrow path.

When the strange snake traveled about 100 meters away from them, it began to make a sound like a baby crying, and the nine protrusions on the back began to emit golden-red light.

When they were still 30 meters away, a fiery red light suddenly came out from the strange snake's mouth, carrying a strong fishy smell, and quickly spread towards the three of them.

To the surprise of the three of them, the flame came close to the ground.If this was on flat ground, it would not be a problem for the three of them to escape.But in this case, the three have almost nowhere to hide.

—— Digression——

The key card is nice~~~
(End of this chapter)

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