Douluo's Lolita cut black

Chapter 129 Return to Haotianzong

Chapter 129 Return to the Haotian School ([-])
Qi Ye immediately stared at the man in gray, his eyes flashed fiercely, fortunately Tang San squeezed Qi Ye's hand, and Qi Ye relaxed his nerves.

Tang San's shoulder moved slightly, then stopped, and didn't resist, because he clearly felt that the gray-clothed man's punch was not malicious.

With a soft bang, the fist landed on Tang San's shoulder, and the man in gray laughed, "Good brother, thank you very much."

Tang San smiled wryly and said: "Brother, can you be lighter next time, your fist is very heavy!"

The man in gray patted Tang San on the shoulder vigorously, "Don't come here, it's obviously your bones shaking that made my hands ache. I really don't know how you practiced. My name is Tang Long. You didn't call me big brother." Wrong, in our generation, I am the oldest. These two are Tang Tian and Tang Yu, who are also our direct brothers. This time, you two saved their lives." He said, looking at To Qi Ye.

Qi Ye: Stare at——

Tang Long felt the fierce light in Qi Ye's eyes, coughed lightly and let go of his hand: "Hey, this girl is quite defensive."

Qi Ye looked over indifferently.

At this time, Tang Tian and Tang Yu walked over, their faces already full of gratitude, they nodded to Tang San, Tang Tian said: "Brother, I will never thank you for your kindness."

Tang San said sarcasticly: "They are all my brothers, what are you talking about. In exchange, you will also save me. Isn't it?"

Tang Yu said with a bitter face: "We also need to have that ability! By the way, the blue silver grass just now is your martial soul, right? We heard from the villagers that your martial soul is the Clear Sky Hammer ah?"

Tang San nodded, and smiled slightly: "I'm twin spirits, only majoring in Blue Silver Grass."

Tang Yu suddenly realized: "No wonder! You actually have twin martial souls!"

"Hey, what is your sister's martial soul? The one just now should be fire, right? Isn't your sister's martial soul the Clear Sky Hammer?" Tang Tian looked at Qi Ye curiously.

Tang San rubbed Qi Ye's head, "Qiqi is also a twin spirit, she majors in the Clear Sky Hammer."

The two immediately looked at Tang San and Qi Ye enviously: "You two brothers and sisters are really amazing, they both have twin spirits!"

"It's also thanks to our parents." Tang San smiled softly, thinking of the parents who gave him these two spirits, his eyes softened.

Qi Ye nodded his head, yes, thanks to Mom and Dad.

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, Tang Long turned his head to look at the swaying iron chain, and said angrily: "It's time to change this shit. Today is really unlucky. I actually met a bird. But it's my fault. Just be more careful. If I found out early, there wouldn’t be such a big mistake. The suzerain will definitely scold me when I go back.”

Watching him look downcast.Tang San couldn't help being a little funny.This looks a bit rough and rude brother.To be honest and straightforward.

Tang Tiandao: "Brother, go back quickly. Don't make the suzerain wait. You can't be blamed for the breaking of the iron chain. It's just bad luck for us. The suzerain is the punishment. We can bear it together."

Tang Long chuckled and said, "My boy, next time I have good wine. Please drink it. Let's go."

This fifth mountain is also the last mountain to enter the Clear Sky School.The Haotian School, who lives in seclusion, is on this mountain.

Although there are no pavilions, but looking around, it is also a castle-like building. The whole body of the building is gray, and it looks like a part of the mountain, almost occupying the entire top of the mountain.

The relationship with the three became a little more familiar, and Tang San no longer kept his distance from them as before.Can't help but ask: "Brother Tang Long, our Haotian School is in such a precarious place, how did we bring in the needed supplies? Also through those iron chains?"

Tang Long nodded and said: "This is a special training method of the sect. All disciples of the sect who have reached the age of 16 must participate in the transportation of materials. Of course, the protective ropes we usually use are not the kind of land we use today. It is a kind of protective rope with a safety buckle. Even if the iron cable breaks, it can at least guarantee people's safety. Who would have thought that today would be so unlucky. I remember that when Tang Tian walked the iron chain bridge for the first time, he was so scared that he cried Nose. Haha."

Tang Tian looked at Tang Long in embarrassment, and said angrily: "It's been so many years, why are you still mentioning my embarrassing things in front of Brother Tang San? Hurry up and go back to the sect, don't make the suzerain wait."

Tang San knew in his heart that they brought this kind of ordinary noose, and they didn't use it for themselves before, probably to test their own strength, and they had so much hostility towards him and Qi Qi before, probably because of their strength.But now it seems.These brothers who are related to them by blood are very straightforward.

When the five started again, the relationship became much more harmonious.Especially Tang Long who was the leader, he obviously had a straight temper, the arrogance he had put on was gone at this moment, he hugged Tang San's shoulder affectionately and walked towards the sect.

Qi Ye who was led by Tang San: "."

I don't know why I feel like punching someone.

The huge stone building is like a fortress, and the main entrance is five meters high. Although it cannot be compared with the Pope's Palace, this kind of all-stone building is extraordinarily solid. Above the main entrance, the three big characters carved in stone are vigorous and powerful. Magnificent enough to confront the surrounding mountains, —— Haotianzong.

In front of the main entrance, two young men also dressed in gray saw the four of them approaching and hastily bowed to salute, but one of them still blocked Tang San's way, "Please show me your token."

"Token?" Tang San was stunned for a moment, of course he didn't know what the so-called token was, so he couldn't help looking at Tang Long with some doubts.

"Auntie didn't give us a token." Qi Ye said after thinking carefully.

Tang Long smiled and said: "It's the Clear Sky Hammer! Is there anything else that can prove the identity of the direct descendant of our sect better than the Clear Sky Hammer? They only want you to show it because they don't like you. This is the rule. Give it to them Just take a look. Only the direct descendants of our sect can enter here. The subordinate and outer disciples of the sect are all in the village outside."

Speaking of this, his mood was a little depressed, and he looked at Tang San and Qi Ye a little bit more. Indeed, from the size of the village outside, it can be seen that there are only a few hundred people at most, and they are attached to Haotianzong. There are so few affiliates, it can be seen that Zongmen is in a difficult situation now.

Tang San's eyes darkened slightly, of course he understood the reason why the brothers looked at him and the changes in their eyes, the Haotian School became what it is today, although it can't be said that it is all the father's responsibility, but the father is also duty bound.

Qi Ye squeezed Tang San's hand slightly, and looked at Tang San without blinking his lavender eyes.

Feeling Qi Ye's silent encouragement, Tang San let out a long breath, flipped his left hand, black light surged, and the ruler-long Clear Sky Hammer appeared within his grasp.

The three brothers Tang Long already knew from Tang Yuehua that Tang San had twin spirits, and now his major is not the Clear Sky Hammer, so it's nothing.But the two direct descendants of the gatekeepers don't see it that way.They originally thought that coming together with Tang Long and the other three, Tang San's strength must be quite weak.

But it can be seen that there is not even a soul ring on his Clear Sky Hammer.

The originally respectful eyes suddenly became indifferent.

In the world of soul masters, especially the sect of soul masters, strength often represents many things.Although they didn't say anything, their eyes had become strange.

Qi Ye felt their indifference, and let go of Tang San's right hand, the soul seal appeared, the blue and silver Blue Hammer appeared, five soul rings behind him stood out, and the last crimson 10-year soul ring It surprised the three brothers Tang Long and the gatekeeper.

10 year soul ring! ? !
I will have another Wannian one!

Whose perverted fourth soul ring will be ten thousand years old? !The fifth soul ring is still 10 years old? !
The two suddenly felt a little flower in front of them.

The disciple on the left hesitated for a moment, then looked at Tang Long: "Well, senior brother, this young lady's spirit is not the Clear Sky Hammer."

"Mine is a mutated martial soul." Qi Ye opened his mouth before Tang Long could explain, his clear eyes became deep when he looked at the two of them, and the two direct descendants immediately felt the hairs on their bodies explode.

"Qiqi." Tang San whispered helplessly, although he knew that Qiqi was trying to get ahead of him, but after all this is the normal state of people, no wonder they.

Tang Long slapped one of them angrily, "What are you looking at, don't get out of the way."

"Yes." Only then did the two disciples step aside, and the sense of crisis dissipated from their bodies.

——— Digression ———

Where is the voice~~~
(End of this chapter)

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