Douluo's Lolita cut black

Chapter 140 Eight Monsters Reunited

Chapter 140 Eight monsters reunion ([-])
The four of them were chatting and reminiscing about the past, when a loud roar came from the academy not far away: "Boss Dai, Zhuqing, Qiqi, you are all here! Hey, who is the other one?"

The eyes of the four were attracted.Under the shade of the tree next to the college gate, a big fat man was standing there.He looked at them jokingly.

This guy looks like he is eight feet tall and has an eight-foot waist.Tall and fat, with a round head, short hair centered in a Mohawk style, and a smile that deserves to be punched.

Even though five years have passed, even though he has changed so much, Dai Mubai still recognized this fat man at a glance.The little fat man has grown into a big fat man, isn't he the fourth of the eight monsters, the evil fire phoenix Ma Hongjun?
"Damn, fat man. You're getting fat again." Dai Mubai walked towards Ma Hongjun with big strides.Ma Hongjun laughed, stretched out his fat arms, bumped into him violently, and hugged Dai Mubai fiercely.From the crackling sound of bones that can be heard on both of them, it can be known how hard they are hugging.

"Boss Dai, why are you still so violent? Actually, I'm going to hold Zhuqing."

"Ah—" The screams continued to come from Ma Hongjun's mouth. "Okay, I was wrong. Let me go. Boss. My petite body can't bear this kind of abuse from you. Could it be that when you hug Zhuqing, ah—"

Continue to scream.

Zhu Zhuqing was watching from the side, but the circles of his eyes were already slightly red.

"Brother Hong Jun still doesn't have a long memory like before, he went to provoke others even though he couldn't beat Brother Mubai. It should be hit." Qi Ye added in a low voice, tugging at Tang San's sleeve.

Tang San rubbed Qi Ye's hair with a broken smile.

Another student on duty in front of the gate of Shrek Academy has also walked over, muttering: "This time the pretending is really similar! It is better than the acting skills of the previous few times."

"Pretending to be your face." Ma Hongjun glared over angrily, finally broke free from Dai Mubai's bear hug, a surging, vigorous, and violent pressure was suddenly released from him.

Those two students were sent to take turns, so naturally they would not be some outstanding students from the academy.The strength is still only more than 30 levels.Under his tyrannical coercion, his complexion suddenly changed and he hurriedly retreated.

Ma Hongjun threatened a big fist that was rounder than his own. "With my strength, do I still need to learn it?"

"I haven't seen you for five years. Fatty, you owe a lot of beatings, but you are even more arrogant!" The crisp voice approached from far away.

Ma Hongjun didn't care about showing off his prestige, turned around abruptly, saw the person coming, immediately opened his arms wide, and rushed over like flying, "Wow, Rongrong has become a beautiful woman. Let brother hug one."

With a pink jacket, pink trousers, and long hair hanging down to her hips, Ning Rongrong has also grown up.Her beauty is different from Zhu Zhuqing.Zhu Zhuqing has a hot body and a cool and delicate face, while her beauty is round and soft, and her whole body exudes a special nobility, just like her Wuhun Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda.

Although she is not yet 20 years old, she already has a kind of grace in her body.

"Fatty, go die." The sharp air blade made Ma Hongjun's forward body abruptly stop, and Zhu Zhuqing rushed over like a phantom, hugging Ning Rongrong.

Dai Mubai's big hands rested on Ma Hongjun's fat shoulders, "Fatty, you still want to take advantage! Even though Xiao Ao is a food system soul master, if you touch Rongrong, he will fight you desperately."

Ma Hongjun sighed, "Thinking of me, I can be regarded as Fengshen and handsome, a generation of arrogance, how come no beautiful woman has taken his fancy to me? Seeing you all in pairs, I'm jealous!"

Dai Mubai said angrily: "The four words Fengshen Junlang are similar to me. Don't insult these four words, okay?" At this point, he shouted at Ning Rongrong: "Rongrong , where is Xiao Ao?"

Ning Rongrong, who was embracing Zhu Zhuqing, froze, her eyes turned red, "I don't know if he will come."

Five years have passed, there is no news from Oscar, not even a bit of news was sent back to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, the whole person seemed to evaporate out of thin air.Ning Rongrong has been waiting for him, but as time passed day by day, she never saw his return.

When they were together, they didn't feel comfortable, but when they really separated, Ning Rongrong deeply understood what kind of place Oscar occupied in his heart.That kind of heart-piercing longing made her unable to extricate herself.

She found that after Oscar left, she fell in love with him deeply.

Whenever she thought of Oscar's terrifyingly resolute look when he was about to leave, and the ten-year appointment he said, her heart could not help but violently colic, and her eyes were hazy with tears.Ten years, how many ten years are there in a person's life?

She can even imagine what Oscar will be like in this decade.

She often ran to the mountains alone, yelling to the void, Xiao Ao, come back to me.I don't want you to be strong, I just want you to come back.As long as you can return to my side, no matter how strict the sect's rules are, I will never separate from you.

However, no matter how much she yelled, the only answer was the echo from the empty valley, and Oscar still had no news, so far away.

Ning Rongrong regretted so much, why was he so unassertive in the first place, why couldn't he find a way to be with him.She was really afraid, afraid that one day she would suddenly see a sect disciple bringing back his body.

In order not to let herself think about him, for the past five years, Ning Rongrong tried her best to anesthetize herself with cultivation.No matter how boring the cultivation is, it is better than the heart-wrenching longing. Seeing Ning Rongrong's expression, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun already realized that something was wrong, and they quickly gathered around Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing and the others asked her in a low voice.

On the other side, the two students on duty were obviously frightened by Ma Hongjun, whispered a few words, and one of them quickly ran back to the academy to report.

Facing a friend whom he hadn't seen for five years, Ning Rongrong couldn't hold back the sadness in his heart any longer. While weeping, he recounted the process of Oscar's departure.

After listening to her remarks, the three Dai Mubai fell silent, and even Ma Hongjun put away the smile on his face.

Dai Mubai sighed, "Little Ao usually seems to be joking, but in fact, he has a lot of self-esteem. Moreover, he really loves you. Back then, in order to be worthy of you, he was cultivating He has put in more effort than us. Ten years, I hope these ten years will be a good thing for him.”

Zhu Zhuqing hugged Ning Rongrong, who was already sobbing, into his arms, and said to Dai Mubai angrily: "Just say a few words. Rongrong is already suffering enough. You can't blame Rongrong for this matter, it can only be regarded as Let’s play tricks on people.”

Listening to Zhu Zhuqing's words, Ning Rongrong cried even more sadly.For the past five years, she has been trying to suppress her emotions, but now she sees her partner who used to live and die together, but she can no longer restrain herself, and releases the pain in her heart to her heart's content.

"Sister Rongrong don't cry." Qi Ye walked up to Ning Rongrong and urged him dryly.

"Qiqi." Ning Rongrong raised her head from Zhu Zhuqing's arms, and when she saw Qi Ye, she pursed her lips and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, "Qiqi, where's third brother?"

When she came, she also saw Qi Ye and another young man with light blue hair, but she didn't think about Tang San.

Hearing this, Qi Ye instantly puffed up his face, took a step back, turned his head to Tang San and said, "Brother, why don't they recognize you? Obviously we can recognize each other at a glance!"

After hearing Qi Ye's words, Ning Rongrong and Ma Hongjun stared at Tang San with wide eyes, and Ma Hongjun even screamed strangely: "Fuck, this is the third brother?! Have you had plastic surgery?!"

Danger flashed in Qi Ye's eyes, and with a shake of his right hand, he picked up the Lan Hao Hammer and threw it at Ma Hongjun.

——— Digression ———

Finally, I was able to release the chapter on time today.The second shift time remains unchanged at 10 o'clock, and the third shift time is 30:[-] oh oh~
(End of this chapter)

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