Douluo's Lolita cut black

Chapter 143 Exhibition Competition

Chapter 143 Exhibition Competition ([-])

After several years of transformation, the forest of Shrek Academy is not only the original appearance, but also divided into many mimicry training areas, and re-planned.In the middle of the forest, a huge playground was built.Surrounded by green trees, the playground is covered with turf formed by blue silver grass.Compared with the original academy, the number of students in the current academy has increased a lot, and it also shoulders the mission of cooperating with the imperial family, so this extra playground can be used in a variety of ways.

Early on, a large number of students had gathered around this green playground and waited patiently.The entire Shrek Academy currently has about a thousand students. Of course, this does not include the tasks assigned to the academy by the royal family and the part of the unified training by the master.

Nuo University's playground was full of people early on. Although these students couldn't compare with the talent of the original Shrek Eight Monsters, they were carefully selected by the academy, at least with upper-middle aptitude.

Tang San and six people entered the forest together with the master, and when they were about to reach the green playground, the master stood up and said to Tang San: "Little San, find something to cover your face."

Tang San froze for a moment, "Teacher, why?"

The master said: "At the beginning you left a deep impression on the Wuhun Hall. Your appearance and temperament have completely changed now, which is very beneficial to your own safety. Therefore, it is better not to expose it as much as possible. In this way, even if the Wuhun It is not easy for the people in the temple to find you."

Tang San suddenly realized, and hurriedly nodded.He took out the green mask used by the Seven Shrek Monsters from the 24th Bridge Moonlit Night and put it on his face.

The master thought for a while, and said to the others: "You all should take it too. It's better to keep it a little bit mysterious."

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing understood that this was also caused by the master to protect them.The masks used by the Shrek Eight Monsters in the past are important souvenirs for them. Everyone keeps them, and they wear them as promised, immediately covering their original faces.

When they came to the playground, Liu Erlong was already standing in the middle of the playground, giving lectures loudly.

"..., teachers in charge of each class, please manage the school well. You can cheer, but there must be no chaos. You are not allowed to enter the playground. Otherwise, you will be implicated by soul skills, and you will bear the consequences."

As the vice president, Liu Erlong has always been known for his strictness.Not to mention the students, even the teachers are afraid of her.Under her command, the classes on the playground were arranged in an orderly manner, waiting quietly, and even the noisy discussions gradually became quieter.

At this moment, the master had brought Tang San and five people into the playground.The masks on Tang San's six faces and the master leading the team.Undoubtedly announced their status.In an instant, the playground that had just been silent turned into a raging ocean.The cheers sounded like a volcanic eruption.

Master and Liu Erlong and his wife looked at each other and smiled.Soon, Tang San and the others also came to the middle of the playground.

"Learn-to-grow-good." No one organized, but there was a huge welcome sound on the playground.The voice was extremely neat, as if it had already been made an appointment.A huge sound wave rolled up, this is the Shrek Academy students' respect for the Shrek Monster's past glory.

The six people froze for a moment, then returned the salute to the other students.

Flender let the students be as quiet as a chicken with a soul-stirring "quiet" sound. After looking around in satisfaction, he began to talk about Shrek's origin and lectures. Finally, under the bright eyes of all the students, he haha With a smile, he turned to look at Tang San and the others, and said loudly: "Little monsters, report your age and level."

"Dai Mubai, 23 years old, Martial Spirit: White Tiger, Level 63 Assault Department Battle Soul Emperor."

"Zhu Zhuqing, 20 years old, Martial Soul: Nether Civet, Level [-] Sensitive Attack Department Battle Soul Emperor."

"Tang San, 20 years old, spirit: Blue Silver Grass, level 59 control system spirit king."

"Tang Qi, 20 years old, Martial Soul: Lanhao Hammer, Level 58 Assault Soul King."

"Ma Hongjun, 20 years old, Martial Soul: Evil Fire Phoenix, Level 58 Assault Department Soul King."

"Ning Rongrong, 20 years old, Martial Soul: Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda, Level [-] auxiliary device Soul Emperor."

All the students gasped.There are six people, one is 23 years old, and five are 20 years old, but they have all reached level [-]. You know, if you only look at their age, most of the students present are similar to them.But among these students, there are only a few of them who are above level [-].

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Flender smiled and said, "Next, Vice President Zao Wou-ki and I will have a competition with the Shrek Six Monsters. Of course, this is just an exhibition match. I know, you all want to see these What is the strength of the seniors who have achieved brilliant results? In fact, I also want to know how much progress they have made in the past five years. In this competition, as long as they can persist in the three sticks of incense under the cooperation of Dean Zhao and I Time, even if they win. Dean Liu, get ready for incense."

Liu Erlong nodded, she and Grandmaster walked to the edge of the playground, and gave up the middle position.This exhibition match, which affects the hearts of all students in the academy, is finally about to begin.At this time, not only the students, but even the teachers of the academy were fully concentrated.After all, even for these teachers, most of them are only around level [-].

Tang San first gave Qi Ye a look, and then gestured to Dai Mubai, expressing that everything was going according to plan, although they couldn't see the expressions with masks on their faces, judging by the ease in their eyes , They were not at all nervous about this exhibition match.

Zhao Wou-ki and Flender looked at each other, Zhao Wou-ki whispered: "Boss, do we want to show mercy?"

Flender said angrily: "Forget how miserable you were when Tang San and Tang Qi first came to the academy? Just pay attention to how you shoot. You will be the main force below, and I will harass you in the air."

Zhao Wou-ki was stunned for a moment, and immediately came to his senses, saying: "Damn, let me be a meat shield again. Boss, do you have humanity?"

Flender said leisurely: "I'm an agility attack type soul master, and you are an assault type, so why don't you act as a meat shield? Don't worry, I'll give you enough firepower to support you in the air. Just let go and attack. "

Looking at Flender's wretched face, Zhao Wou-ki couldn't help being speechless for a while, shook his head helplessly, shouted suddenly, raised his head and chest, and released his martial spirit.

His body swelled against the wind, his clothes suddenly split, and brown hair protruded from his body. In the blink of an eye, his height was over three meters, his heavy breath suddenly scattered, and his muscles protruded exaggeratedly. The spirit rings appeared almost at the same time.

Two yellows, three purples, and three blacks represent Contra's strength.

On weekdays, Zao Wou-ki seldom showed his strength in front of the students, and most of the students didn't know what level this dean was.Seeing the appearance of the eight soul rings at this moment, the audience couldn't help but fell silent, the huge coercion made them almost breathless in the heavy air.

He raised his head to the sky and let out an angry roar, a thick air burst out, centering on Zhao Wou-ki's body, the blue silver grass on the ground was trembling.

At this time, the students watching the battle understood why the five Shrek monsters were all around level [-]. Just now their Dean Flender said that as long as they persist for three incense sticks, they will be considered victorious.What they have to face is a powerhouse of the Contra level!The vice presidents are all Contras, so what about the president?

Flender immediately gave the answer, different from Zao Wou-ki's roar, what he gave was a scream, a pair of huge eagle wings suddenly spread out from behind him, his pupils stood erect, his hands were claw-shaped, with Eight spirit rings with the same color soared into the sky, spread their wings, and hovered above Zao Wou-ki's head.

If only two people cooperate, then the match between Flender and Zao Wou-ki is undoubtedly quite perfect.One was attacking on the ground, the other was flying in the air. The pressure released by the two Contras almost covered the entire space.

The six Shrek monsters looked at each other and smiled, Dai Mubai shouted: "It's our turn. Brothers, we haven't fought side by side for a long time. Come on."

Amidst the violent bones exploding, the white tiger unfolded, Dai Mubai's body also swelled up, the sturdy aura of the king of beasts bloomed instantly, and his evil eyes radiated majesty.The muscles of the whole body stretched out, the sharp blades under the tiger's claws popped out, and six soul rings with the best configuration circled out, and the tiger roared up to the sky, which shocked all directions, and was not affected by the pressure brought by the two deans opposite.

Immediately after Dai Mubai, Tang San and the other five also released their own spirits, undoubtedly, Tang San's release was the least noticeable.It's just that a few blue silver grass with gold in the middle of the blue grew in the palm.But if someone can observe the ground carefully at this time, they will definitely find it.When the Blue Silver Emperor appeared in his hand, all the blue silver grass on the ground seemed to be swaying regularly.It's like a courtier welcoming the emperor.

- off topic -

There is no second update today~ Tomorrow is double update~
(End of this chapter)

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