Douluo's Lolita cut black

Chapter 148 Breaking through the prison!

Chapter 148 Breaking through the prison!

"Who are you going to kill?" Qi Ye turned his head, the dark halos under his eyes lit up, five soul rings of different colors burst out instantly, and the fifth soul ring lit up!

The people in the Wuhun Hall who rushed up felt that their spirits had been severely injured, and Hu Liena, who had cultivated spiritual soul skills and possessed a wisdom soul bone, gritted her teeth and pushed back Qi Ye's black rope hell.

Qi Ye stared at Hu Liena expressionlessly, his eyes burst into flames, and the fourth soul skill, Ice Flame Hell, burned directly from the feet of everyone. In front of everyone in the Spirit Hall who had just been severely injured by the soul skill, they obviously hadn't reacted yet. Those with low soul power instantly died.

The rest of the people who didn't have time to react were thrown into the air by Qi Ye's Lan Haohammer avatars who had injected 120% of their power, and they didn't know whether they were alive or dead.

Tang San didn't stay idle either, he waved the Yan Wang's life-threatening sticker and hit Yueguan and Guigui. The ghost and Yueguan who put all his energy into the martial soul fusion skill couldn't resist the poison of Yan Wang's life-threatening sticker at all. .

Seeing that Tang San was about to succeed, a tyrannical soul power attack suddenly swept towards Tang San and Qi Ye at the same time.

Qi Ye's face turned pale, and the control over Hu Liena's spiritual domain faded away, and although Tang San reacted in time, he was also attacked by a soul power and suffered internal injuries.

"Third brother!" Xiao Wu exclaimed, and wanted to go over but was stopped by Qi Ye with a wind barrier.

"Seven seven!"

"Sister Xiaowu, let's go! Go find Mom and Dad!" Qi Ye covered the eye of the storm with the wind barrier, and with his soul power in his hand, he pushed Xiao Wu and the barrier away from the spot .

Before a few people could breathe a sigh of relief, an old and cold voice sounded——

"Old ghost, Chrysanthemum, why can't you even deal with the two little ghosts, and let them disturb Wuhun Hall's work?"

This voice containing soul pressure caused Qi Ye and Tang San's expressions to change at the same time, and the two looked up, their hearts suddenly sank.

The reinforcements from Wuhundian are here!

Seeing the two leaders with the strength of the five soul saints, the temperature of Qi Ye's body suddenly rose sharply. She stared at the two old men with the strength of the title Douluo, "It's them! Brother! Back then They brought people to besiege Mom and Dad!"

Tang San was startled, not to mention Qi Qi still remembered, but now they are obviously at a disadvantage, judging by the clothes on those two people, they must also be the elders of the Spirit Hall!As for the elders of Wuhun Hall, except for the honorary elders, all of them possess the strength of Title Douluo to be promoted to elders!
Finally, the fusion soul skills of Yueguan and Guigui were broken by Ye Yu and the others, and the five parties each retreated to their camps. Ye Yu and Da Ming Erming retreated to Qi Ye and Tang San, while Yueguan and Guigui retreated there. Beside the two titled elders.

"Third Elder, Fifth Elder." Yue Guan nodded hoarsely to the two.

The two elders glanced at Ye Yu's three soul beasts who were still in opposition to Yueguan and Guimei, and knew that they were already fighting hard inside, so they looked at Qi Ye and Tang San, the only enemies present who could still move. , Said lightly: "Since you have the courage to come to work with the Wuhun Palace, then let's save your life."

Qi Ye stared at the two of them, the lavender part of his eyes became lighter and lighter, infinitely close to silver.Tang San was already standing in front of Qi Ye, keeping Qi Ye behind.

Now that there are four Title Douluo, even though Yueguan and Ghost have been consumed by Ye Yu and the others, they still cannot be underestimated.

"Brother, you take Ye Yu and them away first." Qi Ye glanced at the three wounds that were still bleeding, and said softly.

"Qiqi, what do you want to do?" Tang San frowned, did Qiqi want to face the four Titled Douluo alone? !
Qi Ye stepped forward and looked at the other side with a blank expression, "Wuhundian will not let us go. Brother, I will be fine."

Tang San's pupils shrank sharply, "Qi Qi, don't act impulsively, Xiao Wu has already gone to find her parents, we can find a way to hold on for a while!"

"But, brother, I don't want to see you get hurt." Qi Ye walked past Tang San and stood in the front, now she is standing in front of Tang San, "As I said, I will protect you." Brother. When I am entangled with them, you hurry up and find Mom and Dad."

"Qi Qi!" Tang San looked anxiously at Qi Ye's decisive back.He knew what Qiqi wanted to do now, Qiqi's biggest trump card was her weird pure white flame.But if because of this, Qiqi exposed the element spirit, I am afraid that the future situation will not be much better than Da Ming Erming and Xiao Wu and Ye Yu revealing the identity of the soul beast, and they will also become the sweet pastry in the eyes of the Spirit Hall. cake!
Thinking of the environment that he had dreamed about during the elite competition, Tang San tightly clenched his fists hanging on both sides.

No!He won't let Qi Qi end up like that!Absolutely not!

Hearing Qi Ye's words, the four elders of the Spirit Hall looked at her jokingly.What did this little girl say?haunt them?What a big tone!What can a little girl who doesn't even reach level [-] do?Or is there some strong trump card to say so brazenly that he wants to entangle the four Title Douluo at the same time?
Hu Liena, who had been guarded by the other soul saints of the Spirit Hall, looked at Qi Ye and Tang San anxiously. She didn't want them both to die, but the current posture was a life-and-death situation.She didn't think that Tang Qi, a little soul king with less than sixty levels, could deal with four titled Douluo at the same time!
Tang San still wanted to persuade Qi Ye again, but Qi Ye turned around, looked at Tang San, and said firmly, "Brother, I won't die. We still have a lot of things to do, don't we?"

Tang San was dumbfounded, he knew that Qiqi might have another way to get out, so he used the example of resurrecting his mother when he was born, but he also knew that the price he would have to pay would definitely not be less than the six years of sleeping.

Without waiting for Tang San's answer, Qi Ye took another step forward, "I know you won't let us go, so don't leave."

Yueguan sneered, his face was a little pale because of excessive consumption of soul power, but he could still see the disdain: "It's up to you!?"

"Yes, it's up to me." Qi Ye let go of the force he had been suppressing all this time, feeling it permeate every corner of his body, and even faintly felt full, the veins on his forehead twitched, and the color of his pupils The faint lavender and silver alternated, as if something was about to break through the confinement.

Seeing Qi Ye's state, the Fifth Elder of Wuhun Hall opposite narrowed his eyes, and looked at Qi Ye with a hint of surprise in his eyes. He didn't expect this little girl to have some trump cards.

Seven seven!

Tang San turned pale with shock, he could feel that even though Qiqi's pure white flame hadn't appeared, the current state was the same as when he was in the Clear Sky School and the previous Soul Arena.

Qi Ye stared blankly at the people in Wuhun Hall opposite him, allowing the power to fill his body, continuing to fill every meridian and corner of his body, and his heart, which should have been full of distracting thoughts, didn't even fluctuate at this moment. , some are just decisive.

She is not afraid anymore.

It should be said that even the fear will not be taken into account.

She doesn't care if her brother finds out that she is not the child of her parents and her brother's sister.

The only thing she wants now is to let her brother and the others live without getting hurt.

"I am not afraid of the result!"

[Crack——! 】

Everyone clearly heard a sound that seemed to be a broken chain coming from Qi Ye, and then, the violent air current centered on Qi Ye fiercely tore open the surrounding air, and the blue and silver pure white flames surged out. In the blink of an eye, it filled the entire space here!
Qi Ye's pupils were completely covered in silver!

In another void, Shen Ye, who was dealing with affairs on the throne, suddenly raised his head and looked at the dark void.

His face was cloudy and uncertain for a while, and he stood up suddenly. After a while, he stretched out his slender hands to cover his eyes, and laughed softly: "It really is our blood relatives, I appreciate this momentum."

He said he appreciated it, but the low pressure around him became heavier.

——— Digression ———

It's about to start abuse, come count the tickets to comfort the ink carp
(End of this chapter)

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