Douluo's Lolita cut black

Chapter 158 1st Trial

Chapter 158 First Trial ([-])
"Oh?" You really don't want to fight me?

"Oh." Really, you eat, I'll sleep for a while.

After shouting, Qi Ye curled up on the spot and closed his lavender animal pupils.

Although her consciousness has been lost for a long time, for her, she still needs time to take a good rest and relieve the exhaustion brought about by the endless killing.

001 hesitated on the spot, looked at Qi Ye who was still with his eyes closed, and began to eat meat with his mouth open.

"It's terrible to eat!"

"Oh God! This monster is really terrible, those scientists are crazy!"

"No, Tyrannosaurus Rex is a cruel race!"

Sighs like this rang in his ears from time to time, and Qi Ye, who was on the ground with his animal pupils closed and sorting out the information in his brain, moved his closed eyelids, but they didn't open them.


The sound of iron plates rubbing against the ground suddenly sounded, and the increasingly pungent bloody smell flowed into Qi Ye's nostrils, causing her to open her eyes instantly, and saw the half-gnawed bloody piece of meat.

Qi Ye's eyes moved from the piece of meat to the other long body, with some strangeness in his eyes.

As far as she knew, dinosaurs of the Tyrannosaurus rex race were arrogant and disdainful of the weak, not to mention that the same race also competed and killed each other, but now they would share the meat with her?
"Aw!" Don't eat it fast!

001 was stared blankly by Qi Ye, not at all embarrassed, and his tone was still as fierce as before.

Qi Ye stared at the bloody piece of meat in front of her eyes, images of severed arms and limbs flashed in her mind, and finally, she opened her mouth and took a tentative bite.

Seems not bad.

The sense of taste of the dinosaur race is really amazing.

Qi Ye, who started to eat the meat, thought so.

A week has passed in the blink of an eye, and Qi Ye and 001's daily life is to be observed by a group of people in an iron cage made of special alloy, and write about their growth.

Every time 001 was dazzled by these white "things", his eyes hurt, he opened his mouth and yelled at them, and then bumped into the cage under Qi Ye's calm eyes, his claws persistently stretched out of the cage to think Go tick them off.

The researcher in front of 001 was taken aback by 001's sudden movement, and immediately reacted and scolded "animal" with a smile.

001 couldn't understand the meaning of what the man said. Seeing that she hadn't hooked anyone, she withdrew her claws and shook her head. A trace of depression flashed in her pale golden pupils, which were different from Qi Ye's.

"Aw!" Hey!Why are you still sleeping!

001 yelled as he watched Qi Ye leisurely lying on the ground with a familiar look.

"Aw, ow." I don't want to move, and I don't call "Hi", I have a name.

Qi Ye raised his head and shouted seriously at 001.

"Aw? Aww?" Name?what is the nameCan I eat it?
001 walked up to Qi Ye and stared at Qi Ye curiously.

"Aww." That's what the people in the white clothes called us, just like you called me "Hi" before.

"Ow!" Name!
001's beast pupils were shining, and he yelled "Aww" at Qi Ye again.

I want a name too!
"Oh." Oh.

"Aww?" What's your name?
Hearing these words, Qi Ye paused for a moment before letting out a slow "Aw".

seven seven.

"Aw, ow!" It feels a little strange, so please help me think of one!

Hearing this, Qi Ye didn't answer 001 immediately, but stared at 001 as if he was thinking about something.

"Aww?" Look what I'm doing!Come up with a name for me!

001 saw Qi Ye staring at her blankly, his temper had been not very good and he was a little bit on the up.

"Oh?" Do you really want me to think about it for you?

Qi Ye seemed to be confirming something.

"Aww!" That's right!
Qi Ye blinked the animal pupils, and the pale yellow eye mask flashed past.

"Oh." Miracle.

"Oh?!" I have a name!

001, Miracle let out a happy cry, and even forgot how proud he was a Tyrannosaurus Rex. He happily rubbed his head against Qi Ye's head. The two hard heads collided, and Qi Ye moved away in disgust. He moved his head, but looking at Miracle's happy face, his lavender eyes flickered softly.

The researchers on the side were amazed when they saw this scene.

"Hey! Why don't they bark anymore? They barked so much just now!"

"Could it be a fight just now? Uh, I mean a fight."

"It may be to determine the status of the same clan. Among the siblings of Tyrannosaurus rex, the stronger brothers and sisters are often headed, and then when they grow up, they will consider whether to leave or stay with the weaker siblings."

"Weak and weak members of the same race will be eliminated, but I don't know how long 002 can last."

The misunderstood Qi Ye and Michel didn't care about their expressions, and Qi Ye just glanced at those people indifferently.

——Because the natural world of survival of the fittest is too cruel and real, but 001 somewhat subverted her cognition.Not only did she not attack her "weak" sister of the same race, nor did she disdain or bully her, but she would subconsciously take care of her a lot of the time, leaving half of her food every time she ate, and the half she couldn't finish eating in the end Miracles will eat them.

This specialness is where her miracle lies, so she named her "Miracle".

For their royal family, it is a reason to name people and bestow faith on their families.

By my life, crown your "truth".This is the existence of dependents.

This life lasted for a year.However, when Qi Ye and Miracle were four months old, they were already as big as a minivan, and the laboratory couldn't fit two of them, so they had to be put into a simulated ecological garden, where there would be a fixed amount of food every day. The fire dance or the bloody carcasses of dead animals were placed in a large open space.

Qi Ye, who loves cleanliness, washes his teeth with water every time he sips, and even bites off a banana leaf and chews it in his mouth, using it as a toothbrush to clean his teeth.

Miracle hated such troublesome behavior at the beginning, every time only under Qi Ye's serious gaze, Miracle would slowly imitate Qi Ye's movements to clean his teeth, and gradually, he got used to it.

After the meal, the sun was very comfortable. Qi Ye and Miracle chose a spot with the most sunshine to lie down on their stomachs, their tails drooping to one side, and the two clinging together, they took a nap.

The guard on duty who was in charge of guarding the two tyrannical Tyrannosaurus Rex glanced at the two bars on the monitor, yawned and began to doze off.

—— Digression——

What about Qi Qi who grew up suddenly and can take care of dragons?
In the trial world, only Jurassic World is a doujin world, and there are no other animations or movies interspersed. The trial will not drag a lot~
(End of this chapter)

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