Douluo's Lolita cut black

Chapter 162 23 Gradients

Chapter 162 Two and Three Gradient Changes
"Owen, you guys leave Nubula Island." Because of Qi Ye, none of Blue and others attacked Owen, even a miracle, so apart from him, everyone around him suffered heavy casualties.

"Why did you do this?" Owen still didn't understand why Qi Ye chose this way, "They are dinosaurs! They are different from us! Even if you have some special protection methods, you and them are always the same Different!"

Qi Ye shook his head slowly, "Same."

"What?" Owen didn't know why, and the next moment, his pupils shrank violently because of extreme shock.

Qi Ye's dark eyes turned into lavender animal pupils in the next moment, and the small crescent moon standing upright was crystal clear, even emitting a faint luster in the darkness.

Miracle growled at Owen, and laid his barbed tail in front of Qi Ye. The three animal claws retracted, and he looked at Owen with contempt and hostility.

"You guys get out of here. I will temporarily restrict all the dinosaurs from entering the resort until everyone evacuates." Qi Ye touched Miracle's abdominal muscles. With his neck exposed, Qi Ye turned over and jumped up.


If you are gentle with Qi Ye, you will be rough with Owen.Miracle glanced at Owen unkindly, then roared at the four velociraptors.

"hold head high!"

Bruce understood the meaning of the miraculous roar, and roared at the three dragons beside him, and the five dragons tacitly disappeared into the dark jungle, leaving only Owen who was shocked in place.

After Owen went back, he explained it to Claire and the others. The fat officer gave a very displeased "Tut", but did nothing, because his people were almost dead now, and if he died again, he took a look at the aura field. The heavy Owen pouted awkwardly.

Two giant rescue ships arrived.

Owen and the military team stood at the bow of the ship silently, looking at one end of the island. Two similar tyrannical Tyrannosaurus rex, one blue and one white, stood on the shore, staring at the animal pupils erected into crescent moons. They are waiting for them to leave.

Owen looked at the blue tyrannical Tyrannosaurus rex with lavender eyes, opened his mouth, hesitated to speak, and finally said nothing.

After the ship sailed away for a while, Qi Ye Yangtian let out a roar, and the pure white flames began to spread in a hemispherical shape from directly above Nubra Island, wrapping the entire Nubra Island in a spherical shape, forming a The barrier on the bottom of the sea, where only marine life can pass, also cuts off the detection from the satellites above.

Miracle rubbed his head against Qi Ye and let out a cry.

we go home.

"Oh." Good.

In the first trial world, Qi Ye stayed until Miracle and Bulu died, looking at the animal pupils who gradually lost their spirit, Qi Ye silently accompanied Miracle who gradually lost his breath of life until they were completely gone. With a breath, a drop of crystal water light slipped from Qi Ye's lavender animal pupils, and then he rested his head on Miracle's neck, just like they used to rely on each other to sleep, and fell into a deep sleep.
When she woke up conscious again, she became a group of blue-silver light spots again, while the world around her was silent.

What's this?Chaos?
She didn't know what to do or how to do it now, she could only stare at the dark space, facing the darkness and silence alone.

The blue and silver light spots converged together, Qi Ye didn't know how long she stayed in this extremely long loneliness, and she didn't know how many times she cried because she missed Tang San, she was the only one in this silent world.

Qi Ye's consciousness fell into a deep sleep again in the long darkness. When she woke up, what she saw was a gray world. This time, Qi Ye didn't stay awake all the time. She just glanced at it and fell into a deep sleep again. went.

Every time, Qi Ye would take a look after waking up after a long time, and saw that in a sea of ​​bright stars, planets were born one by one, and then life forms were born inside.

She felt a breath of law very similar to the world she lived in, as well as the life on it, so she floated to that planet, saw that world, walked all the way from ancient times, experienced prehistoric and Ragnarok, and finally developed into an adult The civilization of human beings has erected high-rise buildings, surpassed its own limits, and even developed civilization into the universe.

Unknowingly, she found that she had banned the laws of heaven in this world, and she had become the Tao, using her body as the law, day after day, carrying out the days of distinguishing between black and white rewards and punishments, until she fell asleep again exhausted.

She thought, this way of using the body as the way, she will never come again.

[Second trial, pass.Do you want to enter the next trial? 】

In a daze, Qi Ye heard that he had chosen yes.

Sizhi's coldness woke her up, Qi Ye sat up slowly, stretched out her hands to cover her cold arms and calves.

At some point, she had already stopped in front of Yishan's huge door, and the dark red blood stained a complex pattern on the door, exuding a certain ominous atmosphere, which made Qi Ye feel a coolness from the bottom of her heart.

Qi Ye looked around, there was no other place to go, the only way seemed to be to enter the door in front of him.


She stretched out her hand to push them away, and the piercing metal sound seemed to be repeatedly tormented in it, groaning in pain.

However, the moment Qi Ye stepped into the castle, the door seemed to be closed roughly.It was clearly the darkness where you couldn't see your fingers, but Qi Ye could clearly see the scene in the darkness.

The corridors were densely covered with cobwebs, and the items randomly placed on the floor or walls were damaged but valuable furniture. What was even more weird was that the graffiti on the corridors gave Qi Ye a sense of familiarity.

Step by step into the depths of the darkness, a feeling of coldness seemed to linger in her heart.In the confusion of thoughts, at the end of the dark corridor, suddenly there were subtle rustling sounds, one light and one heavy, as if something was wriggling and walking towards her.

Qi Ye stopped, looking vigilantly at the dark front, listening to the rapid wriggling sound rubbing against the ground, it seemed that there was some kind of joy at seeing the prey.

The broken light tube turned on for some unknown reason, and under the flickering light, Qi Ye could see the outline of that thing clearly—a disgusting and limp body like a slug, dripping with slippery mucus, exuding a strong rotten smell. stink.Its head swelled from time to time, as if something was struggling violently inside. With the popping sound of the meat bubbles, it kept shooting out of the shell and popping out. The scarlet ball of fire stared at Qi Ye firmly. The hungry and greedy eyes of prey made Qi Ye narrow his eyes.

Qi Ye subconsciously aroused Pure White Flame, but there was no movement from Pure White Flame.

Qi Ye's pupils shrank slightly, not understanding why she couldn't summon the pure white flame.

"尜尜尜," a rough and ugly laugh came from the unknown creature, because he didn't know where the mouth was, Qi Ye could only judge that it came from it.

"When you come to my castle, you must abide by my rules. No matter how powerful you are, you will never be able to use it here." It stared at Qi Ye, with strong greed shining in its eyes, as if the next moment It's about to jump up and tear people apart.

Its limbs suddenly elongated, and it swept towards Qi Ye. One side of Qi Ye's body avoided the sweep of the tentacles, but he didn't expect that another tentacle suddenly split from the side of the tentacle, and swept towards her fiercely.


Qi Ye fell heavily on the wall, and while tossing and turning, countless blood-red balls of flames emerged from the dark corridor at once, moving slowly towards her.

"You can't run away! No one can escape my grasp!"

His eyes were full of confusion, the voice was as cold and strange as if it came from hell, the pain on his face and the blood reflected in the mirror on the wall fell into Qi Ye's pupils, a chill went straight from the bottom of his feet Jumping up, at this moment she calmed down strangely.

Why can't she summon the pure white flame?

【Then why did you use the pure white flame? 】

A voice emerged from the bottom of her heart, as if asking herself.

Because the flame of pure white is her power.
[Why do you have this power? 】

Because of what?

Qi Ye couldn't figure it out, the sticky and cold nausea that gradually wrapped her up made her almost lose consciousness.

'Your name should be Qi Ye. '

'May the dark night never come, and may your future be glorious. '

The gentle female voice came to mind, carrying Qi Ye's sense of familiarity and strangeness.

'Your name is Qi Ye·W·Einzfeld. '

Qi Ye opened his eyes suddenly, and traces of blue and silver flames emerged from his body, dispelling the coldness in his body. The monster also let out a scream, and let go of its tentacles in pain, staring at Qi Ye with venomous eyes. furious--

"I am going to kill you!"

"Go back."

A faint silver light shone in Qi Ye's lavender pupils, and the tentacles that were only one centimeter away from Qi Ye's face stopped at a short distance away as if they were hindered by something.

"What?! Brat, who are you!?"

The monster's horrified and resentful voice rang out, Qi Ye stared at the disgusting monster expressionlessly, and his ethereal voice was extremely clear amidst the screams of the surrounding red eyes——

"I am the royal family, the highest law above all living beings."

[Three trials, pass.Do you want to enter the next trial? 】

The familiar reminder sounded, and Qi Ye glanced at the painful monster burned by the pure white flames, and waved his hand, countless pure white flames surrounded her, burning up the filth around her!

—— Digression——

In fact, one of the most ironic aspects of Jurassic World is that the manufactured dinosaurs are also living beings, but they spend most of their lives in "cages" to earn money for humans. However, in the face of the revived dinosaur civilization However, their attitude is to buy and sell them as goods, without freedom.

(End of this chapter)

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