Douluo's Lolita cut black

Chapter 170 Shrek 9 Monsters

Chapter 170 Shrek Nine Monsters

When Tang San and Qi Ye returned to Shrek, the other six monsters were already there, and there was one more person.

That is Bai Chenxiang, the granddaughter of Baihe, the master of Mintang.

Seeing Bai Chenxiang and Ma Hongjun flirting, Qi Ye looked up at Tang San, "Is that Brother Hongjun's girlfriend?"

"Probably so." After speaking, Tang San suddenly said, "Qiqi, how do you know your girlfriend?"

Qi Ye's gaze remained unchanged: "I've always known it."

Tang San choked, thinking of his troubles about Qiqi not knowing the difference between men and women in those days and how to make Qiqi open up later, he was suddenly a little tired.

It turns out that Qiqi knew it all the time, and she just missed saying the phrase "like"
Tang San cleared his mind, rubbed Qi Ye's head, held hands and walked towards the six monsters and Bai Chenxiang who were training: "Let's go, it's time for our friends to gather again."

Qi Ye nodded, and followed Tang San towards them.

Originally Tang San and Qi Ye wanted to scare them, but the moment Tang San and Qi Ye approached them, the sensitive Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu felt the approach of others.

Raising her head, seeing that it was Qi Ye and Tang San, Xiao Wu's pink eyes widened, tears welled up in an instant, and the next moment, Xiao Wu rushed towards Qi Ye.

"Seven seven!"

Qi Ye hugged Xiao Wu who was half a head taller than her, and said with difficulty under Xiao Wu's strength: "Sister Xiao Wu."

"Qi Qi, you little bastard! Don't worry about us to death!" Xiao Wu wiped away her tears and said fiercely to Qi Ye.

"Sorry, I'm back."

Those seven short words made the eyes of the other six monsters who surrounded them turn red.

Bai Chenxiang followed behind Ma Hongjun, and when she saw Qi Ye, she hesitated for a moment, but still cupped her hands at Tang San and Qi Ye: "Sovereign, madam."

Tang San smiled slightly: "Chen Xiang, you don't need to be like this, now you are also a member of our Shrek Nine Monsters, and we will all be partners in the future, without these vain gifts."

Nine monsters. Qi Ye looked at Bai Chenxiang with a look of scrutiny, but it was only for a moment, after Bai Chenxiang was stared at by Qi Ye for a second, the other party's eyes returned to calm.

The others in Shrek also looked at Bai Chenxiang, but after all they were not too familiar with each other, and only Ma Hongjun, who wanted to pursue Bai Chenxiang, said cheekily: "It's okay Xiangxiang! We Qiqi are amazing! With a partner like us, we should be very happy." Lift up your chest and see the world!"

Being interrupted by Ma Hongjun, the tension in Bai Chenxiang's heart also dissipated, and she glared at Ma Hongjun: "I'm not like you."

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting better, the master standing aside came over and said calmly: "Since we are all here, let's start."

Everyone froze for a moment, turned their heads and saw two white shadows suddenly flashing behind the master.

"Eh, Xiao Ao's father-in-law." Dai Mubai looked at the person next to him with teasing eyes, Oscar.

"Father! Grandpa Jian!"

Ning Rongrong looked at the person, and cried out in surprise.

The people who came were none other than Ning Fengzhi, the patriarch of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, and Luo Chenxin, the sword fighter whose arms had been restored by Qi Ye.

"Sect Master Tang, Qi Qi, Rong Rong, Xiao Ao. I'll see you off."

Seeing that the person he was waiting for finally arrived, the master nodded, and then said: "Children, I have discussed it with Sect Master Ning. When you travel far, as elders, it is natural to give gifts."

"Oh?! What gift?" Ma Hongjun's eyes lit up when he heard the word gift.

There was a rare kind smile on the master's face, and the terrifying coercion around Chen Xin suddenly appeared, a sharp sword appeared in Chen Xin's hand, and at the same time, his indifferent voice sounded——

"A fight."

Ma Hongjun suddenly changed color in shock: "Ah?!"

He knows very well that Sword Dou Luo Chenxin is a peak powerhouse of level 97!That is by no means comparable to that of ordinary Titled Douluo.In particular, Sword Douluo Chenxin also has the title of the number one attacking Douluo in the mainland! !

They have all seen Yang Wudi's attack power, and even Tang San suffered a big loss in his hands.But Yang Wudi is only in his early eighties, and Sword Douluo, who is also famous for his attacks, has a formidable strength of level 97.This pressure is really big
Bai Chenxiang glanced at the fat man with some disdain, thinking in her heart, are you afraid?It's just here to train you, and it's not a real enemy.She used this opportunity to forcibly drive away the slight affection she had just had because the fat man helped her resist the pressure.She really didn't want to believe how she felt about a fat, wretched man.

Ning Rongrong fell silent in a rare way, flashing through her mind what Ning Fengzhi said before she came to Shrek Academy.

'Rongrong, do you still remember the rules of this sect? '

"Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect members need to join forces to defeat a Titled Douluo if they want to combine with the auxiliary system!" '

Thinking of her father's words, Ning Rongrong's heart tightened slightly, because she didn't know whether Oscar would win in front of the tyrannical Grandpa Jian.

The master's face turned cold. "You should feel lucky. Being able to invite Senior Sword Douluo to be your pressure for this run-in will not only greatly speed up the process of your run-in, it may also further stimulate the growth of your strength. It will also allow you to find your own strength insufficient."

Ma Hongjun felt bitter: "Senior Jian, can you show mercy!"

Chen Xin glanced at Ma Hongjun lightly, and his eyes fell on Oscar behind Ma Hongjun, with a trace of chill in his eyes; "I am your opponent now, and I will not show mercy. Besides, Oscar, you have to remember. If you If you can’t protect Rongrong well, then I won’t let her go to Sea God Island with you. Didn’t you say that when you left back then, must you have the strength to protect Rongrong? I’ll test it today. I hope you Don't say big words."

Hearing Jian Douluo's words, Dai Mubai's face suddenly became solemn, they could deeply feel that Jian Douluo was definitely not joking with them.

Especially Oscar, the expression of laughter on his face was completely subdued, exuding a special calm temperament, without opening his mouth, he just nodded silently to Sword Douluo.

Qi Ye and Tang San looked at each other, and saw the same message in each other's eyes - "Click to stop".

Ning Fengzhi nodded, walked up to Oscar, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Little Ao, I have always admired you. So I never obstructed your relationship with Rongrong. It's just that one day in the future, if you really When you want to marry the heir of my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, you still can't get around the rules of my sect." Having said this, Ning Fengzhi put away his smile and put on a sharp edge, "As you said, Xiao Ao, the future of going to Sea God Island is uncertain , if something really happens abroad, or when the two of you return, I, the person in charge of the 'rules', is no longer alive, and as the suzerain of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect and Rongrong's father, I can't let go of my heart after all."

Oscar's eyes were fixed, but he didn't speak.

"Dad" Ning Rongrong's eyes were slightly red.

"Today's parting trip, I hope you can prove to me with a battle-my daughter is entrusted to a man who has power, owns the power of himself and his partners!"


—— Digression——

Chick Chick, the black carp's fish head is bald Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick

(End of this chapter)

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