Douluo's Lolita cut black

Chapter 173 The Sword Points to the Void

Chapter 173 The Sword Points to the Void
Huoguang suddenly became proficient without warning, and everyone was shocked to see that Sword Douluo Chenxin, who was supposed to "bath" under the attack of powerful soul skills after the two major boosts, disappeared.But what remained in place was a huge seven-kill sword two meters long and half a meter wide.

This sword was stuck on the ground, and it looked exactly the same as the Seven Killing Sword that Chen Xin was holding before, but it was several times larger.And all the previous attacks seemed to have no effect on it.

At the same time Tang San pulled Ma Hongjun back, a total of six powerful sword lights drew a big kill character in front of the giant sword.And every sword light is black.

That wasn't the color of Sword Douluo's own soul power, but the different dimension revealed by Jian Guang breaking through the space.

Ma Hongjun only felt that the back of his clothes had been soaked in cold sweat. If he was still in the position just now, the result at this time would only be torn apart.

If at the beginning everyone thought that this battle was just a duel, then they now understood that what Sword Dou Luo Chenxin said was not false, and he had no intention of holding back at all.

The sudden increase in pressure made the Seven Shrek Monsters feel breathless, especially Ma Hongjun, who was almost cut into pieces, the twinkling light in a pair of small eyes was surprisingly dignified.

Roar——Under the huge pressure, Dai Mubai let out an angry roar, his legs spread apart, his arms stretched out on both sides of his body, forming an encircling shape, the hair all over his body grew wildly, and the fifth spirit ring on his body already lit up.Circles of intense golden light continuously rose from under his feet, and with each circle of light rising, Dai Mubai's aura would inflate a bit, even the phantom of the white tiger behind him had already turned golden at this moment.

Zhu Zhuqing's voice came clearly, "This is Mubai's fifth soul skill, the White Tiger Demon Transformation, which has similar effects to the White Tiger Vajra Transformation, and can be superimposed and enhanced."

Before she could finish her words, the huge sword stuck on the ground had already risen from the ground, the huge blade was raised, and the strong blue light suddenly slashed down, and a huge blue light blade came straight towards Dai Mubai like a shocking rainbow .

There is no doubt that this huge sword is the martial soul avatar transformed by Sword Douluo Chenxin, although no one understands why he can transform his body into a sword.But let alone them, even an ordinary Titled Douluo might not be able to resist this sword.

"Mubai, continue." Tang San's calm voice sounded.The next moment, he was already in mid-air. At the beginning, Qi Ye condensed all his soul power into Tang San's 10-year soul skill, crowned king, and activated it.

The blue-silver pure white flame instantly attached to Tang San's whole body, quickly recovering Tang San's consumed soul power. At the same time, a tyrannical and tyrannical intent also emanated from the flame, and the huge sword stuck on the ground seemed to be in an instant. The sword energy that was about to condense into substance was split horizontally, just like a person who was about to die of thirst in the desert encountered a water source, desperately drinking the water source he could drink!
A sound of breaking silk like metal tearing resounded in the air, the shocking Changhong was abruptly blocked by Tang San's body, the tyrannical pure white flames constantly rubbed against the shocking sword energy, evenly matched!
When Qi Ye saw Tang San with pure white flames attached to his body, a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes.

But at this moment, a layer of hazy phantom surged from behind the Eight Shrek Monsters, instantly covering the battlefield.Suddenly, everything became unreal, and everything around became a hazy illusion.

Under the enveloping light, the six Shrek monsters all had a special spiritual feeling. Although the scene in front of them became blurred, they could still feel each other's position and the position of Sword Douluo Chen's heart.

Where does this glowing light come from?It was Ning Rongrong's Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda.When Tang San gave Ning Rongrong the spirit bone he got from Shi Nian, Ning Rongrong possessed this ability.The ability brought to her by the Illusory Wisdom Skull is called the Illusory Space.After merging with her Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda martial soul.

The magic space effect, under the control of the user, can increase the mental power of allies by 20.00%, and at the same time establish a spiritual network, so that each other's minds can communicate with each other, and they will not get lost in the illusion.As for the enemy, it will have a psychedelic effect, not only will there be a wrong sense of direction, but it will also weaken the enemy's mental power in the constant psychedelic effect.

After having this spiritual network, the situation has changed. Except for Qi Ye, only the ability of the Lan Hao Hammer was transferred to Tang San's mind, and everyone else transferred their own abilities without reservation. In Tang San's mind, and Tang San was able to make everyone react accordingly and use spirit skills after a quick analysis.

I don't know how much faster it is to transmit thoughts through mental power than to speak with mouth.As soon as Ning Rongrong released this soul skill, the Eight Shrek Monsters were immediately connected into a whole.

The killing word that could tear apart the space quietly disappeared, and Jian Douluo's faint voice sounded from all directions, "In the face of absolute strength, all skills are illusory. See clearly."

In the perception of everyone, the huge sword was raised horizontally in the air. Behind the huge sword, there was a huge phantom with a height of five meters. The appearance of that phantom was exactly the same as Sword Douluo Chenxin.I saw him holding the sword in one hand, moving his body lightly as if he followed the principles of heaven and earth, and swung the huge Seven Kills Sword as if alive. At this moment, the Seven Kills Sword seemed to drain all the surrounding power Generally speaking, whether it was Tang San and Qi Ye's double killing god domain and the special blue silver domain, or Ning Rongrong's magic space ability, they were broken at the same time.Everything around became clear again.

The huge sword in Chen Xin's hand was not pointing at them, but at the void, with a light flick of his wrist, the six swords were completed in one go.A killing character ten times larger than before appeared in midair.this moment.The whole sky became dark.The aura radiating from the dark killing words made them kneel down on one knee almost at the same time. With their joint strength, they couldn't bear this coercion.

When the 30-second usage time of King's Coronation expired, Tang San snorted, a stream of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Chen Xin's voice rang in the ears of each of them, "When the soul power reaches level 95 or above, there will be a qualitative change. Every time you improve, the martial soul will evolve once. After reaching this level, you will no longer stick to soul skills. It is to be integrated with my own spirit. At that time, that person in the Wuhun Hall, relying on the complete fusion of himself and the spirit, blocked my father's nine kills in a row, and injured my father's inner body with the power of an angel. internal organs, leading to death. Skills are important, but the improvement of soul power is fundamental. Without a strong backing, no matter how good the soul skills and soul bones are, they will not be able to play a real role."

Just when everyone thought it was going to end like this, countless chains burning with blue and silver flames rolled up their waists, transmitting a majestic vitality, recovering their internal injuries and soul power.

The light and shadow converged at the same time, and Luo Chenxin, who had recovered his human body, looked solemnly at the countless chains that pierced through the space and popped out.

- off topic -

As for why Qiqi only has the ability of Lan Hao Hammer, it is because Qiqi's pure white flame has not yet fully awakened, cuties, don't forget that this is still in the process of inheritance~
And the ink carp is lazy!Speak with your last bit of conscience ╭(╯^╰)╮!
Next Chapter High Energy Warning ~ Qi Qi and Chen Xin are at war ~
(End of this chapter)

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