Douluo's Lolita cut black

Chapter 178 Meeting

Chapter 178 Meeting
Hearing this, Tang San nodded: "Okay, let me try."

As he said, he took the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover, and carefully injected a tiny bit of soul power.

When his trace of soul power was injected into it, suddenly, blue light bloomed, and the blue triangle seemed to come alive.The dense precious light circulated, and the dazzling appearance when Tang San first got it appeared again.The blue light rippled and fluctuated in the room like water waves.A trace of strange lines appeared on its surface.Tang San could clearly feel that Vast Sea Qiankun's desire for his own soul power subconsciously increased the input.

Ning Rongrong's complexion changed, she took a step back subconsciously, her beautiful eyes revealed a look of astonishment, because she found out.This looks like a small triangle.It actually brought me a feeling of worship.

That was the trembling from the martial soul. With her top-level martial soul Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda, she even felt like she wanted to worship her. What exactly is this?
Ning Rongrong's Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda is not just an auxiliary spirit, but if it is subdivided, it is also the best treasure spirit. This is also an important reason why she can find so many top-level ores in Gengxin City.

But at this time, the feeling that this Vast Sea Cosmos Cover gave her was extremely astonishing.If we say that the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda is a pagoda in the world of treasures.So.The vast sea and universe in front of him is a mountain that will be the top of the mountain.

At this time, everyone was attracted by the dazzling light emitted from the Vast Sea Cosmic Cover, and did not notice the changes in Ning Rongrong.

With the continuous injection of Tang San's spirit power.The blue light became stronger and stronger, and the light was shining.The azure blue triangle slowly floated up from his palm, and it didn't stop until it floated in front of him.And it spins slowly and uncontrollably.

Just when Tang San didn't know why, suddenly, he saw a ray of blood-colored light from the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover, and then, a blue light suddenly shot into the center of his eyebrows.Tang San only felt his whole body tremble, and huge information rushed into his brain instantly through mental transmission.

The rest of the Shrek Eight Monsters were nervously watching the scene in front of them.As a blue light injected into Tang San's eyebrows from the Vast Sea Cosmos Cover, Tang San's body trembled slightly and then returned to normal.But immediately after, his whole body was covered with that layer of dazzling blue light, and his body also slowly floated away from the ground like the cover of the vast sea.

Qi Ye frowned slightly, and with a thought, countless chains burning with pure white flames wrapped the entire room, with an invisibility barrier attached.

She could feel that Tang San was refining that power, which was beneficial and harmless to Tang San, obviously she couldn't let others take advantage of it.

Time passed by every minute and every second, when Tang San woke up from that wonderful world, it felt like only a moment had passed, but the skylight coming in from the window of the room told him that it was already dawn.Unknowingly, one night passed.

The body floated quietly to the ground.Seeing the concerned eyes of his companions, Tang San couldn't help sighing, "This time, the gift from the Heaven Dou Empire is really too heavy."

Ma Hongjun couldn't help asking: "Third Brother, what exactly is this thing for?"

Before Tang San could answer, Qi Ye said: "It's an enchantment, the most powerful that can be resisted, a blow from the main god."

Everyone was as quiet as a chicken.

Tang San glanced at Qi Ye unexpectedly: "Qi Qi, how did you know?" He only knew it through the transformation of the news he had just absorbed, but it seemed that Qi Qi knew it early on.

"I just found out its usefulness just now." Qi Ye replied with a blink of an eye.

Tang San nodded, and explained to everyone, because what Qi Ye said was not comprehensive, besides the ability to protect, it also has three other abilities.

Tang San said: "This is its first magical function, and it is also the biggest magical function. After forming this cover, it is like a room. It can protect us in it. At the same time, after it covers us, it is invisible. Even It doesn’t even have an entity. It not only hides our body, but also completely hides our breath. With it, as long as it is released in any dangerous place, it can protect us. The second function, the first The first skill is called Vast Sea Shield, the second skill is called Qiankun Concentration Cover. There is also a third skill called Vast Sea Kuangtao, and the fourth skill Qiankun Demo. They are all used to attack. I can feel , This thing is very powerful. And the power is directly proportional to my soul power. Among them, the one that consumes the least soul power is the Vast Sea Shield. It only needs to consume [-]% of my soul power, and it can last for twelve hours. Unless the enemy can find it, it must be able to break through its defense before it can hurt us. The Qiankun Concentration Shield can be calculated according to the mental power of the opponent. It can freeze anyone whose mental power is less than three times mine. But it cannot hurt the opponent But we can take the opportunity to leave, even if it is thousands of miles away, the vast sea and universe cover can return to me. As for the power of those two attack skills, I can’t say how powerful they are, but they should not be weak. Because any attack , requires me to use all my soul power. But the strange thing is, no matter how much soul power I have, I can use its attack, and it will absorb all the soul power. It's just that the power of the attack will change accordingly. The Vast Wave is a group attack skill, while Qiankun Pomo is a single target attack skill."

Just when Tang San was talking, Qi Ye suddenly turned his body forward, and the countless chains surrounding the entire room disappeared.

"Seven seven!"

For the last time, what Qi Ye saw was the panicked faces of everyone.

In the magnificent hall, Qi Ye opened her eyes, and there were four magnificent people standing opposite her.

Shen Ye is more familiar, and the other three
Counting from the left, the first one is Shen Ye, and the second one is a man with shining golden eyes.His complicated dark golden costume swayed in the air, and his long golden hair fluttered slightly, each strand of which was condensed with the essence of light.Under the compassionate and handsome face that seemed divine, Qi Ye saw the indifference and darkness in the man's eyes at a glance.

The third is a man with silver eyes.The man's facial features are handsome and gentle, and there is always a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth. Unlike the sharp and sharp, this man is restrained and gentle.

The same feeling as the last man gave her, she could feel the indifference of this silver-eyed man's smile.

The last one is a woman wearing a bright red wide-sleeved fairy dress, and the woman's eyebrows and eyes are full of joy.A beautiful face, obviously so pure and lovely, but this woman in red looks a little strange for no reason, like the legendary manjusawa blooming in hell, extremely strange .

The four of them gave her different feelings, but it is undeniable that even Shen Ye, whom she was more resistant to, at this moment, gave her an incomparably kind and familiar feeling, and her eyes were clearly reflected in their eyes. appearance, with
real smile.

Are you happy?
Is it because of her?

For some reason, Qi Ye came up with such an idea.

You Ye looked at the delicate little figure, covered his mouth and chuckled: "Sure enough, the human figure is much prettier than before. It's the first time we meet, I'm your sister, You Ye~"

Qi Ye was slightly taken aback.

—— Digression——

The nth day when I want to be lazy——If Mo Li is lazy for a day tomorrow and doesn't code, what will happen?
(End of this chapter)

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