Chapter 205
Qi Ye sensed the entire mansion with his mental power, and after confirming that there were no living people, he said to Tang San who was walking towards her: "Brother, there is no one here."

Everyone is dead, so naturally there is no one, only corpses.

Tang San understood what Qi Ye meant, nodded, and took Qi Ye's hand: "Let's go, let's go directly."

Originally, he wanted to take a bath, because killing people would definitely bring blood, but he didn't expect it to be so easy, although he also knew that half of the credit was due to Qi Qi, so that he would not be covered in blood.

Now there is only some hostility that has not dissipated on his body, but the bloody smell is not heavy, because the dead people hardly bleed much.

"it is good."

Qi Yehui held Tang San's hand, and the two of them flashed their figures and walked tacitly. They took advantage of the night and followed the shadows of ghosts to quickly leave the city of Haagen-Dazs Kingdom. When the sky was bright, they The two had arrived at the next city in the province of Haagen-Dazs in the Wuhun Empire.

In Xilu City, in the early morning, before dawn, the high-level officials and nobles in the whole city were already in chaos.Forty-six of the more than 46 soul masters in the residence of the guarding soul master group died unexpectedly, and 37 of them became idiots.The dead also included the leader of the soul masters of the Wuhun Empire stationed in Xilu City, and the blood soul ax soul saint.For a moment, there was a lot of noise in Xilu City, and the city lord immediately ordered the blockade of the whole city, and immediately sent someone to report to Wuhun City, the capital of the Wuhun Empire.

Of course, the Lord of Xilu City also understood that the blockade in the city was futile. Since he was able to kill more than [-] soul masters, how could his soldiers and generals be able to resist such strength?He just prayed that those who killed the soul masters of Wuhun Empire would not come to him.

The Wuhun Empire has its own special communication method, in just one day, Wuhun City, the capital of the Wuhun Empire, has already received the news.

Hu Liena sat upright in the meeting hall of the Pope's Palace, Yan and Xie Yue sat on the left and right sides respectively, looking at the emergency documents in front of her, she couldn't help frowning.

Xie Yue said in a deep voice: "According to the report, the people we sent to Xilu City should have been raided, and then the whole army was wiped out. And the raiders should be masters, and most of the people who were killed were blunt Killed with a weapon, Blood Soul Ax Soul Saint Stanford, I know this person, level 74, Tool Soul Saint, his strength is quite good, and he can't beat him in a one-on-one situation. It turned out that his whole body was broken to death, it should be Suffered from a powerful soul skill attack. Those who became idiots seemed to have been attacked by spiritual soul skills, and some people even seemed to have been stripped of their soul power and life functions by some evil method. Became an ordinary person, and got his head smashed."

Soul power and vitality stripped away?
A flash of inspiration flashed in Yan's mind, he slammed the table, and said angrily: "It must be someone from the Heaven Dou Empire, and it may be that Tang San's younger sister Tang Qi did it! They have always hated us, and they are quite courageous. Ambush us. The loss of more than 80 soul masters is not a small number."

Tang Qi?

Hu Liena and Xie Yue also thought about what happened in the Star Dou Forest back then, but
Xie Yue shook her head and said: "It's hard to say now. Yan, have you forgotten? Tang Qi has already sacrificed under our eyes and under the eyes of Elder Ju. We have seen this with our own eyes, and there can be no fake .Although the cities below are subject to the empire, they were all kingdoms and duchies before. It is not impossible for them. Every country has a group of masters. Of course, this possibility is lower. They can kill silently With so many of us, even a Title Douluo would find it difficult to do it, the number of enemies will not be small. Only by attacking from all directions at the same time is it possible to cause this effect."

Hu Liena frowned, "It's just that it's hard to understand the specific situation at that time with this document. And I also agree with what my brother said. I think that since Tang Qi sacrificed and disappeared before our eyes, she can't be alive. I just think It seems that there is a ghost among them, it is necessary to take a trip. Your Majesty is not here, and such a big incident happened, if it cannot be handled properly, we will not be able to explain it when we come back."

Yan immediately said: "Nana, let me go. I will bring a group of elites there, and I will definitely be able to find out those people through clues. If the Heaven Dou Empire did it, when His Majesty returns, we will have more reason to launch a war against them." gone."

Hu Liena shook her head, and said: "No, I don't feel relieved if you go alone. Since the other party dares to do this, there must be some conspiracy. I will go there myself, brother, you and Yan will stay here to guard."

Xie Yue said: "Sister, before His Majesty left, I temporarily handed over the affairs of the empire to you. How could you leave so easily?"

Yan hurriedly said, "That's right, Nana, you can't go. I'll go."

Hu Liena shook her head, with determination in her beautiful eyes, and said: "Listen to me, the current empire is on the right track and is developing steadily. Our Wuhun City is definitely not something that the enemy dares to invade easily, and there is nothing wrong with it. What happened in Xilu City is similar to the annihilation of Gengxin City’s branch hall more than four years ago. It’s hard to say who did it. I have been entrusted by His Majesty, and I must go and see this matter in person to be at ease.”

After the founding of the Wuhun Palace, Hu Liena's status has also risen accordingly. The title of the saint has not been changed, but she has become the Wuhun Empire's saint. The power is second only to Pope Bibi Dong, and she has the right to mobilize the imperial guards and remove the elders from the Hall of Elders. Other imperial soul masters.With the passage of time, her strength has far surpassed that of Xie Yue and Yan, and she is the most promising member of the golden generation to break through to level 30 before the age of [-].Although Yan has been pursuing her, Hu Liena has always been unfazed and devoted herself to helping Bibidong build and develop the empire, which has won Bibidong's trust.At this time, she had already decided that even Xie Yue couldn't object anymore.

"Nana, do you invite two elders to go with you? The other party is not weak, so you can't be in any danger." Xie Yue said worriedly.

Hu Liena shook her head and said: "No need, Your Majesty has already taken away six elders, and the remaining elders need to be guarded in Wuhun City. Although it is unlikely that the enemy will attack here, the imperial capital is the foundation of the empire, and there cannot be any Shaken. You deal with daily affairs, and if you encounter a strong enemy, please ask the elders to take action. As for me, you don’t have to worry, I will take a death squad. I can deal with any situation.”

Xieyue smiled and said: "That's good. But you still have to be careful on the road. Before you reach Xilu City, don't let those provincial officials know your identity. If they are planning to do something wrong, you will still be in danger."

Hu Liena nodded, and said: "I will leave the affairs of the imperial capital to you. I will set off immediately. If it is fast, I will arrive in Xilu City in about four or five days." After speaking, she stood up and walked out with great strides .

Seeing Hu Liena's leaving back, Yan couldn't help sighing: "Nana is becoming more and more tolerant of a superior, but..."

Xie Yue glanced at him, "Just what? It's just that you still love to ignore you?"

Yan smiled wryly and said: "Xieyue, you said we grew up together, why didn't Nana like me? I remember that she was very good to me when I was young! Is it because of that Tang San?"

Xie Yue said helplessly: "Don't ask me, I don't know. However, I can often see Nana's preoccupation. Don't think too much, just give up if it doesn't work. Speaking of which, you are almost 30 years old It's time to find a partner. Don't delay because of Nana."

Yan said bitterly: "It must be because of that Tang San! That bastard lied to Nana's feelings. Don't let me see him again, or he will be torn to pieces."

A cold light flashed in Xie Yue's eyes, "Tang San is really powerful. Although you and I are conceited, if we really meet him one-on-one, are you sure? Don't forget, back then he was surrounded by so many of you , and teamed up with Tang Qi to kill so many of us. Each of them is much stronger than them. These two brothers and sisters are really terrifying. Especially, his soul beast sister sacrificed to save him. Now He has long hated us. It's just strange that we have spent a lot of manpower searching for him in the past few years, but we have never found any clues. This person seems to have disappeared out of thin air."

Thinking of Tang San's strength in the Star Dou Great Forest back then, Yan couldn't help but feel a little depressed, "I really don't know how this guy cultivated, he is younger than us, but his spirit power is not lower than ours, the most frightening thing is his endless emergence Forget it, let’s not talk about him, Xie Yue, Nana will not be in danger if she goes this time, right?”

Xie Yue said with a smile: "If she brings a Nirvana team, what danger can there be? That is a master trained by His Majesty himself. It is the strength accumulated by our Spirit Hall for decades. There are only five Nirvana teams in total. Each team is led by five Soul Douluo level powerhouses, and is matched with twenty Soul Sage level masters. As long as you don't meet more than three Title Douluo, there will be no problem. And they have cooperated for many years , very tacit understanding, with these masters following, who can touch Nana?"

Yan said: "That's right, I'm worrying for nothing, but caring is chaos! Frankly speaking, apart from Nana, I really can't tolerate other women in my heart. I believe that one day I will touch her."

Xie Yue and Yan's confidence in the Nirvana team was shaken two days later.In just two days, they received five urgent reports successively, and the guarding soul master groups in five cities suffered devastating blows.Not a single sober survivor.

In addition to the previous Xilu City, the more than 500 soul masters stationed in the six important towns either died or became idiots.And the death patterns are different, most of the most tragic group of soul masters guarding the city died of fragmented bodies. The loss of more than [-] soul masters, even a powerful force like the Wuhun Empire, which has the vast majority of soul masters, cannot afford it!
But Xie Yue and Yan had nothing to do. The Nirvana Squad could not be mobilized by their power. In desperation, they had to issue orders repeatedly, ordering all cities and the soul masters stationed in the Wuhun Empire to be vigilant and ready to respond at any time. Enemy attack.After doing this, all they can wait for is news from Hu Liena or Bibi Dong's return.

(End of this chapter)

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