Chapter 212
Seeing that his chains were broken, Qi Ye paused, looked at the five angry people blankly, narrowed his eyes, and more chains popped out from the void, flying towards Tang San.

If one is not enough, then two, if two are not enough, then there are more.

She doesn't just have one chain.

Seeing more chains protruding from the void, the five of them grimaced for a moment, and then started to attack frantically, all in all to prevent Qi Ye from supporting Tang San.

On the other side, Bibi Dong didn't feel well either. With a low growl, a layer of Seagod's Light flashed all over her body, and the dark green light that originally floated on her body's surface dimmed for a moment before recovering.Amidst the muffled hum, he also took a step back.

Of course Bibi Dong wasn't retreated by Tang San's spirit power attack, but the blazing sacred wound brought to her by the pure Seagod's Light.This is the power of the real artifact.Relying on the Seagod Trident in his hand, when Tang San collided with Bibi Dong's second spirit and first spirit ability, even though he suffered a bit due to lack of spirit power, he was proud enough to be able to repel Bibi Dong.He judged correctly, the current Bibi Dong has indeed reached the strength of a peak Douluo, her soul power is not level 98, but level 99.If it wasn't for the fact that she didn't dare to use part of her spirit power, she would only be more terrifying than Seagod Douluo at this moment.

After all, this is land.

However, although Bibi Dong was repelled by Tang San, she also locked onto Tang San's position at the same time. With her rich actual combat experience and strong strength, her death domain exploded at once, quickly eroding Tang San's body. Blue Silver Domain.

The difference between the domains of the two was at least one level, this was the difference in spirit power, without the assistance of the slow domain and the gravity control domain, Tang San's Blue Silver Domain's myriad phenomena quickly melted away.

Seeing Qi Ye being entangled by the five titled Douluo, Tang San pursed his lips, and using his left foot as the axis, he quickly rotated his body in situ, using his calf to lead his thigh, and then driving his waist, back, and finally crowning his arms , the Seagod Trident weighing one hundred and eight catties in his hand flew out like a meteor chasing the moon.

And the golden light on the Seagod Trident didn't disappear after launching the attack, on the contrary became more intense under the infusion of Tang San's Seagod's Light.Countless golden light patterns rippled on the Seagod Trident, the huge halberd blade became as transparent as a golden crystal, and went straight to the five Title Douluo who were still crazily chained.

The moment the Seagod Trident was released, Tang San's Blue Silver Domain instantly turned golden, and Bibi Dong's Death Domain was forcibly knocked back by the Blue Silver Domain that had added the power of the Seagod Trident.

"Be careful." Bibi Dongjiao shouted, not caring about attacking Tang San, and in a flash, she had already arrived beside her five subordinates.

She can no longer tolerate any loss!
The spider spears transformed into both arms changed instantly.It turned into two huge flying black sickles, facing the Seagod Trident head-on.

The five titled Douluo were not fools either, seeing that His Excellency the Pope attached so much importance to the sudden golden light, they immediately released their single-target attack skills without hesitation, and concentrated on attacking the golden trident.

The fire dragon didn't let go of the gap, and took the opportunity to bite it hard.

The faces of the five titled Douluo turned pale, and instantly felt the loss of vitality and soul power in their bodies, so they reacted very quickly and opened the fire dragon that was biting them.

The scythe formed by Bibi Dong's two arms was formed by the soul bones of the left and right arms.These two arm bones fell from the body of a 10-year-old Death Spider Emperor.

It can be said that the same soul beast produces two soul bones, which are also one of the biggest killing moves in her attack methods.Facing the Seagod Trident right now, she used it without hesitation.

In terms of soul power, Tang San was certainly no match for Bibi Dong, even in terms of martial spirit and spirit ring, he was far behind.However, he has a unique advantage that Bibi Dong doesn't have, and that is the status of Seagod inheritor.

Bibi Dong was able to block the sacred light blade that Bibi Dong issued with the Seagod Trident earlier with her formidable cultivation.But the main body attack of the Seagod Trident in front of him is not so easy to resist.

The weight of the Seagod Trident itself reached a frightening one hundred and eight thousand catties.Coupled with the spirit power and Seagod's Light that Tang San cared about.The Seagod Trident that exhibited the ability of its body.Destroy evil, destroy evil, shatter.Three effects occur simultaneously.Even if Tang San can't display its full power now.But this desperate attack is still extremely terrifying.

The loud noise was accompanied by the flashing golden light, and the power of the artifact shocked the audience.

The five Title Douluo were knocked back almost at the same time, their attacks landed on the Seagod Trident, only slightly slowing down the forward speed of the Trident, but also caused the golden light on the Seagod Trident to become even stronger.

It was Bibi Dong who really resisted the Seagod Trident.The pitch-black scythe blocked the Seagod Trident, and Bibi Dong's level 99 soul power burst out.But even so, her body was still driven by the huge force to fly backwards. The three major effects of destroying demons, destroying evil, and shattering attached to the Seagod Trident constantly frightened her body. Cracks spread rapidly.

At this time, Qi Ye's expression suddenly changed, and he looked at Bibi Dong suddenly.

The breath of law?
Facing the mighty Seagod Trident, Bibi Dong roared fiercely, and the six spider spears on her back thrust into the ground forcefully, her arms shook suddenly, and the two scythes exploded at the same time, the strong explosive force finally blocked the impact of the Seagod Trident, At the same time, the cobweb on her forehead lit up again.A trace of purple and green mixed air flow quickly moved over her body, even faintly, a touch of black was mixed in that purple, but Bibi Dong herself didn't seem to notice this unusualness.

There was a trace of pain on her face, but her strength suddenly increased. Suddenly, with a flick of her body, the palms that had turned into arms again rested under the Seagod Trident, and the trident immediately flew out of thin air. A layer of purple-green air flow spread over the trident, unexpectedly forcing the Seagod's Light attached to the locked trident to weaken a lot.

The attack lasted until this time, Tang San was also close to exhaustion, took a deep breath, with both hands, he started to control the crane and capture the dragon.The Seagod Trident was only a hundred catties to him, and under the pull of spirit power, it flew back toward Tang San.

This blow just now, Tang San can be said to have used all his strength, even stronger than the blow he faced with his great-grandfather, after all, he now has level 85 spirit power.It can be said that it is all thanks to the Seagod Trident that they were able to knock back the five powerhouses with one blow.

But at this moment, the Seagod Trident returned, and Bibi Dong, who was surrounded by purple-black aura and had a ferocious face, returned with it.

At this moment, both Tang San's and Bibi Dong's domains had disappeared, Tang San could no longer maintain his own domain in the collision of the previous level, but Bibi Dong's death domain was attached to the Seagod Trident The three-breaking feature directly shatters.

Seeing this, Qi Ye no longer hesitated, his whole body was suddenly covered with a layer of blue and silver light, and in an instant, the world changed.

(End of this chapter)

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