Douluo's Lolita cut black

Chapter 235 Purgatory

Chapter 235 Purgatory
Countless blue-silver flames gushed out from the void, continuously gathering on Tang San's ear wings, and the land that was swept by the blue-silver flames, new vitality emerged from the land, even standing on that piece of land Both sides of the war felt a burst of vitality coming from those flames at the same time.

People who had exhausted their soul power or whose bodies had reached their limit could only feel a surge of vitality pouring into their bodies.

Their wounds stopped bleeding and healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even the lost limbs regrown at an incredible speed.

The people of Heaven Dou Empire got a chance to breathe and relax because of this burst of flames, so why not the Spirit Empire?
The arm of Qian Renxue, who yearned for light, which was chopped off by Tang San also grew back under the washing of these huge vitality, and for a while, her expression was inexplicable.

For people who are physically and mentally exhausted, this strong life force is salvation, but for Rakshasa God Bibi Dong, it is very unfriendly.

An inhuman scream escaped from her throat, and the black energy on her body began to evaporate at a very fast speed.

Rakshasa God represents darkness and death, so relatively, these flames containing rich life energy are her greatest nemesis.

Without anyone doing anything, Bibi Dong already felt overwhelming despair.

Not only the body, but also the soul seemed to be burned together.

This kind of pain seems to be burning the soul.

A black ghost-shaped purple-black gas rose from behind her, like a deadly ghost, uttering sharp curses.

"why why why!?"

"I am the ruler of this world! I am!"

Bibi Dong's face turned black and then blue, as if she was struggling.


Suddenly, the gigantic beast let out another cry that seemed to be whining. Before it could digest the sudden sadness rising from the bottom of its heart, the whining suddenly turned into a roar.



The blue-silver flame instantly turned into silver-white, and the original rich vitality disappeared, and it was just the tyranny that wiped out everything!

The joy of surviving and recovering only lasted for more than ten seconds. The next moment, burning pain rose from the depths of the soul, almost instantly. And the person who reached out to touch those flames instantly became a Pyroman.


A scene like Sen Luo's hell suddenly appeared in everyone's sight.

Everyone watched helplessly as someone tried to extinguish the flames on their companions, or someone who was accidentally touched by the fire man would immediately become infected, winding up along the water-type soul skills, devouring other people who were not on fire in an instant. people.

"Quick—run away—!"

The Titan's Qi transported his dantian, and his roar mixed with soul power awakened the shocked people.

From hope to despair, just in such a thought.

At this moment, no matter whether it was the people from Heaven Dou Empire or Wuhun Empire, they all gave up fighting, turned around and started to run away.

Get out of this area of ​​fire!

There was only one thought in their minds, and they poured their soul power into their legs or flight-type soul skills to flee desperately, lest they be swallowed by the brutal flames.


The giant beast roared towards the sky, its lavender pupils flickered red, with crazy colors, making those silver-white flames more active, and they began to expand and spread outwards!
"Brother Hao, be careful!"

Ah Yin used the Blue Silver Emperor to pull Tang Hao, who was about to be swept away by the flames, towards him, out of danger.

The husband and wife started to flee together, wherever they passed, as long as they overtook others, Ah Yin would use the Blue Silver Emperor to take others away as well.

"what is the problem?!"

Tang Hao let out a low growl, and asked Ma Hongjun who was crazily flapping a pair of phoenix fire wings and running parallel to them.

Ma Hongjun looked back anxiously at the gigantic beast that was still roaring towards the sky, and the plight of those people who were mercilessly swallowed by the fire was also reflected in his eyes.

He watched those juniors wearing Shrek academy uniforms being engulfed in flames because they had no time to escape, suppressing the tears welling up, he said with difficulty: "I don't know."

"Didn't you say it was Qiqi?" Tang Hao couldn't believe that this huge and terrifying beast, which was expanding wildly and burning all the people and plants with flames, could be his daughter. Seventy-seven.

"That's really Qiqi! But it's probably not the Qiqi we know now"

Watching the giant beast's pupils slowly being eroded by crimson red, Ma Hongjun had a terrible guess in his mind.

Ah Yin's lips trembled, and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, flying into the air: "Qi Qi wants to destroy this world."


Tang Hao was taken aback.

"Qiqi's heart has collapsed. I can feel the life force contained in those flames from such a distance, which is much greater than the life force contained in Qi Qi's previous flames. But so much life force cannot let San'er's resurrection proves that San'er is hopeless." Ah Yin's voice choked up, "Qi Qi thinks that since San'er no longer exists in this world, it shouldn't exist anymore. It's better to destroy this world." The whole world, come and bury San'er together."

"How could this happen?!" Tang Hao and Ma Hongjun were terrified in their hearts, they never thought that Qi Ye would have such a crazy idea.

Let the whole world be buried with San'er (Xiao San)!

What a deep feeling that must be.
—— Digression——

Wuhun Empire: We have two gods and a lot of manpower.

Heaven Dou Empire: We have Tang San and Qi Ye.

Qi Ye who fell into madness: Don't try to escape on both sides!
Wuhun Empire & Tiandou Empire: Trembling jpg
(End of this chapter)

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