Douluo's Lolita cut black

Chapter 237 Letting Go 1 Trial

Chapter 237

In the end, Oscar took Qi Ye, the big killer, back to the Marshal's Chamber.

Facing the eagerly looking eyes and Qi Ye's gaze, Rong Rong and Oscar glanced at each other, and they both saw the seriousness in each other's eyes.They didn't tell all the people who were following Tang San, in fact, they didn't even have half a chance of resurrecting Tang San.

Earlier, when they clasped their hands and the strange brilliance appeared, yes, they all got a reminder in their hearts.They didn't lie either. The second skill of the ninth soul skill of 10 years is the light of resurrection of the martial soul fusion skill.

Martial Soul Fusion Skill Resurrection Light: Resurrection condition, within one hour after death, the body is not broken.After resurrection, the strength is restored by 50.00%.Ning Rongrong and Oscar lost their soul power for a month at the same time.

There is no doubt that this is an extremely powerful, even the most powerful auxiliary resurrection skill in history.Just ask, how could the martial soul fusion skills used by the world's number one food-type Title Douluo and the world's number one support-type Title Douluo be so bad?
However, the resurrection object referred to by the light of resurrection is aimed at human beings.But at this moment, it is Sea God, Sea God Tang San that Ning Rongrong and Oscar are going to resurrect.

Of course they knew that reviving a person is completely different from resurrecting a god, let alone whether their resurrection light is useful to Tang San, even if it is really useful, can the cost of resurrecting a person be the same as resurrecting a god?

Anyone would hesitate about these questions, but at this moment, there is no time for Oscar and Ning Rongrong to think.At that moment, if they didn't stand up, perhaps, these people in front of them would have turned into corpses.This is the last hope, when Oscar and Ning Rongrong looked at each other while shouting to everyone, they had already made up their minds.

Resurrecting a person loses a month's soul power, so what about resurrecting a god?Even if they lose their soul power forever, they are willing to give their lives.

This is not only because of the relationship between them and Tang San, but also because of this last hope, under the collapse of the nest, there will be no eggs.If the Heaven Dou Empire really surrendered, would they still be able to survive?It's okay if there is no way, this last glimmer of hope is in front of them, so how can they give up.

Looking at Tang San's lifeless pale face, Ning Rongrong said silently in his heart: Third brother, you have always been the one who sheltered us from the wind and rain and paid for us.It can be said that Rongrong's achievements today are all thanks to you.Today, let Xiao Ao and I return this kindness to you.The big deal is that we will be companions on the road to hell together!

Oscar took a deep breath, "Qiqi, let go of your hand and let's go."

Qi Ye stared straight at Oscar, and the next moment, under the surprised eyes of everyone, he carefully placed Tang San's body on the ground, knelt down by himself, and put Tang San's head on his legs, An ethereal voice sounded: "Come together."

She thought for a while, and probably guessed why she couldn't revive Tang San.

Because Tang San is not only Seagod, but also her opposite star, her recognized partner.

But the Supreme Law didn't recognize Tang San, not only because Tang San's current strength was still not as good as them, but also didn't even touch the edge of the law.

Therefore, the highest law is waiting and watching, just like when parents choose the other half for their beloved children, they will observe and test.Now the highest law is playing such a role.

Assuming that Oscar's and Ning Rongrong's spirit abilities can react a little bit, then if she intervenes, she will have greater confidence in resurrecting Tang San.

Others also thought of Qi Ye's flame that contained a strong vitality, and they all acquiesced to Qi Ye's actions.

Oscar and Ning Rongrong looked up at each other almost at the same time, from each other's eyes, they saw the same answer.The resolute answer: No matter how much they pay, no matter how difficult it is, even if their lives can only be exchanged for a chance, they will never give up.

Moving their steps, they came to stand on both sides of Tang San's body, and at the same time raised their hands, clasped their fingers tightly, their arms were like two bridges built above Tang San's body.

Intense fluctuations of soul power rushed out, one after another the soul rings emerged from their feet, circling upwards.When the last red soul ring appeared, everyone's heart was in their throats.

Although Oscar and Ning Rongrong said they were sure, no one had seen such a thing as resurrection. It was unheard of for them to resurrect a person, let alone resurrect a god.

At the beginning, Qi Ye's resurrection was based on the premise that she was a royal family, protected by the highest law, and at the same time possessed the immortality of the royal family, so she reshaped her real blood body and returned to reality.

But in a sense, it was not a real resurrection, because Qi Ye had never really died.

At this moment, the huge wound on Tang San's corpse was so clear in everyone's eyes, there was no heart in Tang San's chest, and there was no sign of waking up after his last soul collision with Bibi Dong, it was very possible The spirit has been broken.In this case, no one can tell what chance he has to be resurrected.For everyone, this is unbelievable, but in their hearts they have to regard the words of Ning Rongrong and Oscar as their last hope, and they are even more unwilling to believe that Tang San is really dead.

Oscar looked at Ning Rongrong, and said in a deep voice, "Let's get started."

Ning Rongrong nodded, the eyes of both of them lit up at the same time, Oscar's hands had completely turned white, while Ning Rongrong's hands were filled with a nine-color halo.In the eyes of everyone, the other eight spirit rings on Oscar and Ning Rongrong's body became dim, and even disappeared, only the ninth spirit ring suddenly increased in number, blooming with dazzling brilliance, and the two red halos rapidly expanded, covering the entire world. Each other's bodies are enveloped in it.When the two red halos merged into one, they merged into one.The white on Oscar's hand turned pink, while the nine-color light on Ning Rongrong's hand turned white instead.The two colors of white and pink rays of light shone together, and the surging light suddenly burst out.Immediately, the entire conference hall was filled with an incomparably strange energy atmosphere.

This energy breath does not feel aggressive or oppressive, but it still makes people feel how huge the energy contained in it is.

The ten meter, three meter high golden mask quietly enveloped the bodies of Oscar, Ning Rongrong and Tang San as the light spread.The energy that was still fluctuating violently a moment ago suddenly converged at this moment and was completely covered by the light mask. It felt as if it had disappeared out of thin air.However, the scene inside the mask also began to change.

Seeing that the timing was about the same, Qi Ye closed his eyes, countless blue and silver pure white flames poured out from the void, filling the entire hall, and even Ning Rongrong's and Oscar's faces turned rosy again.

The two looked at each other and increased the output power.

- off topic -

There are fewer cuties who left comments recently huh
ps: Some cuties don’t know the update time, Moli will say it again here: Douluo’s update time is 246, at [-] o’clock every night, if there are special circumstances, the group will post an announcement~
(End of this chapter)

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